#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import uvloop import os from sanic import Sanic import sanic.response from sanic.log import log as logging #import jinja2 import requests import shared import json def locationtags_500px(lat, lon, radius=0.5, num=10): tags = [] if not lat or not lon: return tags logging.info("requesting locationtags from 500px for '%s, %s'", lat, lon) params = { 'rpp': 100, 'geo': "%s,%s,%skm" % (lat, lon, radius), 'consumer_key': shared.config.get('500px', 'api_key'), 'tags': 1, } r = requests.get('https://api.500px.com/v1/photos/search',params=params) try: results = json.loads(r.text) except Exception as e: logging.error('failed to load results for 500px request: %s', e) logging.error('request was: %s', r.url) return tags, r.status_code _temp = {} for p in results.get('photos', []): for t in p.get('tags', []): if not t or not len(t): continue curr = _temp.get(t, 1) _temp[t] = curr+1 for w in sorted(_temp, key=_temp.get, reverse=True): tags.append(w) return tags[:num], 200 def locationtags_flickr(lat, lon, radius=0.5, num=10): tags = [] if not lat or not lon: return tags logging.info("requesting locationtags from Flickr for '%s, %s'", lat, lon) params = { 'method': 'flickr.photos.search', 'api_key': shared.config.get('flickr', 'api_key'), 'has_geo': 1, 'lat': lat, 'lon': lon, 'radius': radius, 'extras': ','.join(['tags','machine_tags']), 'per_page': 500, 'format': 'json', 'nojsoncallback': 1 } r = requests.get('https://api.flickr.com/services/rest/',params=params) try: results = json.loads(r.text) #logging.debug("flickr response: %s", results) except Exception as e: logging.error('failed to load results for Flickr request: %s', e) logging.error('request was: %s', r.url) return tags, r.status_code _temp = {} for p in results.get('photos', {}).get('photo', {}): for t in p.get('tags', '').split(' '): if not t or not len(t): continue curr = _temp.get(t, 1) _temp[t] = curr+1 for w in sorted(_temp, key=_temp.get, reverse=True): tags.append(w) return tags[:num], 200 #return tags def RequestHandler(lat, lon, rad, num=20): ftags, status = locationtags_flickr(lat, lon, rad, num) fivehtags, status = locationtags_500px(lat, lon, rad, num) return sanic.response.json({ 'flickr': ftags, '500px': fivehtags, }, status=status) if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(uvloop.EventLoopPolicy()) app = Sanic() @app.route("/tagmyloc") async def search(request, methods=["GET"]): lat = request.args.get('lat') lon = request.args.get('lon') rad = request.args.get('rad') return RequestHandler(lat, lon, rad) app.run(host="", port=8003, debug=True)