Author URI: License: GPLv3 */ /* This plugin could never had been done without [Keyring Social Importers]( and [Keyring]( from [Beau Lebens]( Thank you! */ /* Copyright 2010-2014 Peter Molnar ( ) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // Load Importer API if ( !function_exists( 'register_importer ' ) ) require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/import.php'; abstract class Keyring_Reactions_Base { // Make sure you set all of these in your importer class const SLUG = ''; // should start with letter & should only contain chars valid in javascript function name const LABEL = ''; // the line that will show up in Import page const KEYRING_NAME = ''; // Keyring service name; SLUG is not used to avoid conflict with Keyring Social Importer const KEYRING_SERVICE = ''; // Full class name of the Keyring_Service this importer requires const REQUESTS_PER_LOAD = 3; // How many posts should queried before moving over to the next branch / reload the page const KEYRING_VERSION = '1.4'; // Minimum version of Keyring required const SILONAME = ''; // identifier for the silo in the syndication_url field entry const OPTNAME_POSTPOS = 'post_todo'; // options key for next post id in posts array const OPTNAME_POSTS = 'posts'; // option key for posts array const SCHEDULE = 'daily'; // this may break many things, careful if you wish to change it const SCHEDULETIME = 36400; // in tandem with the previous const RESCHEDULE = 30; // You shouldn't need to edit (or override) these ones var $step = 'greet'; var $service = false; var $token = false; var $finished = false; var $options = array(); var $posts = array(); var $errors = array(); var $request_method = 'GET'; var $optname = ''; var $methods = array(); // method name for functions => comment type to store with var $schedule = ''; public function __construct() { // Can't do anything if Keyring is not available. // Prompt user to install Keyring (if they can), and bail if ( !defined( 'KEYRING__VERSION' ) || version_compare( KEYRING__VERSION, static::KEYRING_VERSION, '<' ) ) { if ( current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { add_thickbox(); wp_enqueue_script( 'plugin-install' ); add_filter( 'admin_notices', array( &$this, 'require_keyring' ) ); } return false; } // Set some internal vars $this->optname = 'keyring-' . static::SLUG; $this->schedule = $this->optname . '_import_auto'; // Populate options for this importer $this->options = get_option( $this->optname ); // Add a Keyring handler to push us to the next step of the importer once connected add_action( 'keyring_connection_verified', array( &$this, 'verified_connection' ), 10, 2 ); // additional comment types add_action('admin_comment_types_dropdown', array(&$this, 'comment_types_dropdown')); // additional cron schedules add_filter( 'cron_schedules', array(&$this, 'cron' )); // additional avatar filter add_filter( 'get_avatar' , 'Keyring_Reactions_Base::get_avatar' , 1 , 5 ); // If a request is made for a new connection, pass it off to Keyring if ( ( isset( $_REQUEST['import'] ) && static::SLUG == $_REQUEST['import'] ) && ( ( isset( $_POST[ static::SLUG . '_token' ] ) && 'new' == $_POST[ static::SLUG . '_token' ] ) || isset( $_POST['create_new'] ) ) ) { $this->reset(); Keyring_Util::connect_to( static::KEYRING_NAME, $this->optname ); exit; } // If we have a token set already, then load some details for it if ( $this->get_option( 'token' ) && $token = Keyring::get_token_store()->get_token( array( 'service' => static::KEYRING_NAME, 'id' => $this->get_option( 'token' ) ) ) ) { $this->service = call_user_func( array( static::KEYRING_SERVICE, 'init' ) ); $this->service->set_token( $token ); } // Make sure we have a scheduled job to handle auto-imports if enabled // but delay it for good reasons if ( $this->get_option( 'auto_import' ) && !wp_get_schedule( $this->schedule ) ) wp_schedule_event( time() + static::SCHEDULETIME, static::SCHEDULE, $this->schedule ); // jump to the first worker $this->handle_request(); } /** * Singleton mode on */ static public function &init() { static $instance = false; if ( !$instance ) { $class = get_called_class(); $instance = new $class; } return $instance; } /** * Extend the "filter by comment type" of in the comments section * of the admin interface with all of our methods * * @param array $types the different comment types * * @return array the filtered comment types */ public function comment_types_dropdown($types) { foreach ($this->methods as $method => $type ) { if (!isset($types[ $type ])) $types[ $type ] = ucfirst( $type ); } return $types; } /** * add our own, ridiculously intense schedule for chanining all the requests * wee need for the imports * * @param array $schedules the current schedules in WP CRON * * @return array the filtered WP CRON schedules */ public function cron ( $schedules ) { if (!isset($schedules[ $this->optname ])) { $schedules[ $this->optname ] = array( 'interval' => static::RESCHEDULE, 'display' => sprintf(__( '%s auto import' ), static::SLUG ) ); } return $schedules; } /** * of there is a comment meta 'avatar' field, use that as avatar for the commenter * * @param string $avatar the current avatar image string * @param mixed $id_or_email this could be anything that triggered the avatar all * @param string $size size for the image to display * @param string $default optional fallback * @param string $alt alt text for the avatar image */ public static function get_avatar($avatar, $id_or_email, $size, $default = '', $alt = '') { if (!is_object($id_or_email) || !isset($id_or_email->comment_type)) return $avatar; // check if comment has an avatar $c_avatar = get_comment_meta($id_or_email->comment_ID, 'avatar', true); if (!$c_avatar) return $avatar; if (false === $alt) $safe_alt = ''; else $safe_alt = esc_attr($alt); return sprintf( '%s', $safe_alt, $c_avatar, $size, $size ); } /** * Accept the form submission of the Options page and handle all of the values there. * You'll need to validate/santize things, and probably store options in the DB. When you're * done, set $this->step = 'import' to continue, or 'options' to show the options form again. */ abstract protected function handle_request_options(); /** * This step will do all the required calls for a specific method for a * specific post, parse them and insert them into the DB as comments. * * @param string $method the method to call and work with (eg. favs, comments) * @param post $post WP Post object * * @return None */ abstract protected function make_all_requests( $method, $post ); /** * Warn the user that they need Keyring installed and activated. */ protected function require_keyring() { global $keyring_required; // So that we only send the message once if ( 'update.php' == basename( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ) || $keyring_required ) return; $keyring_required = true; echo '
'; echo '

'; printf( __( 'The Keyring Recations Importers plugin package requires the %1$s plugin to handle authentication. Please install it by clicking the button below, or activate it if you have already installed it, then you will be able to use the importers.', 'keyring' ), 'Keyring' ); echo '

'; echo '

' . __( 'Install Keyring', 'keyring' ) . '

'; echo '
'; } /** * Get one of the options specific to this plugin from the array in which we retain them. * * @param string $name The name of the option you'd like to get * @param mixed $default What to return if the option requested isn't available, defaults to false * @return mixed */ protected function get_option( $name, $default = false ) { if ( isset( $this->options[ $name ] ) ) return $this->options[ $name ]; return $default; } /** * Set an option within the array maintained for this plugin. Optionally set multiple options * by passing an array of named pairs in. Passing null as the name will reset all options. * If you want to store something big, then use core's update_option() or similar so that it's * outside of this array. * * @param mixed $name String for a name/value pair, array for a collection of options, or null to reset everything * @param mixed $val The value to set this option to */ protected function set_option( $name, $val = null ) { if ( is_array( $name ) ) $this->options = array_merge( (array) $this->options, $name ); else if ( is_null( $name ) && is_null( $val ) ) { // $name = null to reset all options $this->options = array(); wp_unschedule_event( time(), $this->schedule ); } else if ( is_null( $val ) && isset( $this->options[ $name ] ) ) unset( $this->options[ $name ] ); else $this->options[ $name ] = $val; return update_option( $this->optname, $this->options ); } /** * Reset all options for this importer */ protected function reset() { $this->set_option( null ); } /** * Early handling/validation etc of requests within the importer. This is hooked in early * enough to allow for redirecting the user if necessary. */ protected function handle_request() { // Only interested in POST requests and specific GETs if ( empty( $_GET['import'] ) || static::SLUG != $_GET['import'] ) return; // Heading to a specific step of the importer if ( !empty( $_REQUEST['step'] ) && ctype_alpha( $_REQUEST['step'] ) ) $this->step = (string) $_REQUEST['step']; switch ( $this->step ) { case 'greet': if ( !empty( $_REQUEST[ static::SLUG . '_token' ] ) ) { // Coming into the greet screen with a token specified. // Set it internally as our access token and then initiate the Service for it $this->set_option( 'token', (int) $_REQUEST[ static::SLUG . '_token' ] ); $this->service = call_user_func( array( static::KEYRING_SERVICE, 'init' ) ); $token = Keyring::get_token_store()->get_token( array( 'service' => static::SLUG, 'id' => (int) $_REQUEST[ static::SLUG . '_token' ] ) ); $this->service->set_token( $token ); } if ( $this->service && $this->service->get_token() ) { // If a token has been selected (and is available), then jump to the next setp $this->step = 'options'; } else { // Otherwise reset all default/built-ins $this->set_option( array( 'auto_import' => null, 'auto_approve' => null, static::OPTNAME_POSTS => array(), static::OPTNAME_POSTPOS => 0, ) ); } break; case 'options': // Clear token and start again if a reset was requested if ( isset( $_POST['reset'] ) ) { $this->reset(); $this->step = 'greet'; break; } // If we're "refreshing", then just act like it's an auto import if ( isset( $_POST['refresh'] ) ) { $this->auto_import = true; } // Write a custom request handler in the extending class here // to handle processing/storing options for import. Make sure to // end it with $this->step = 'import' (if you're ready to continue) $this->handle_request_options(); break; } } /** * Decide which UI to display to the user, kind of a second-stage of handle_request(). */ public function dispatch() { // Don't allow access to ::options() unless a service/token are set if ( !$this->service || !$this->service->get_token() ) { $this->step = 'greet'; } switch ( $this->step ) { case 'greet': $this->greet(); break; case 'options': $this->options(); break; case 'import': $this->do_import(); break; case 'done': $this->done(); break; } } /** * Raise an error to display to the user. Multiple errors per request may be triggered. * Should be called before ::header() to ensure that the errors are displayed to the user. * * @param string $str The error message to display to the user */ protected function error( $str ) { $this->errors[] = $str; } /** * A default, basic header for the importer UI */ protected function header() { ?>

errors ) ) { echo '
    '; foreach ( $this->errors as $error ) { echo '
  1. ' . esc_html( $error ) . '
  2. '; } echo '
'; } } /** * Default, basic footer for importer UI */ protected function footer() { echo '
'; } /** * The first screen the user sees in the import process. Summarizes the process and allows * them to either select an existing Keyring token or start the process of creating a new one. * Also makes sure they have the correct service available, and that it's configured correctly. */ protected function greet() { if ( method_exists( $this, 'full_custom_greet' ) ) { $this->full_custom_greet(); return; } $this->header(); // If this service is not configured, then we can't continue if ( ! $service = Keyring::get_service_by_name( static::KEYRING_NAME ) ) : ?>

footer(); return; ?> is_configured() ) : ?>

' . sprintf( __( 'Configure %s Service', 'keyring' ), static::LABEL ) . '

'; } $this->footer(); return; ?>

optname . '_greet' ); ?> is_connected() ) : ?>

Keyring' ); ?>

token_select_box( static::SLUG . '_token', true ); ?>

footer(); } /** * If the user created a new Keyring connection, then this method handles intercepting * when the user returns back to WP/Keyring, passing the details of the created token back to * the importer. * * @param array $request The $_REQUEST made after completing the Keyring connection process */ public function verified_connection( $service, $id ) { // Only handle connections that were for us global $keyring_request_token; if ( ! $keyring_request_token || $this->optname != $keyring_request_token->get_meta( 'for' ) ) return; // Only handle requests that were successful, and for our specific service if ( static::KEYRING_NAME == $service && $id ) { // Redirect to ::greet() of our importer, which handles keeping track of the token in use, then proceeds wp_safe_redirect( add_query_arg( static::SLUG . '_token', (int) $id, admin_url( 'admin.php?import=' . static::SLUG . '&step=greet' ) ) ); exit; } } /** * Once a connection is selected/created, this UI allows the user to select * the details of their imported tweets. */ protected function options() { // in case there is a fully customized page for options, use that instead if ( method_exists( $this, 'full_custom_options' ) ) { $this->full_custom_options(); return; } $this->header(); ?>
get_option( 'auto_import' ) ) : $auto_import_button_label = __( 'Save Changes', 'keyring' ); ?>

optname . '_custom_options' ); ?>
service->get_token()->get_display(); ?>
get_option( 'auto_approve', 'true' ) ); ?> />
get_option( 'auto_import', 'true' ) ); ?> />

footer(); } /** * Handle a cron request to pick up importing reactions from where we left off. * Since the posts array & the post pointer stays untouched until the import * job if finished, we'll just continuing the import for the next post to process. * * We cannot do the whole import in one batch - there could be a massive amount * of posts to check reactions for - so we reschedule the job to start * immediately after eachother. * We're also not using the batch mode (X posts per page load) but instead * one-by-one so one iteration of the WP CRON event will not take that long * and may not cause issues later on. */ public function do_auto_import() { defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) or define( 'WP_IMPORTING', true ); do_action( 'import_start' ); set_time_limit( 0 ); // In case auto-import has been disabled, clear all jobs and bail if ( !$this->get_option( 'auto_import' ) ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'keyring_' . static::SLUG . '_import_auto' ); return; } // Need a token to do anything with this if ( !$this->service->get_token() ) return; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/import.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/post.php'; require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/comment.php'; $this->auto_import = true; $next = 0; $position = 0; $this->get_posts(); if ( !$this->finished ) { $position = $this->get_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTPOS, 0); if ( !is_array($this->posts) || !isset($this->posts[$position]) ) return new Keyring_Error( 'keyring-reactions-post-not-set', __( 'The post to work with does not exist in the posts array. Something is definitely wrong.', 'keyring' ) ); $todo = $this->posts[$position]; $msg = sprintf(__('Starting auto import for #%s', 'keyring'), $todo['post_id']); Keyring_Util::debug($msg); foreach ( $this->methods as $method => $type ) { $msg = sprintf(__('Processing %s for post #%s', 'keyring'), $method, $todo['post_id']); Keyring_Util::debug($msg); $result = $this->make_all_requests( $method, $todo ); if ( Keyring_Util::is_error( $result ) ) print $result; } $next = $position+1; // we're done, clean up if ($next >= sizeof($this->posts)) { $this->finished = true; $this->cleanup(); Keyring_Util::debug( static::SLUG . ' auto import finished' ); // set the original schedule, starting with the defined next offset wp_reschedule_event( time() + static::SCHEDULETIME, static::SCHEDULE , $this->schedule ); } // we're not finished yet else { $this->set_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTPOS, $next ); Keyring_Util::debug( static::SLUG . ' auto import: there is more coming' ); // the next run of this very job should be // near immediate, otherwise we'd never finish with all the post; // event this way a few thousand posts will result in issues // for sure, so there has to be something wp_reschedule_event( time() + static::RESCHEDULE , $this->optname, $this->schedule ); } } do_action( 'import_end' ); } /** * Hooked into ::dispatch(), this just handles triggering the import and then dealing with * any value returned from it. */ function do_import() { set_time_limit( 0 ); $res = $this->import(); if ( true !== $res ) { echo '

'; if ( Keyring_Util::is_error( $res ) ) { $http = $res->get_error_message(); // The entire HTTP object is passed back if it's an error if ( 400 == wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $http ) ) { printf( __( "Received an error from %s. Please wait for a while then try again.", 'keyring' ), static::LABEL ); } else if ( in_array( wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $http ), array( 502, 503 ) ) ) { printf( __( "%s is currently experiencing problems. Please wait for a while then try again.", 'keyring' ), static::LABEL ); } else { // Raw dump, sorry echo '

' . sprintf( __( "We got an unknown error back from %s. This is what they said.", 'keyring' ), static::LABEL ) . '

'; $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $http ); echo '
					print_r( $body );
					echo '
'; } } else { _e( 'Something went wrong. Please try importing again in a few minutes (your details have been saved and the import will continue from where it left off).', 'keyring' ); } echo '

'; $this->footer(); // header was already done in import() } } /** * Iterate through X of the matching posts and pull reactions for them before * reloading the page or finishing up. * Since there is no persistent cache by default in WP we're using the DB to * store the current pointer of which post should be done next on the posts * array which is also stored in the DB (until the import is done and the * array & the pointer is resetted ). */ function import() { defined( 'WP_IMPORTING' ) or define( 'WP_IMPORTING', true ); do_action( 'import_start' ); $num = 0; $next = 0; $position = 0; $this->header(); echo '

' . __( 'Importing Reactions...' ) . '

'; $this->get_posts(); while ( !$this->finished && $num < static::REQUESTS_PER_LOAD ) { echo "

"; $position = $this->get_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTPOS, 0); if ( !is_array($this->posts) || !isset($this->posts[$position]) ) { $this->cleanup(); return new Keyring_Error( 'keyring-reactions-post-not-set', __( 'The post to work with does not exist in the posts array. Something is definitely wrong. I\'m resetting myself now, please try importing again.', 'keyring' ) ); } $todo = $this->posts[$position]; foreach ( $this->methods as $method => $type ) { $msg = sprintf(__('Processing %s for post #%s
', 'keyring'), $method, $todo['post_id']); Keyring_Util::debug($msg); echo $msg; $result = $this->make_all_requests( $method, $todo ); if ( Keyring_Util::is_error( $result ) ) print $result; } echo "

"; $next = $position+1; if ($next >= sizeof($this->posts)) { $this->finished = true; break; } $this->set_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTPOS, $next ); $num+=1; } if ( $this->finished ) { $this->importer_goto( 'done', 1 ); } else { $this->importer_goto( 'import' ); } $this->footer(); do_action( 'import_end' ); return true; } /** * To keep the process moving while avoiding memory issues, it's easier to just * end a response (handling a set chunk size) and then start another one. Since * we don't want to have the user sit there hitting "next", we have this helper * which includes some JS to keep things bouncing on to the next step (while * there is a next step). * * @param string $step Which step should we direct the user to next? * @param int $seconds How many seconds should we wait before auto-redirecting them? Set to null for no auto-redirect. */ function importer_goto( $step, $seconds = 3 ) { echo '
'; echo wp_nonce_field( static::SLUG . '-import', '_wpnonce', true, false ); echo wp_referer_field( false ); echo '

'; echo '
'; if ( null !== $seconds ) : ?>header(); echo '

' . __( 'All done!', 'keyring' ) . '

'; echo '

' . sprintf( __( 'Check out all your new comments.', 'keyring' ), admin_url( 'edit-comments.php' ) ) . '

'; $this->footer(); $this->cleanup(); do_action( 'import_done', $this->optname ); do_action( 'keyring_import_done', $this->optname ); } /** * reset internal variables */ function cleanup() { $this->set_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTS, array() ); $this->set_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTPOS , 0 ); } /** * Gets all posts with their syndicated url matching self::SILONAME * The matching posts will be stored in the DB because we need them in between * page loads and from scheduled cron events. * Then the import is finished for all the posts, the entry will be nulled. * */ function get_posts ( ) { $posts = $this->get_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTS ); // we are in the middle of a run if (!empty($posts)) { $this->posts = $posts; return true; } //load this for test, in case you need it for a specific post only //$raw = array ( get_post( 8180 )); $args = array ( 'meta_key' => 'syndication_urls', 'post_type' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', ); $raw = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $raw as $p ) { $syndication_urls = get_post_meta ( $p->ID, 'syndication_urls', true ); if (strstr( $syndication_urls, static::SILONAME )) { $syndication_urls = explode("\n", $syndication_urls ); foreach ( $syndication_urls as $url ) { if (strstr( $url, static::SILONAME )) { $posts[] = array ( 'post_id' => $p->ID, 'syndication_url' => $url, ); } } } } $this->posts = $posts; $this->set_option( static::OPTNAME_POSTS, $posts); } /** * Comment inserter * * @param string &$post_id post ID * @param array &$comment array formatted to match a WP Comment requirement * @param mixed &$raw Raw format of the comment, like JSON response from the provider * @param string &$avatar Avatar string to be stored as comment meta * */ function insert_comment ( &$post_id, &$comment, &$raw, &$avatar = '' ) { $comment_id = false; //test if we already have this imported $args = array( 'author_email' => $comment['comment_author_email'], 'post_id' => $post_id, ); // so if the type is comment and you add type = 'comment', WP will not return the comments // such logical! if ( $comment['comment_type'] != 'comment') $args['type'] = $comment['comment_type']; // in case it's a fav or a like, the date field is not always present // but there should be only one of those, so the lack of a date field indicates // that we should not look for a date when checking the existence of the // comment if ( isset( $comment['comment_date']) && !empty($comment['comment_date']) ) { // in case you're aware of a nicer way of doing this, please tell me // or commit a change... $tmp = explode ( " ", $comment['comment_date'] ); $d = explode( "-", $tmp[0]); $t = explode (':',$tmp[1]); $args['date_query'] = array( 'year' => $d[0], 'monthnum' => $d[1], 'day' => $d[2], 'hour' => $t[0], 'minute' => $t[1], 'second' => $t[2], ); //test if we already have this imported Keyring_Util::debug(sprintf(__('checking comment existence for %s (with date) for post #%s','keyring'), $comment['comment_author_email'], $post_id)); } else { // we do need a date $comment['comment_date'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $comment['comment_date_gmt'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); //test if we already have this imported Keyring_Util::debug(sprintf(__('checking comment existence for %s (no date) for post #%s','keyring'), $comment['comment_author_email'], $post_id)); } $existing = get_comments($args); // no matching comment yet, insert it if (empty($existing)) { // disable flood control, just in case remove_filter('check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10, 3); Keyring_Util::debug(sprintf(__('inserting comment for post #%s','keyring'), $post_id)); // add comment // DON'T use wp_new_comment - if there are like ~1k reactions, // Akismet, flood control, mail notifications & all would kick in // and no one wants thousands of mails sent from their WordPress // because that is usually a hacked system indicator if ( $comment_id = wp_insert_comment($comment) ) { // add avatar for later use if present if (!empty($avatar)) { update_comment_meta( $comment_id, 'avatar', $avatar ); } // full raw response for the vote, just in case update_comment_meta( $comment_id, $this->optname, $raw ); // info $r = sprintf (__("New %s #%s from %s imported from %s for #%s", 'keyring'), $comment['comment_type'], $comment_id, $comment['comment_author'], self::SILONAME, $post_id ); } // re-add flood control add_filter('check_comment_flood', 'check_comment_flood_db', 10, 3); } else { // info $r = sprintf (__("Already exists: %s from %s for #%s", 'keyring'), $comment['comment_type'], $comment['comment_author'], $post_id ); } Keyring_Util::debug($r); return $comment_id; } } function keyring_register_reactions( $slug, $class, $plugin, $info = false ) { global $_keyring_reactions; //$slug = preg_replace( '/[^a-z_]/', '', $slug ); $_keyring_reactions[$slug] = call_user_func( array( $class, 'init' ) ); if ( !$info ) $info = __( 'Import reactions from %s and save them as Comments within WordPress.', 'keyring' ); $name = $class::LABEL; register_importer( $slug, $name, sprintf( $info, $class::LABEL ), array( $_keyring_reactions[$slug], 'dispatch' ) ); // Handle auto-import requests add_action( 'keyring-' . $class::SLUG . '_import_auto' , array( $_keyring_reactions[$slug], 'do_auto_import' ) ); } $keyring_reactions = glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . "/importers/*.php" ); $keyring_reactions = apply_filters( 'keyring_reactions', $keyring_reactions ); foreach ( $keyring_reactions as $keyring_reaction ) require $keyring_reaction; unset( $keyring_reactions, $keyring_reaction ); ?>