- re-added oembed
- symbol cleanup - re-added tip list - minibanners are hidden at the bottom for now
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 148 additions and 30 deletions
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import frontmatter
from feedgen.feed import FeedGenerator
from slugify import slugify
import requests
import lxml.etree as etree
from pandoc import PandocMD2HTML, PandocMD2TXT, PandocHTML2TXT
from meta import Exif
@ -907,6 +908,53 @@ class Singular(MarkdownDoc):
def oembed_xml(self):
oembed = etree.Element("oembed", version="1.0")
xmldoc = etree.ElementTree(oembed)
for k, v in self.oembed_json.items():
x = etree.SubElement(oembed, k)
t = "%s" % (v)
if "html" == k:
x.text = etree.CDATA(t)
x.text = t
s = etree.tostring(
return s
def oembed_json(self):
r = {
"version": "1.0",
"url": self.url,
"provider_name": settings.site.name,
"provider_url": settings.site.url,
"author_name": settings.author.name,
"author_url": settings.author.url,
"title": self.title,
"type": "link",
"html": self.html_content,
img = None
if self.is_photo:
img = self.photo
elif not self.is_photo and len(self.images):
img = list(self.images.values())[0]
if img:
"type": "rich",
"thumbnail_url": img.jsonld.thumbnail.url,
"thumbnail_width": img.jsonld.thumbnail.width,
"thumbnail_height": img.jsonld.thumbnail.height
return r
async def copyfiles(self):
exclude = [
@ -916,7 +964,8 @@ class Singular(MarkdownDoc):
files = glob.glob(
@ -974,6 +1023,16 @@ class Singular(MarkdownDoc):
json.dumps(j, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
# oembed
os.path.join(self.renderdir, 'oembed.json'),
json.dumps(self.oembed_json, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False)
os.path.join(self.renderdir, 'oembed.xml'),
class Home(Singular):
def __init__(self, fpath):
@ -2196,6 +2255,16 @@ class WebmentionIO(object):
# logger.error('failed to query granary.io: %s', e)
# pass
def dat():
for url in settings.site.sameAs:
if "dat://" in url:
p = os.path.join(settings.paths.build, '.well-known')
if not os.path.isdir(p):
p = os.path.join(settings.paths.build, '.well-known', 'dat')
if not os.path.exists(p):
writepath(p, "%s\nTTL=3600" % (url))
def make():
start = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
@ -2301,12 +2370,8 @@ def make():
cp(e, t)
# ...
#for url in settings.site.sameAs:
#if "dat://" in url:
#p = os.path.join(settings.paths.build, '.well-known', 'dat')
#if not os.path.exists(p):
#writepath(p, "%s\nTTL=3600" % (url))
# dat data
end = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
logger.info('process took %d ms' % (end - start))
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#"@context": "http://schema.org",
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"name": "monzo",
"url": "https://monzo.me/petermolnar/",
"recipient": author
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "DonateAction",
"description": "Paypal",
"name": "paypal",
"url": "https://paypal.me/petermolnar/",
"recipient": author
"@context": "http://schema.org",
"@type": "DonateAction",
"description": "Cash App",
"name": "cash",
"url": "https://cash.app/%C2%A3pmlnr",
"recipient": author
@ -184,6 +191,16 @@ photo = struct({
'earlyyears': 2014
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#'files/IMGP0539-540x358.jpg': '',
#'files/IMGP0538-540x358.jpg': '',
tmpdir = os.path.join(gettempdir(),'nasg')
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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
<link rel="alternate" type="application/json" href="{{ post.url }}index.json" />
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@ -133,6 +133,24 @@
<a href="https://xn--sr8hvo.ws/%F0%9F%87%BB%F0%9F%87%AE%F0%9F%93%A2/next">→</a>
<section class="tip">
<span>Leave me a tip! </span>
{% for action in site.potentialAction %}
{% if 'DonateAction' == action['@type'] %}
<a href="{{ action.url }}">
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{{ action.description }}
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@ -174,6 +192,7 @@
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Reference in a new issue