background1280x1024.png #000000 6,512 350,25 #fafafa 758,512 350,25 #fafafa 8,552 1264,464 #111111 #151515 #222222 #333333 Drag with mouse to control sound playback. Drop tracks from external file manager here 1 241,6 798,66 #222222 #455282 #dddddd #0099FF #00FF00 #2D3439 true cue_point CUE loop_start_position loop_end_position loop_enabled loop_start_position IN loop_end_position OUT hotcue_1_position HOTCUE 1 center #0033FF #FFFFFF hotcue_2_position HOTCUE 2 center #FF0000 #FFFFFF hotcue_3_position HOTCUE 3 center #FF00FF #FFFFFF hotcue_4_position HOTCUE 4 center #009900 #FFFFFF Drag with mouse to control sound playback. Drop tracks from external file manager here 2 241,75 798,66 #222222 #a2232a #dddddd #0099FF #00FF00 #2D3439 true cue_point CUE loop_start_position loop_end_position loop_enabled loop_start_position IN loop_end_position OUT hotcue_1_position HOTCUE 1 center #0033FF #FFFFFF hotcue_2_position HOTCUE 2 center #FF0000 #FFFFFF hotcue_3_position HOTCUE 3 center #FF00FF #FFFFFF hotcue_4_position HOTCUE 4 center #009900 #FFFFFF Overview display of waveform 1 11,152 488,47 #333333 #455282 #ffffff [Channel1],playposition false Overview display of waveform 2 781,152 488,47 #333333 #a2232a #ffffff [Channel2],playposition false Channel[1] output volume display btn_volumeh_display_over.png btn_volumeh_display.png 340,250 true 5 200 [Channel1],VuMeter Channel[2] output volume display btn_volumeh_display_over.png btn_volumeh_display.png 800,250 true 5 200 [Channel2],VuMeter Master output volume display, L btn_volume_display_over.png btn_volume_display.png 516,190 false 5 200 [Master],VuMeterL Master output volume display, R btn_volume_display_over.png btn_volume_display.png 748,190 false 5 200 [Master],VuMeterR Peak Indicator btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 480,253 [Channel1],PeakIndicator Peak Indicator btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 940,253 [Channel2],PeakIndicator Peak Indicator btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 519,180 [Master],PeakIndicator Peak Indicator btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 751,180 [Master],PeakIndicator Track information display 1 12,210 488,20 13 left Track information display 2 780,210 488,20 13 right Tempo display (BPM=Beat Per Minute) 1 12, 250 110,20 12 left 6 [Channel1],bpm Tempo display (BPM=Beat Per Minute) 2 1158,250 110,20 12 right 6 [Channel2],bpm Play position/remaining time 1 142,250 180,20 12 left 6 [Channel1],playposition Play position/remaining time 2 958,250 180,20 12 6 left [Channel2],playposition Pitch rate display 1 450,306 60,20 10 left 3 #cccccc [Channel1],rate Pitch rate display 2 790,306 60,20 10 left 3 #cccccc [Channel2],rate Channel 1 volume control knob_volume.png slider_volume.png 604,300 false [Channel1],volume false Channel 2 volume control knob_volume.png slider_volume.png 664,300 false [Channel2],volume false Crossfader knob_crossfader.png slider_crossfader.png 537,486 true [Master],crossfader false Pitch control knob_volume.png slider_pitch.png 476,328 false [Channel1],rate false Pitch control knob_volume.png slider_pitch.png 788,328 false [Channel2],rate false Left Click: Pause/play, Right Click: Set cue point 2 0 btn_play.png btn_play.png 1 btn_play1_over.png btn_play1_over.png 300,320 [Channel1],play true LeftButton [Channel1],cue_set true RightButton Left Click: Pause/play, Right Click: Set cue point 2 0 btn_play.png btn_play.png 1 btn_play2_over.png btn_play2_over.png 870,320 [Channel2],play true LeftButton [Channel2],cue_set true RightButton Go to and play (while playing), Set cue point (while stopped), Go to and stop (right-click) 1 0 btn_cue1_over.png btn_cue.png 357,400 [Channel1],cue_default true LeftButton [Channel1],cue_gotoandstop true RightButton Go to and play (while playing), Set cue point (while stopped), Go to and stop (right-click) 1 0 btn_cue2_over.png btn_cue.png 927,400 [Channel2],cue_default true LeftButton [Channel2],cue_gotoandstop true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue11_over.png btn_hotcue1.png 300,490 [Channel1],hotcue_1_activate true LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_1_activate false LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_1_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue21_over.png btn_hotcue2.png 328,490 [Channel1],hotcue_2_activate true LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_2_activate false LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_2_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue31_over.png btn_hotcue3.png 357,490 [Channel1],hotcue_3_activate true LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_3_activate false LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_3_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue41_over.png btn_hotcue4.png 385,490 [Channel1],hotcue_4_activate true LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_4_activate false LeftButton [Channel1],hotcue_4_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue12_over.png btn_hotcue1.png 870,490 [Channel2],hotcue_1_activate true LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_1_activate false LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_1_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue22_over.png btn_hotcue2.png 898,490 [Channel2],hotcue_2_activate true LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_2_activate false LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_2_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue32_over.png btn_hotcue3.png 927,490 [Channel2],hotcue_3_activate true LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_3_activate false LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_3_clear true RightButton Set and activate Hotcue, delete Hotcue (right-click) 1 0 btn_hotcue42_over.png btn_hotcue4.png 955,490 [Channel2],hotcue_4_activate true LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_4_activate false LeftButton [Channel2],hotcue_4_clear true RightButton Reverse playback Channel 1 1 0 btn_back1_over.png btn_back.png 300,400 [Channel1],reverse true LeftButton [Channel1],reverse false LeftButton Reverse playback Channel 2 1 0 btn_back2_over.png btn_back.png 870,400 [Channel2],reverse true LeftButton [Channel2],reverse false LeftButton Left: Fast forward, Right: Jump to end of track 1 0 btn_forward1_over.png btn_forward.png 357,433 [Channel1],fwd true LeftButton [Channel1],fwd false LeftButton [Channel1],end true RightButton Left: Fast rewind, Right: Jump to begin of track 1 0 btn_rewind1_over.png btn_rewind.png 300,433 [Channel1],back true LeftButton [Channel1],back false LeftButton [Channel1],start true RightButton Left: Fast forward, Right: Jump to end of track 1 0 btn_forward2_over.png btn_forward.png 927,433 [Channel2],fwd true LeftButton [Channel2],fwd false LeftButton [Channel2],end true RightButton Left: Fast rewind, Right: Jump to begin of track 1 0 btn_rewind2_over.png btn_rewind.png 870,433 [Channel2],back true LeftButton [Channel2],back false LeftButton [Channel2],start true RightButton Synchronize tempo with Channel 2 1 0 btn_sync_over.png btn_sync.png 442,490 [Channel1],beatsync true LeftButton Left: Synchronize tempo with Channel 1 1 0 btn_sync_over.png btn_sync.png 790,490 [Channel2],beatsync true LeftButton Left Click: Increase pitch, Right Click: Increase pitch in small step 1 0 btn_pitch_up_over.png btn_pitch_up.png 440,374 [Channel1],rate_perm_up true LeftButton [Channel1],rate_perm_up_small true RightButton Left Click: Increase pitch, Right Click: Increase pitch in small step 1 0 btn_pitch_up_over.png btn_pitch_up.png 820,374 [Channel2],rate_perm_up true LeftButton [Channel2],rate_perm_up_small true RightButton Left Click: Decrease pitch, Right Click: Decrease pitch in small step 1 0 btn_pitch_down_over.png btn_pitch_down.png 440,404 [Channel1],rate_perm_down true LeftButton [Channel1],rate_perm_down_small true RightButton Left: Decrease pitch, Right: Decrease pitch in small step 1 0 btn_pitch_down_over.png btn_pitch_down.png 820,404 [Channel2],rate_perm_down true LeftButton [Channel2],rate_perm_down_small true RightButton Left: Temporary increase pitch, Right: Temporary increase pitch in small step 1 0 btn_nudge_up_over.png btn_nudge_up.png 440,335 [Channel1],rate_temp_up true LeftButton [Channel1],rate_temp_up false LeftButton [Channel1],rate_temp_up_small true RightButton [Channel1],rate_temp_up_small false RightButton Left: Temporary increase pitch, Right: Temporary increase pitch in small step 1 0 btn_nudge_up_over.png btn_nudge_up.png 820,335 [Channel2],rate_temp_up true LeftButton [Channel2],rate_temp_up false LeftButton [Channel2],rate_temp_up_small true RightButton [Channel2],rate_temp_up_small false RightButton Left Click: Temporary decrease pitch, Right Click: Temporary decrease pitch in small step 1 0 btn_nudge_down_over.png btn_nudge_down.png 440,442 [Channel1],rate_temp_down true LeftButton [Channel1],rate_temp_down false LeftButton [Channel1],rate_temp_down_small true RightButton [Channel1],rate_temp_down_small false RightButton Left Click: Temporary decrease pitch, Right Click: Temporary decrease pitch in small step 1 0 btn_nudge_down_over.png btn_nudge_down.png 820,442 [Channel2],rate_temp_down true LeftButton [Channel2],rate_temp_down false LeftButton [Channel2],rate_temp_down_small true RightButton [Channel2],rate_temp_down_small false RightButton Headphone prelisten for Channel 1 2 0 btn_pfl.png btn_pfl.png 1 btn_pfl_over.png btn_pfl1_over.png 524,430 [Channel1],pfl Headphone prelisten for Channel 2 2 0 btn_pfl.png btn_pfl.png 1 btn_pfl_over.png btn_pfl2_over.png 714,430 [Channel2],pfl > End of track mode control 3 0 btn_trackmode_stop.png btn_trackmode_stop.png 1 btn_trackmode_next.png btn_trackmode_next.png 2 btn_trackmode_loop.png btn_trackmode_loop.png 460,208 [Channel1],TrackEndMode End of track mode control 3 0 btn_trackmode_stop.png btn_trackmode_stop.png 1 btn_trackmode_next.png btn_trackmode_next.png 2 btn_trackmode_loop.png btn_trackmode_loop.png 1230,208 [Channel2],TrackEndMode Apply flanger effect 2 0 btn_fx.png btn_fx.png 1 btn_fx1_over.png btn_fx1_over.png 80,440 [Channel1],flanger Apply flanger effect 2 0 btn_fx.png btn_fx.png 1 btn_fx2_over.png btn_fx2_over.png 1140,440 [Channel2],flanger Temporary treble kill 2 0 btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 1 btn_kill.png btn_kill_over.png 566,286 [Channel1],filterHighKill true LeftButton Temporary mid kill 2 0 btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 1 btn_kill.png btn_kill_over.png 566,342 [Channel1],filterMidKill true LeftButton Temporary bass kill 2 0 btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 1 btn_kill.png btn_kill_over.png 566,394 [Channel1],filterLowKill true LeftButton Temporary treble kill 2 0 btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 1 btn_kill.png btn_kill_over.png 706,286 [Channel2],filterHighKill true LeftButton Temporary mid kill 2 0 btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 1 btn_kill.png btn_kill_over.png 706,342 [Channel2],filterMidKill true LeftButton Temporary bass kill 2 0 btn_kill_over.png btn_kill.png 1 btn_kill.png btn_kill_over.png 706,394 [Channel2],filterLowKill true LeftButton Loop-In [Channel1] 1 0 btn_loop_in1_over.png btn_loop_in.png 20,330 [Channel1],loop_in true LeftButton [Channel1],loop_in false LeftButton Loop-Out Channel1] 1 0 btn_loop_out1_over.png btn_loop_out.png 80,330 [Channel1],loop_out true LeftButton [Channel1],loop_out false LeftButton Reloop/Exit 1 0 btn_loop_reloop1_over.png btn_loop_reloop.png 140,330 [Channel1],reloop_exit true LeftButton [Channel1],reloop_exit false LeftButton Loop-In 1 0 btn_loop_in2_over.png btn_loop_in.png 1090,330 [Channel2],loop_in true LeftButton [Channel2],loop_in false LeftButton Loop-Out 1 0 btn_loop_out2_over.png btn_loop_out.png 1150,330 [Channel2],loop_out true LeftButton [Channel2],loop_out false LeftButton Reloop/Exit 1 0 btn_loop_reloop2_over.png btn_loop_reloop.png 1210,330 [Channel2],reloop_exit true LeftButton [Channel2],reloop_exit false LeftButton Master volume control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 594,174 [Master],volume Master balance control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 656,174 [Master],balance Flanger delay control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 150,508 [Flanger],lfoDelay Flanger depth control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 88,508 [Flanger],lfoDepth Flanger period control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 25,508 [Flanger],lfoPeriod Flanger delay control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 1216,508 [Flanger],lfoDelay Flanger depth control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 1150,508 [Flanger],lfoDepth Flanger period control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 1090,508 [Flanger],lfoPeriod Headphone volume control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 656,236 [Master],headVolume Headphone mix control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 594,236 [Master],headMix Gain control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 540,174 [Channel1],pregain Treble filter control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 540,256 [Channel1],filterHigh Mid filter control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 540,312 [Channel1],filterMid Bass filter control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 540,364 [Channel1],filterLow Gain control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 709,174 [Channel2],pregain Treble filter control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 709,256 [Channel2],filterHigh Mid filter control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 709,312 [Channel2],filterMid Bass filter control 29 knob_rotate_%1.png 709,364 [Channel2],filterLow