1051 lines
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1051 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` class, an enhanced ``datetime``
from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, tzinfo
from dateutil import tz as dateutil_tz
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta
from math import trunc
import calendar
import sys
import warnings
from arrow import util, locales, parser, formatter
class Arrow(object):
'''An :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object.
Implements the ``datetime`` interface, behaving as an aware ``datetime`` while implementing
additional functionality.
:param year: the calendar year.
:param month: the calendar month.
:param day: the calendar day.
:param hour: (optional) the hour. Defaults to 0.
:param minute: (optional) the minute, Defaults to 0.
:param second: (optional) the second, Defaults to 0.
:param microsecond: (optional) the microsecond. Defaults 0.
:param tzinfo: (optional) A timezone expression. Defaults to UTC.
.. _tz-expr:
Recognized timezone expressions:
- A ``tzinfo`` object.
- A ``str`` describing a timezone, similar to 'US/Pacific', or 'Europe/Berlin'.
- A ``str`` in ISO-8601 style, as in '+07:00'.
- A ``str``, one of the following: 'local', 'utc', 'UTC'.
>>> import arrow
>>> arrow.Arrow(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30, 45)
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:45+00:00]>
resolution = datetime.resolution
_ATTRS = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond']
_ATTRS_PLURAL = ['{0}s'.format(a) for a in _ATTRS]
def __init__(self, year, month, day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0,
if util.isstr(tzinfo):
tzinfo = parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tzinfo)
tzinfo = tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzutc()
self._datetime = datetime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
microsecond, tzinfo)
# factories: single object, both original and from datetime.
def now(cls, tzinfo=None):
'''Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, representing "now" in the given
:param tzinfo: (optional) a ``tzinfo`` object. Defaults to local time.
utc = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=dateutil_tz.tzutc())
dt = utc.astimezone(dateutil_tz.tzlocal() if tzinfo is None else tzinfo)
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo)
def utcnow(cls):
''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, representing "now" in UTC
dt = datetime.utcnow()
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, dateutil_tz.tzutc())
def fromtimestamp(cls, timestamp, tzinfo=None):
''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a timestamp, converted to
the given timezone.
:param timestamp: an ``int`` or ``float`` timestamp, or a ``str`` that converts to either.
:param tzinfo: (optional) a ``tzinfo`` object. Defaults to local time.
Timestamps should always be UTC. If you have a non-UTC timestamp::
>>> arrow.Arrow.utcfromtimestamp(1367900664).replace(tzinfo='US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-07T04:24:24-07:00]>
tzinfo = tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzlocal()
timestamp = cls._get_timestamp_from_input(timestamp)
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp, tzinfo)
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo)
def utcfromtimestamp(cls, timestamp):
'''Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a timestamp, in UTC time.
:param timestamp: an ``int`` or ``float`` timestamp, or a ``str`` that converts to either.
timestamp = cls._get_timestamp_from_input(timestamp)
dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, dateutil_tz.tzutc())
def fromdatetime(cls, dt, tzinfo=None):
''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a ``datetime`` and
optional replacement timezone.
:param dt: the ``datetime``
:param tzinfo: (optional) A :ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`. Defaults to ``dt``'s
timezone, or UTC if naive.
If you only want to replace the timezone of naive datetimes::
>>> dt
datetime.datetime(2013, 5, 5, 0, 0, tzinfo=tzutc())
>>> arrow.Arrow.fromdatetime(dt, dt.tzinfo or 'US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-05T00:00:00+00:00]>
tzinfo = tzinfo or dt.tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzutc()
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, tzinfo)
def fromdate(cls, date, tzinfo=None):
''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a ``date`` and optional
replacement timezone. Time values are set to 0.
:param date: the ``date``
:param tzinfo: (optional) A :ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`. Defaults to UTC.
tzinfo = tzinfo or dateutil_tz.tzutc()
return cls(date.year, date.month, date.day, tzinfo=tzinfo)
def strptime(cls, date_str, fmt, tzinfo=None):
''' Constructs an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object from a date string and format,
in the style of ``datetime.strptime``. Optionally replaces the parsed timezone.
:param date_str: the date string.
:param fmt: the format string.
:param tzinfo: (optional) A :ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`. Defaults to the parsed
timezone if ``fmt`` contains a timezone directive, otherwise UTC.
dt = datetime.strptime(date_str, fmt)
tzinfo = tzinfo or dt.tzinfo
return cls(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, tzinfo)
# factories: ranges and spans
def range(cls, frame, start, end=None, tz=None, limit=None):
''' Returns a list of :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` objects, representing
an iteration of time between two inputs.
:param frame: the timeframe. Can be any ``datetime`` property (day, hour, minute...).
:param start: A datetime expression, the start of the range.
:param end: (optional) A datetime expression, the end of the range.
:param tz: (optional) A :ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`. Defaults to
``start``'s timezone, or UTC if ``start`` is naive.
:param limit: (optional) A maximum number of tuples to return.
**NOTE**: The ``end`` or ``limit`` must be provided. Call with ``end`` alone to
return the entire range. Call with ``limit`` alone to return a maximum # of results from
the start. Call with both to cap a range at a maximum # of results.
**NOTE**: ``tz`` internally **replaces** the timezones of both ``start`` and ``end`` before
iterating. As such, either call with naive objects and ``tz``, or aware objects from the
same timezone and no ``tz``.
Supported frame values: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.
Recognized datetime expressions:
- An :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object.
- A ``datetime`` object.
>>> start = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30)
>>> end = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 17, 15)
>>> for r in arrow.Arrow.range('hour', start, end):
... print(repr(r))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:00+00:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T13:30:00+00:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T14:30:00+00:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:30:00+00:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T16:30:00+00:00]>
**NOTE**: Unlike Python's ``range``, ``end`` *may* be included in the returned list::
>>> start = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30)
>>> end = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 13, 30)
>>> for r in arrow.Arrow.range('hour', start, end):
... print(repr(r))
<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:30:00+00:00]>
<Arrow [2013-05-05T13:30:00+00:00]>
_, frame_relative, relative_steps = cls._get_frames(frame)
tzinfo = cls._get_tzinfo(start.tzinfo if tz is None else tz)
start = cls._get_datetime(start).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
end, limit = cls._get_iteration_params(end, limit)
end = cls._get_datetime(end).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
current = cls.fromdatetime(start)
results = []
while current <= end and len(results) < limit:
values = [getattr(current, f) for f in cls._ATTRS]
current = cls(*values, tzinfo=tzinfo) + relativedelta(**{frame_relative: relative_steps})
return results
def span_range(cls, frame, start, end, tz=None, limit=None):
''' Returns a list of tuples, each :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` objects,
representing a series of timespans between two inputs.
:param frame: the timeframe. Can be any ``datetime`` property (day, hour, minute...).
:param start: A datetime expression, the start of the range.
:param end: (optional) A datetime expression, the end of the range.
:param tz: (optional) A :ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`. Defaults to
``start``'s timezone, or UTC if ``start`` is naive.
:param limit: (optional) A maximum number of tuples to return.
**NOTE**: The ``end`` or ``limit`` must be provided. Call with ``end`` alone to
return the entire range. Call with ``limit`` alone to return a maximum # of results from
the start. Call with both to cap a range at a maximum # of results.
**NOTE**: ``tz`` internally **replaces** the timezones of both ``start`` and ``end`` before
iterating. As such, either call with naive objects and ``tz``, or aware objects from the
same timezone and no ``tz``.
Supported frame values: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.
Recognized datetime expressions:
- An :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object.
- A ``datetime`` object.
**NOTE**: Unlike Python's ``range``, ``end`` will *always* be included in the returned list
of timespans.
>>> start = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30)
>>> end = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 17, 15)
>>> for r in arrow.Arrow.span_range('hour', start, end):
... print(r)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T12:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T13:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T13:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T14:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T14:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T15:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T15:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T16:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T16:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T17:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T17:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
tzinfo = cls._get_tzinfo(start.tzinfo if tz is None else tz)
start = cls.fromdatetime(start, tzinfo).span(frame)[0]
_range = cls.range(frame, start, end, tz, limit)
return [r.span(frame) for r in _range]
def interval(cls, frame, start, end, interval=1, tz=None):
''' Returns an array of tuples, each :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` objects,
representing a series of intervals between two inputs.
:param frame: the timeframe. Can be any ``datetime`` property (day, hour, minute...).
:param start: A datetime expression, the start of the range.
:param end: (optional) A datetime expression, the end of the range.
:param interval: (optional) Time interval for the given time frame.
:param tz: (optional) A timezone expression. Defaults to UTC.
Supported frame values: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second
Recognized datetime expressions:
- An :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object.
- A ``datetime`` object.
Recognized timezone expressions:
- A ``tzinfo`` object.
- A ``str`` describing a timezone, similar to 'US/Pacific', or 'Europe/Berlin'.
- A ``str`` in ISO-8601 style, as in '+07:00'.
- A ``str``, one of the following: 'local', 'utc', 'UTC'.
>>> start = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 12, 30)
>>> end = datetime(2013, 5, 5, 17, 15)
>>> for r in arrow.Arrow.interval('hour', start, end, 2):
... print r
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T12:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T13:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T14:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T15:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
(<Arrow [2013-05-05T16:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-05T17:59:59.999999+00:0]>)
if interval < 1:
raise ValueError("interval has to be a positive integer")
spanRange = cls.span_range(frame,start,end,tz)
bound = (len(spanRange) // interval) * interval
return [ (spanRange[i][0],spanRange[i+ interval - 1][1]) for i in range(0,bound, interval) ]
# representations
def __repr__(self):
return '<{0} [{1}]>'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__str__())
def __str__(self):
return self._datetime.isoformat()
def __format__(self, formatstr):
if len(formatstr) > 0:
return self.format(formatstr)
return str(self)
def __hash__(self):
return self._datetime.__hash__()
# attributes & properties
def __getattr__(self, name):
if name == 'week':
return self.isocalendar()[1]
if name == 'quarter':
return int((self.month-1)/self._MONTHS_PER_QUARTER) + 1
if not name.startswith('_'):
value = getattr(self._datetime, name, None)
if value is not None:
return value
return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
def tzinfo(self):
''' Gets the ``tzinfo`` of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object. '''
return self._datetime.tzinfo
def tzinfo(self, tzinfo):
''' Sets the ``tzinfo`` of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object. '''
self._datetime = self._datetime.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
def datetime(self):
''' Returns a datetime representation of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object. '''
return self._datetime
def naive(self):
''' Returns a naive datetime representation of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>`
object. '''
return self._datetime.replace(tzinfo=None)
def timestamp(self):
''' Returns a timestamp representation of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, in
UTC time. '''
return calendar.timegm(self._datetime.utctimetuple())
def float_timestamp(self):
''' Returns a floating-point representation of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>`
object, in UTC time. '''
return self.timestamp + float(self.microsecond) / 1000000
# mutation and duplication.
def clone(self):
''' Returns a new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, cloned from the current one.
>>> arw = arrow.utcnow()
>>> cloned = arw.clone()
return self.fromdatetime(self._datetime)
def replace(self, **kwargs):
''' Returns a new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object with attributes updated
according to inputs.
Use property names to set their value absolutely::
>>> import arrow
>>> arw = arrow.utcnow()
>>> arw
<Arrow [2013-05-11T22:27:34.787885+00:00]>
>>> arw.replace(year=2014, month=6)
<Arrow [2014-06-11T22:27:34.787885+00:00]>
You can also replace the timezone without conversion, using a
:ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`::
>>> arw.replace(tzinfo=tz.tzlocal())
<Arrow [2013-05-11T22:27:34.787885-07:00]>
absolute_kwargs = {}
relative_kwargs = {} # TODO: DEPRECATED; remove in next release
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key in self._ATTRS:
absolute_kwargs[key] = value
elif key in self._ATTRS_PLURAL or key in ['weeks', 'quarters']:
warnings.warn("replace() with plural property to shift value"
"is deprecated, use shift() instead",
relative_kwargs[key] = value
elif key in ['week', 'quarter']:
raise AttributeError('setting absolute {0} is not supported'.format(key))
elif key !='tzinfo':
raise AttributeError('unknown attribute: "{0}"'.format(key))
# core datetime does not support quarters, translate to months.
relative_kwargs.setdefault('months', 0)
relative_kwargs['months'] += relative_kwargs.pop('quarters', 0) * self._MONTHS_PER_QUARTER
current = self._datetime.replace(**absolute_kwargs)
current += relativedelta(**relative_kwargs) # TODO: DEPRECATED
tzinfo = kwargs.get('tzinfo')
if tzinfo is not None:
tzinfo = self._get_tzinfo(tzinfo)
current = current.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
return self.fromdatetime(current)
def shift(self, **kwargs):
''' Returns a new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object with attributes updated
according to inputs.
Use pluralized property names to shift their current value relatively:
>>> import arrow
>>> arw = arrow.utcnow()
>>> arw
<Arrow [2013-05-11T22:27:34.787885+00:00]>
>>> arw.shift(years=1, months=-1)
<Arrow [2014-04-11T22:27:34.787885+00:00]>
Day-of-the-week relative shifting can use either Python's weekday numbers
(Monday = 0, Tuesday = 1 .. Sunday = 6) or using dateutil.relativedelta's
day instances (MO, TU .. SU). When using weekday numbers, the returned
date will always be greater than or equal to the starting date.
Using the above code (which is a Saturday) and asking it to shift to Saturday:
>>> arw.shift(weekday=5)
<Arrow [2013-05-11T22:27:34.787885+00:00]>
While asking for a Monday:
>>> arw.shift(weekday=0)
<Arrow [2013-05-13T22:27:34.787885+00:00]>
relative_kwargs = {}
for key, value in kwargs.items():
if key in self._ATTRS_PLURAL or key in ['weeks', 'quarters', 'weekday']:
relative_kwargs[key] = value
raise AttributeError()
# core datetime does not support quarters, translate to months.
relative_kwargs.setdefault('months', 0)
relative_kwargs['months'] += relative_kwargs.pop('quarters', 0) * self._MONTHS_PER_QUARTER
current = self._datetime + relativedelta(**relative_kwargs)
return self.fromdatetime(current)
def to(self, tz):
''' Returns a new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, converted
to the target timezone.
:param tz: A :ref:`timezone expression <tz-expr>`.
>>> utc = arrow.utcnow()
>>> utc
<Arrow [2013-05-09T03:49:12.311072+00:00]>
>>> utc.to('US/Pacific')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T20:49:12.311072-07:00]>
>>> utc.to(tz.tzlocal())
<Arrow [2013-05-08T20:49:12.311072-07:00]>
>>> utc.to('-07:00')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T20:49:12.311072-07:00]>
>>> utc.to('local')
<Arrow [2013-05-08T20:49:12.311072-07:00]>
>>> utc.to('local').to('utc')
<Arrow [2013-05-09T03:49:12.311072+00:00]>
if not isinstance(tz, tzinfo):
tz = parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tz)
dt = self._datetime.astimezone(tz)
return self.__class__(dt.year, dt.month, dt.day, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
dt.microsecond, dt.tzinfo)
def span(self, frame, count=1):
''' Returns two new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` objects, representing the timespan
of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object in a given timeframe.
:param frame: the timeframe. Can be any ``datetime`` property (day, hour, minute...).
:param count: (optional) the number of frames to span.
Supported frame values: year, quarter, month, week, day, hour, minute, second.
>>> arrow.utcnow()
<Arrow [2013-05-09T03:32:36.186203+00:00]>
>>> arrow.utcnow().span('hour')
(<Arrow [2013-05-09T03:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-09T03:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
>>> arrow.utcnow().span('day')
(<Arrow [2013-05-09T00:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-09T23:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
>>> arrow.utcnow().span('day', count=2)
(<Arrow [2013-05-09T00:00:00+00:00]>, <Arrow [2013-05-10T23:59:59.999999+00:00]>)
frame_absolute, frame_relative, relative_steps = self._get_frames(frame)
if frame_absolute == 'week':
attr = 'day'
elif frame_absolute == 'quarter':
attr = 'month'
attr = frame_absolute
index = self._ATTRS.index(attr)
frames = self._ATTRS[:index + 1]
values = [getattr(self, f) for f in frames]
for i in range(3 - len(values)):
floor = self.__class__(*values, tzinfo=self.tzinfo)
if frame_absolute == 'week':
floor = floor + relativedelta(days=-(self.isoweekday() - 1))
elif frame_absolute == 'quarter':
floor = floor + relativedelta(months=-((self.month - 1) % 3))
ceil = floor + relativedelta(
**{frame_relative: count * relative_steps}) + relativedelta(microseconds=-1)
return floor, ceil
def floor(self, frame):
''' Returns a new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, representing the "floor"
of the timespan of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object in a given timeframe.
Equivalent to the first element in the 2-tuple returned by
:func:`span <arrow.arrow.Arrow.span>`.
:param frame: the timeframe. Can be any ``datetime`` property (day, hour, minute...).
>>> arrow.utcnow().floor('hour')
<Arrow [2013-05-09T03:00:00+00:00]>
return self.span(frame)[0]
def ceil(self, frame):
''' Returns a new :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object, representing the "ceiling"
of the timespan of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object in a given timeframe.
Equivalent to the second element in the 2-tuple returned by
:func:`span <arrow.arrow.Arrow.span>`.
:param frame: the timeframe. Can be any ``datetime`` property (day, hour, minute...).
>>> arrow.utcnow().ceil('hour')
<Arrow [2013-05-09T03:59:59.999999+00:00]>
return self.span(frame)[1]
# string output and formatting.
def format(self, fmt='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ssZZ', locale='en_us'):
''' Returns a string representation of the :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object,
formatted according to a format string.
:param fmt: the format string.
>>> arrow.utcnow().format('YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss ZZ')
'2013-05-09 03:56:47 -00:00'
>>> arrow.utcnow().format('X')
>>> arrow.utcnow().format('MMMM DD, YYYY')
'May 09, 2013'
>>> arrow.utcnow().format()
'2013-05-09 03:56:47 -00:00'
return formatter.DateTimeFormatter(locale).format(self._datetime, fmt)
def humanize(self, other=None, locale='en_us', only_distance=False, granularity='auto'):
''' Returns a localized, humanized representation of a relative difference in time.
:param other: (optional) an :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` or ``datetime`` object.
Defaults to now in the current :class:`Arrow <arrow.arrow.Arrow>` object's timezone.
:param locale: (optional) a ``str`` specifying a locale. Defaults to 'en_us'.
:param only_distance: (optional) returns only time difference eg: "11 seconds" without "in" or "ago" part.
:param granularity: (optional) defines the precision of the output. Set it to strings 'second', 'minute', 'hour', 'day', 'month' or 'year'.
>>> earlier = arrow.utcnow().shift(hours=-2)
>>> earlier.humanize()
'2 hours ago'
>>> later = later = earlier.shift(hours=4)
>>> later.humanize(earlier)
'in 4 hours'
locale = locales.get_locale(locale)
if other is None:
utc = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=dateutil_tz.tzutc())
dt = utc.astimezone(self._datetime.tzinfo)
elif isinstance(other, Arrow):
dt = other._datetime
elif isinstance(other, datetime):
if other.tzinfo is None:
dt = other.replace(tzinfo=self._datetime.tzinfo)
dt = other.astimezone(self._datetime.tzinfo)
raise TypeError()
delta = int(util.total_seconds(self._datetime - dt))
sign = -1 if delta < 0 else 1
diff = abs(delta)
delta = diff
if granularity=='auto':
if diff < 10:
return locale.describe('now', only_distance=only_distance)
if diff < 45:
seconds = sign * delta
return locale.describe('seconds', seconds, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 90:
return locale.describe('minute', sign, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 2700:
minutes = sign * int(max(delta / 60, 2))
return locale.describe('minutes', minutes, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 5400:
return locale.describe('hour', sign, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 79200:
hours = sign * int(max(delta / 3600, 2))
return locale.describe('hours', hours, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 129600:
return locale.describe('day', sign, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 2160000:
days = sign * int(max(delta / 86400, 2))
return locale.describe('days', days, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 3888000:
return locale.describe('month', sign, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 29808000:
self_months = self._datetime.year * 12 + self._datetime.month
other_months = dt.year * 12 + dt.month
months = sign * int(max(abs(other_months - self_months), 2))
return locale.describe('months', months, only_distance=only_distance)
elif diff < 47260800:
return locale.describe('year', sign, only_distance=only_distance)
years = sign * int(max(delta / 31536000, 2))
return locale.describe('years', years, only_distance=only_distance)
if granularity == 'second':
delta = sign * delta
if(abs(delta) < 2):
return locale.describe('now', only_distance=only_distance)
elif granularity == 'minute':
delta = sign * delta / float(60)
elif granularity == 'hour':
delta = sign * delta / float(60*60)
elif granularity == 'day':
delta = sign * delta / float(60*60*24)
elif granularity == 'month':
delta = sign * delta / float(60*60*24*30.5)
elif granularity == 'year':
delta = sign * delta / float(60*60*24*365.25)
raise AttributeError('Error. Could not understand your level of granularity. Please select between \
"second", "minute", "hour", "day", "week", "month" or "year"')
if(trunc(abs(delta)) != 1):
granularity += 's'
return locale.describe(granularity, delta, only_distance=False)
# math
def __add__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (timedelta, relativedelta)):
return self.fromdatetime(self._datetime + other, self._datetime.tzinfo)
raise TypeError()
def __radd__(self, other):
return self.__add__(other)
def __sub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, (timedelta, relativedelta)):
return self.fromdatetime(self._datetime - other, self._datetime.tzinfo)
elif isinstance(other, datetime):
return self._datetime - other
elif isinstance(other, Arrow):
return self._datetime - other._datetime
raise TypeError()
def __rsub__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, datetime):
return other - self._datetime
raise TypeError()
# comparisons
def _cmperror(self, other):
raise TypeError('can\'t compare \'{0}\' to \'{1}\''.format(
type(self), type(other)))
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (Arrow, datetime)):
return False
return self._datetime == self._get_datetime(other)
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (Arrow, datetime)):
return self._datetime > self._get_datetime(other)
def __ge__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (Arrow, datetime)):
return self._datetime >= self._get_datetime(other)
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (Arrow, datetime)):
return self._datetime < self._get_datetime(other)
def __le__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (Arrow, datetime)):
return self._datetime <= self._get_datetime(other)
# datetime methods
def date(self):
''' Returns a ``date`` object with the same year, month and day. '''
return self._datetime.date()
def time(self):
''' Returns a ``time`` object with the same hour, minute, second, microsecond. '''
return self._datetime.time()
def timetz(self):
''' Returns a ``time`` object with the same hour, minute, second, microsecond and
tzinfo. '''
return self._datetime.timetz()
def astimezone(self, tz):
''' Returns a ``datetime`` object, converted to the specified timezone.
:param tz: a ``tzinfo`` object.
return self._datetime.astimezone(tz)
def utcoffset(self):
''' Returns a ``timedelta`` object representing the whole number of minutes difference from
UTC time. '''
return self._datetime.utcoffset()
def dst(self):
''' Returns the daylight savings time adjustment. '''
return self._datetime.dst()
def timetuple(self):
''' Returns a ``time.struct_time``, in the current timezone. '''
return self._datetime.timetuple()
def utctimetuple(self):
''' Returns a ``time.struct_time``, in UTC time. '''
return self._datetime.utctimetuple()
def toordinal(self):
''' Returns the proleptic Gregorian ordinal of the date. '''
return self._datetime.toordinal()
def weekday(self):
''' Returns the day of the week as an integer (0-6). '''
return self._datetime.weekday()
def isoweekday(self):
''' Returns the ISO day of the week as an integer (1-7). '''
return self._datetime.isoweekday()
def isocalendar(self):
''' Returns a 3-tuple, (ISO year, ISO week number, ISO weekday). '''
return self._datetime.isocalendar()
def isoformat(self, sep='T'):
'''Returns an ISO 8601 formatted representation of the date and time. '''
return self._datetime.isoformat(sep)
def ctime(self):
''' Returns a ctime formatted representation of the date and time. '''
return self._datetime.ctime()
def strftime(self, format):
''' Formats in the style of ``datetime.strptime``.
:param format: the format string.
return self._datetime.strftime(format)
def for_json(self):
'''Serializes for the ``for_json`` protocol of simplejson.'''
return self.isoformat()
# internal tools.
def _get_tzinfo(tz_expr):
if tz_expr is None:
return dateutil_tz.tzutc()
if isinstance(tz_expr, tzinfo):
return tz_expr
return parser.TzinfoParser.parse(tz_expr)
except parser.ParserError:
raise ValueError('\'{0}\' not recognized as a timezone'.format(
def _get_datetime(cls, expr):
if isinstance(expr, Arrow):
return expr.datetime
if isinstance(expr, datetime):
return expr
expr = float(expr)
return cls.utcfromtimestamp(expr).datetime
raise ValueError(
'\'{0}\' not recognized as a timestamp or datetime'.format(expr))
def _get_frames(cls, name):
if name in cls._ATTRS:
return name, '{0}s'.format(name), 1
elif name in ['week', 'weeks']:
return 'week', 'weeks', 1
elif name in ['quarter', 'quarters']:
return 'quarter', 'months', 3
supported = ', '.join(cls._ATTRS + ['week', 'weeks'] + ['quarter', 'quarters'])
raise AttributeError('range/span over frame {0} not supported. Supported frames: {1}'.format(name, supported))
def _get_iteration_params(cls, end, limit):
if end is None:
if limit is None:
raise Exception('one of \'end\' or \'limit\' is required')
return cls.max, limit
if limit is None:
return end, sys.maxsize
return end, limit
def _get_timestamp_from_input(timestamp):
return float(timestamp)
raise ValueError('cannot parse \'{0}\' as a timestamp'.format(timestamp))
Arrow.min = Arrow.fromdatetime(datetime.min)
Arrow.max = Arrow.fromdatetime(datetime.max)