var DEFAULT_THEME = 'dark'; var ALT_THEME = 'light'; var STORAGE_KEY = 'theme'; var theme_container = document.getElementById("header-forms"); var theme_insbefore = document.getElementById("search"); var colorscheme = []; var mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: ' + ALT_THEME + ')'); function indicateTheme(mode) { for(var i = colorscheme.length; i--; ) { if(colorscheme[i].value == mode) { colorscheme[i].checked = true; } } } function applyTheme(mode) { var st = document.getElementById('css_alt'); if (mode == ALT_THEME) { st.setAttribute('media', 'all'); } else { st.setAttribute('media', 'speech'); } } function setTheme(e) { var mode =; var mql = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: ' + ALT_THEME + ')'); /* user wants == mql match => remove storage */ if ((mode == DEFAULT_THEME && !mql.matches) || (mode == ALT_THEME && mql.matches)) { localStorage.removeItem(STORAGE_KEY); } else { if(confirm("I\'ll need to store your choice in your browser, in a place called localStorage.\n\nAre you OK with this?")) { localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_KEY, mode); } } autoTheme(mql); } function autoTheme(e) { var mode = DEFAULT_THEME; try { var current = localStorage.getItem(STORAGE_KEY); } catch(e) { var current = DEFAULT_THEME; } if ( current != null) { mode = current; } else if (e.matches) { mode = ALT_THEME; } applyTheme(mode); indicateTheme(mode); } function doTheme() { var themeform = document.createElement('form'); = "theme"; themeform.innerHTML=''; theme_container.insertBefore(themeform, theme_insbefore); var schemes = ["dark", "light"]; for (var i = 0; i < schemes.length; i++) { var span = document.createElement('span'); themeform.appendChild(span); var input = document.createElement('input'); = 'colorscheme'; input.type = 'radio'; = schemes[i] +; input.value = schemes[i]; span.appendChild(input); var label = document.createElement('label'); label.htmlFor =; label.innerHTML = schemes[i]; span.appendChild(label); } colorscheme = document.getElementsByName('colorscheme'); for(var i = colorscheme.length; i--; ) { colorscheme[i].onclick = setTheme; } autoTheme(mql); mql.addListener(autoTheme); } var test = 'ping'; try { localStorage.setItem(test, test); localStorage.removeItem(test); doTheme(); } catch(e) { console.log('localStorage is not available, manual theme switching is disabled'); }