#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import re import configparser import argparse import shutil import logging import json import glob import tempfile import atexit import re import hashlib import math import asyncio import csv import magic import arrow import wand.image import similar_text import frontmatter from slugify import slugify import langdetect import requests from breadability.readable import Article from whoosh import index from whoosh import qparser import jinja2 import urllib.parse import shared def splitpath(path): parts = [] (path, tail) = os.path.split(path) while path and tail: parts.insert(0,tail) (path,tail) = os.path.split(path) return parts #class Indexer(object): #def __init__(self): #self.tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp( #'whooshdb_', #dir=tempfile.gettempdir() #) #atexit.register( #shutil.rmtree, #os.path.abspath(self.tmp) #) #self.ix = index.create_in(self.tmp, shared.schema) #self.target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( #shared.config.get('target', 'builddir'), #shared.config.get('var', 'searchdb') #)) #self.writer = self.ix.writer() #async def append(self, singular): #logging.info("appending search index with %s", singular.fname) #content_real = [ #singular.fname, #singular.summary, #singular.content, #] #content_remote = [] #for url, offlinecopy in singular.offlinecopies.items(): #content_remote.append("%s" % offlinecopy) #weight = 1 #if singular.isbookmark: #weight = 10 #if singular.ispage: #weight = 100 #self.writer.add_document( #title=singular.title, #url=singular.url, #content=" ".join(list(map(str,[*content_real, *content_remote]))), #date=singular.published.datetime, #tags=",".join(list(map(str, singular.tags))), #weight=weight, #img="%s" % singular.photo #) #def finish(self): #self.writer.commit() #if os.path.isdir(self.target): #shutil.rmtree(self.target) #shutil.copytree(self.tmp, self.target) class SmartIndexer(object): def __init__(self): self.target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( shared.config.get('target', 'builddir'), shared.config.get('var', 'searchdb') )) if not os.path.isdir(self.target): os.mkdir(self.target) if index.exists_in(self.target): self.ix = index.open_dir(self.target) else: self.ix = index.create_in(self.target, shared.schema) self.writer = self.ix.writer() self.qp = qparser.QueryParser("url", schema=shared.schema) async def append(self, singular): logging.debug("searching for existing index for %s", singular.fname) exists = False q = self.qp.parse(singular.url) r = self.ix.searcher().search(q, limit=1) if r: r = r[0] # nothing to do, the entry is present and is up to date ixtime = r['mtime'] if int(ixtime) == int(singular.mtime): logging.info("search index is up to date for %s", singular.fname) return else: logging.info("search index is out of date: %d (indexed) vs %d", ixtime, singular.mtime) exists = True content_real = [ singular.fname, singular.summary, singular.content, ] content_remote = [] for url, offlinecopy in singular.offlinecopies.items(): content_remote.append("%s" % offlinecopy) weight = 1 if singular.isbookmark: weight = 10 if singular.ispage: weight = 100 if exists: logging.info("updating search index with %s", singular.fname) self.writer.add_document( title=singular.title, url=singular.url, content=" ".join(list(map(str,[*content_real, *content_remote]))), date=singular.published.datetime, tags=",".join(list(map(str, singular.tags))), weight=weight, img="%s" % singular.photo, mtime=singular.mtime, ) else: logging.info("appending search index with %s", singular.fname) self.writer.update_document( title=singular.title, url=singular.url, content=" ".join(list(map(str,[*content_real, *content_remote]))), date=singular.published.datetime, tags=",".join(list(map(str, singular.tags))), weight=weight, img="%s" % singular.photo, mtime=singular.mtime ) def finish(self): self.writer.commit() class OfflineCopy(object): def __init__(self, url): self.url = url h = url.encode('utf-8') self.fname = hashlib.sha1(h).hexdigest() self.targetdir = os.path.abspath( shared.config.get('source', 'offlinecopiesdir') ) self.target = os.path.join( self.targetdir, self.fname ) self.fm = frontmatter.loads('') self.fm.metadata = { 'url': self.url, 'date': arrow.utcnow().format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ"), } def __repr__(self): return self.fm.content def write(self): logging.info( "savig offline copy of\n\t%s to:\n\t%s", self.url, self.target ) with open(self.target, 'wt') as f: f.write(frontmatter.dumps(self.fm)) def run(self): if os.path.isfile(self.target): with open(self.target) as f: self.fm = frontmatter.loads(f.read()) return logging.info("prepairing offline copy of %s", self.url) headers = requests.utils.default_headers() headers.update({ 'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/52.0', 'Accept': 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8' }) try: r = requests.get( self.url, allow_redirects=True, timeout=60, headers=headers ) except Exception as e: logging.error("%s failed:\n%s", self.url, e) self.write() return if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok: logging.warning("%s returned %s", self.url, r.status_code) self.write() return if not len(r.text): logging.warning("%s was empty", self.url) self.write() return doc = Article(r.text, url=self.url) self.fm.metadata['title'] = doc._original_document.title self.fm.metadata['realurl'] = r.url self.fm.content = shared.Pandoc(False).convert(doc.readable) self.write() class Renderer(object): def __init__(self): self.sitevars = dict(shared.config.items('site')) self.sitevars['author'] = dict(shared.config.items('author')) self.sitevars['author']['socials'] = dict(shared.config.items('socials')) self.jinjaldr = jinja2.FileSystemLoader( searchpath=shared.config.get('source', 'templatesdir') ) self.j2 = jinja2.Environment(loader=self.jinjaldr) self.j2.filters['date'] = Renderer.jinja_filter_date self.j2.filters['search'] = Renderer.jinja_filter_search self.j2.filters['slugify'] = Renderer.jinja_filter_slugify @staticmethod def jinja_filter_date(d, form='%Y-%m-%d %H:%m:%S'): if d == 'now': return arrow.now().strftime(form) if form == 'c': form = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z' return d.strftime(form) @staticmethod def jinja_filter_slugify(s): return slugify(s, only_ascii=True, lower=True) @staticmethod def jinja_filter_search(s, r): if r in s: return True return False class BaseIter(object): def __init__(self): self.data = {} def append(self, key, value): if key in self.data: logging.error("duplicate key: %s", key) return self.data[key] = value def __getitem__(self, key): return self.data.get(key, {}) def __repr__(self): return json.dumps(list(self.data.values())) def __next__(self): try: r = self.data.next() except: raise StopIteration() return r def __iter__(self): for k, v in self.data.items(): yield (k, v) return #class CMDLine(object): #def __init__(self, executable): #self.executable = self._which(executable) #if self.executable is None: #raise OSError('No %s found in PATH!' % executable) #return #@staticmethod #def _which(name): #for d in os.environ['PATH'].split(':'): #which = glob.glob(os.path.join(d, name), recursive=True) #if which: #return which.pop() #return None #def __enter__(self): #self.process = subprocess.Popen( #[self.executable, "-stay_open", "True", "-@", "-"], #universal_newlines=True, #stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) #return self #def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): #self.process.stdin.write("-stay_open\nFalse\n") #self.process.stdin.flush() #def execute(self, *args): #args = args + ("-execute\n",) #self.process.stdin.write(str.join("\n", args)) #self.process.stdin.flush() #output = "" #fd = self.process.stdout.fileno() #while not output.endswith(self.sentinel): #output += os.read(fd, 4096).decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') #return output[:-len(self.sentinel)] #class Pandoc(CMDLine): #""" Handles calling external binary `exiftool` in an efficient way """ #def __init__(self, md2html=True): #super().__init__('pandoc') #if md2html: #self.i = "markdown+" + "+".join([ #'backtick_code_blocks', #'auto_identifiers', #'fenced_code_attributes', #'definition_lists', #'grid_tables', #'pipe_tables', #'strikeout', #'superscript', #'subscript', #'markdown_in_html_blocks', #'shortcut_reference_links', #'autolink_bare_uris', #'raw_html', #'link_attributes', #'header_attributes', #'footnotes', #]) #self.o = 'html5' #else: #self.o = "markdown-" + "-".join([ #'raw_html', #'native_divs', #'native_spans', #]) #self.i = 'html' #def convert(self, text): #cmd = ( #self.executable, #'-o-', #'--from=%s' % self.i, #'--to=%s' % self.o #) #logging.debug('converting content with Pandoc') #p = subprocess.Popen( #cmd, #stdin=subprocess.PIPE, #stdout=subprocess.PIPE, #stderr=subprocess.PIPE, #) #stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input=text.encode()) #if stderr: #logging.error("Error during pandoc covert:\n\t%s\n\t%s", cmd, stderr) #return stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() # based on http://stackoverflow.com/a/10075210 class ExifTool(shared.CMDLine): """ Handles calling external binary `exiftool` in an efficient way """ sentinel = "{ready}\n" def __init__(self): super().__init__('exiftool') def get_metadata(self, *filenames): return json.loads(self.execute('-sort', '-json', '-MIMEType', '-FileType', '-FileName', '-ModifyDate', '-CreateDate', '-DateTimeOriginal', '-ImageHeight', '-ImageWidth', '-Aperture', '-FOV', '-ISO', '-FocalLength', '-FNumber', '-FocalLengthIn35mmFormat', '-ExposureTime', '-Copyright', '-Artist', '-Model', '-GPSLongitude#', '-GPSLatitude#', '-LensID', *filenames)) class Images(BaseIter): def __init__(self, extensions=['jpg', 'gif', 'png']): super(Images, self).__init__() logging.info( "initiating images with extensions: %s", extensions ) self.files = [] self.data = {} # if anyone knows how to do this in a more pythonic way, please tell me paths = [ shared.config.get('source', 'filesdir'), shared.config.get('source', 'photosdir') ] for p in paths: for ext in extensions: self.files += glob.glob(os.path.join(p, "*.%s" % ext)) def populate(self): with ExifTool() as e: _meta = e.get_metadata(*self.files) # parsing the returned meta into a dict of [filename]={meta} for e in _meta: if 'FileName' not in e: logging.error("missing 'FileName' in element %s", e) continue fname = os.path.basename(e['FileName']) del(e['FileName']) # duplicate files are going to be a problem, so don't send it # away with a simple error log entry if fname in self.data: raise ValueError('filename collision: %s', fname) # convert dates for k, v in e.items(): e[k] = self.exifdate(v) self.data[fname] = WebImage(fname, e) def exifdate(self, value): """ converts and EXIF date string to ISO 8601 format :param value: EXIF date (2016:05:01 00:08:24) :type arg1: str :return: ISO 8601 string with UTC timezone 2016-05-01T00:08:24+0000 :rtype: str """ if not isinstance(value, str): return value match = shared.EXIFREXEG.match(value) if not match: return value return "%s-%s-%sT%s+0000" % ( match.group('year'), match.group('month'), match.group('day'), match.group('time') ) class WebImage(object): def __init__(self, fname, meta): logging.info( "parsing image: %s", fname ) self.meta = meta self.fpath = os.path.abspath(meta.get('SourceFile', fname)) self.fname, self.ext = os.path.splitext(fname) self.alttext = '' self.sizes = [] self.fallbacksize = int(shared.config.get('common','fallbackimg', fallback='720')) self.cl = None for size in shared.config.options('downsize'): sizeext = shared.config.get('downsize', size) fname = "%s_%s%s" % (self.fname, sizeext, self.ext) self.sizes.append(( int(size), { 'fpath': os.path.join( shared.config.get('target', 'filesdir'), fname ), 'url': "%s/%s/%s" % ( shared.config.get('site', 'url'), shared.config.get('source', 'files'), fname ), 'crop': shared.config.getboolean('crop', size, fallback=False), } )) self.sizes = sorted(self.sizes, reverse=False) self.target = False if self.is_downsizeable: self.fallback = [e for e in self.sizes if e[0] == self.fallbacksize][0][1]['url'] self.target = self.sizes[-1][1]['url'] else: self.fallback = "%s/%s/%s" % ( shared.config.get('site', 'url'), shared.config.get('source', 'files'), "%s%s" % (self.fname, self.ext) ) def __str__(self): if self.is_downsizeable and not self.cl: return '\n
\n' % ( self.target, self.fallback, self.alttext, self.fname, self.ext ) elif self.cl: self.cl = self.cl.replace('.', ' ') return '%s' % ( self.fallback, self.cl, self.alttext, self.fname, self.ext ) else: return '%s' % ( self.fallback, self.alttext, self.fname, self.ext ) @property def rssenclosure(self): """ Returns the largest available image for RSS to add as attachment """ target = self.sizes[-1][1] return { 'mime': magic.Magic(mime=True).from_file(target['fpath']), 'url': target['url'], 'bytes': os.path.getsize(target['fpath']) } @property def is_photo(self): """ Match image meta against config artist regex to see if the file is a photo or just a regular image """ pattern = shared.config.get('photo', 'regex', fallback=None) if not pattern or not isinstance(pattern, str): return False pattern = re.compile(pattern) cpr = self.meta.get('Copyright', '') art = self.meta.get('Artist', '') if not cpr and not art: return False if pattern.search(cpr) \ or pattern.search(art): return True return False @property def is_downsizeable(self): """ Check if the image is large enough and jpeg or png in order to downsize it """ fb = self.sizes[-1][0] ftype = self.meta.get('FileType', None) if not ftype: return False if ftype.lower() == 'jpeg' or ftype.lower() == 'png': width = int(self.meta.get('ImageWidth', 0)) height = int(self.meta.get('ImageHeight', 0)) if width > fb or height > fb: return True return False def _copy(self): target = os.path.join( shared.config.get('target', 'filesdir'), "%s%s" % (self.fname, self.ext) ) if not os.path.isfile(target): logging.debug("can't downsize %s, copying instead" % self.fname) shutil.copy(self.fpath, target) def _watermark(self, img): """ Composite image by adding watermark file over it """ wmarkfile = os.path.join( shared.config.get('common', 'basedir'), shared.config.get('common', 'watermark') ) if not os.path.isfile(wmarkfile): return img with wand.image.Image(filename=wmarkfile) as wmark: if img.width > img.height: w = img.width * 0.16 h = wmark.height * (w / wmark.width) x = img.width - w - (img.width * 0.01) y = img.height - h - (img.height * 0.01) else: w = img.height * 0.16 h = wmark.height * (w / wmark.width) x = img.width - h - (img.width * 0.01) y = img.height - w - (img.height * 0.01) w = round(w) h = round(h) x = round(x) y = round(y) wmark.resize(w, h) if img.width <= img.height: wmark.rotate(-90) img.composite(image=wmark, left=x, top=y) return img def _intermediate_dimensions(self, size, width, height, crop = False): size = int(size) w = width h = height if (width > height and not crop) \ or (width < height and crop): w = size h = int(float(size / width) * height) else: h = size w = int(float(size / height) * width) return (w, h) def _intermediate(self, img, size, meta, existing = []): if img.width <= size and img.height <= size: return False crop = meta.get('crop', False) with img.clone() as thumb: width, height = self._intermediate_dimensions( size, img.width, img.height, crop ) thumb.resize(width, height) if crop: thumb.liquid_rescale(size, size, 1, 1) if self.meta.get('FileType', 'jpeg').lower() == 'jpeg': thumb.compression_quality = 86 thumb.unsharp_mask( radius=0, sigma=0.5, amount=1, threshold=0.03 ) thumb.format = 'pjpeg' # this is to make sure pjpeg happens with open(meta['fpath'], 'wb') as f: thumb.save(file=f) return True async def downsize(self, existing = []): if not self.is_downsizeable: self._copy() return logging.info("checking downsizing for %s", self.fname) needed = shared.config.getboolean('params', 'regenerate', fallback=False) if not needed: for (size, meta) in self.sizes: if meta['fpath'] not in existing: needed = True if not needed: logging.debug("downsizing not needed for %s", self.fname) return with wand.image.Image(filename=self.fpath) as img: img.auto_orient() if self.is_photo: logging.info("%s is a photo", self.fpath) img = self._watermark(img) for (size, meta) in self.sizes: self._intermediate(img, size, meta, existing) class Taxonomy(BaseIter): def __init__(self, name = None, taxonomy = None, slug = None): super(Taxonomy, self).__init__() self.name = name if name and not slug: self.slug = slugify(name, only_ascii=True, lower=True) else: self.slug = slug self.taxonomy = taxonomy @property def pages(self): return math.ceil(len(self.data) / shared.config.getint('common', 'pagination')) def __repr__(self): return "taxonomy %s with %d items" % (self.taxonomy, len(self.data)) @property def basep(self): p = shared.config.get('target', 'builddir') if self.taxonomy: p = os.path.join(p, self.taxonomy) return p @property def myp(self): p = self.basep if self.slug: return os.path.join(p,self.slug) return p @property def feedp(self): return os.path.join(self.myp, 'feed') @property def pagep(self): return os.path.join(self.myp, 'page') @property def baseurl(self): if self.taxonomy and self.slug: return "/%s/%s/" % (self.taxonomy, self.slug) else: return '/' @property def mtime(self): return int(list(sorted(self.data.keys(), reverse=True))[0]) def __mkdirs(self): check = [self.basep, self.myp, self.feedp] if self.pages > 1: check.append(self.pagep) for i in range(2, self.pages+1): subpagep = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( self.pagep, '%d' % i )) check.append(subpagep) for p in check: if not os.path.isdir(p): logging.debug("creating dir %s", p) os.mkdir(p) def tpath(self, page): if page == 1: return "%s/index.html" % (self.myp) else: return "%s/%d/index.html" % (self.pagep, page) async def render(self, renderer): self.__mkdirs() page = 1 testpath = self.tpath(page) if not shared.config.getboolean('params', 'force') and os.path.isfile(testpath): ttime = int(os.path.getmtime(testpath)) if ttime == self.mtime: logging.info('taxonomy index for "%s" exists and up-to-date (lastmod: %d)', self.slug, ttime) return while page <= self.pages: self.renderpage(renderer, page) page = page+1 def renderpage(self, renderer, page): pagination = int(shared.config.get('common', 'pagination')) start = int((page-1) * pagination) end = int(start + pagination) posttmpls = [self.data[k].tmplvars for k in list(sorted( self.data.keys(), reverse=True))[start:end]] target = self.tpath(page) logging.info("rendering taxonomy page %d to %s", page, target) tmplvars = { 'taxonomy': { 'url': self.baseurl, 'name': self.name, 'taxonomy': self.taxonomy, 'paged': page, 'total': self.pages, 'perpage': pagination }, 'site': renderer.sitevars, 'posts': posttmpls, } r = renderer.j2.get_template('archive.html').render(tmplvars) with open(target, "wt") as html: html.write(r) os.utime(target, (self.mtime, self.mtime)) if 1 == page: target = os.path.join(self.feedp, 'index.xml') logging.info("rendering RSS feed to %s", target) r = renderer.j2.get_template('rss.html').render(tmplvars) with open(target, "wt") as html: html.write(r) os.utime(target, (self.mtime, self.mtime)) class Content(BaseIter): def __init__(self, images, extensions=['md']): super(Content, self).__init__() self.images = images basepath = shared.config.get('source', 'contentdir') self.files = [] for ext in extensions: self.files += glob.glob(os.path.join(basepath, "*", "*.%s" % ext)) self.tags = {} self.categories = {} self.front = Taxonomy() def populate(self): now = arrow.utcnow().timestamp for fpath in self.files: item = Singular(fpath, self.images) self.append(item.pubtime, item) if item.pubtime > now: logging.warning("skipping future post %s", item.fname) continue if item.isonfront: self.front.append(item.pubtime, item) if item.iscategorised: if item.category not in self.categories: self.categories[item.category] = Taxonomy(item.category, 'category') self.categories[item.category].append(item.pubtime, item) for tag in item.tags: tslug = slugify(tag, only_ascii=True, lower=True) if tslug not in self.tags: self.tags[tslug] = Taxonomy(tag, 'tag', tslug) self.tags[tslug].append(item.pubtime, item) self.symlinktag(tslug, item.path) def symlinktag(self, tslug, fpath): fdir, fname = os.path.split(fpath) tagpath = os.path.join(shared.config.get('source', 'tagsdir'), tslug) if not os.path.isdir(tagpath): os.mkdir(tagpath) sympath = os.path.relpath(fdir, tagpath) dst = os.path.join(tagpath, fname) src = os.path.join(sympath, fname) if not os.path.islink(dst): os.symlink(src, dst) def sitemap(self): target = os.path.join( shared.config.get('target', 'builddir'), 'sitemap.txt' ) urls = [] for item in self.data.values(): urls.append( "%s/%s/" % ( shared.config.get('site', 'url'), item.fname )) with open(target, "wt") as f: logging.info("writing sitemap to %s" % (target)) f.write("\n".join(urls)) def magicphp(self, renderer): redirects = [] gones = [] rfile = os.path.join( shared.config.get('common', 'basedir'), shared.config.get('common', 'redirects') ) if os.path.isfile(rfile): with open(rfile, newline='') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in r: redirects.append((row[0], row[1])) for item in self.data.values(): redirects.append((item.shortslug, item.fname)) rfile = os.path.join( shared.config.get('common', 'basedir'), shared.config.get('common', 'gone') ) if os.path.isfile(rfile): with open(rfile, newline='') as csvfile: r = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=' ') for row in r: gones.append(row[0]) tmplvars = { 'redirects': redirects, 'gones': gones } r = renderer.j2.get_template("magic.php").render(tmplvars) target = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( shared.config.get('target', 'builddir'), 'magic.php' )) with open(target, "w") as html: logging.debug('writing %s', target) html.write(r) html.close() class Singular(object): def __init__(self, path, images): logging.debug("initiating singular object from %s", path) self.path = path self.images = images self.category = splitpath(path)[-2] self.mtime = int(os.path.getmtime(self.path)) self.fname, self.ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(self.path)) self.meta = {} self.content = '' self.photo = self.images.data.get("%s.jpg" % self.fname, None) self.__parse() def __repr__(self): return "%s (lastmod: %s)" % (self.fname, self.published) def __parse(self): with open(self.path, mode='rt') as f: self.meta, self.content = frontmatter.parse(f.read()) self.__filter_images() if self.isphoto: #self.photo.alttext = self.content self.content = "%s\n%s" % ( self.content, self.photo ) #@property #def isrepost(self): #isrepost = False #if len(self.reactions.keys()): #isrepost = list(self.reactions.keys())[0] #if isrepost: #if len(self.reactions[isrepost]) == 1: #linkto = self.reactions[isrepost][0] def __filter_images(self): linkto = False isrepost = None if len(self.reactions.keys()): isrepost = list(self.reactions.keys())[0] if isrepost and \ len(self.reactions[isrepost]) == 1: linkto = self.reactions[isrepost][0] m = shared.MDIMGREGEX.findall(self.content) if not m: logging.debug("no images found") return for shortcode, alt, fname, title, cl in m: image = self.images.data.get(fname, None) if not image: logging.debug("%s not found in images", fname) continue if cl: image.cl = cl logging.debug( "replacing %s in content with %s", shortcode, "%s" % image ) self.content = self.content.replace( shortcode, "%s" % image ) @property def reactions(self): # getting rid of '-' to avoid css trouble and similar convert = { 'bookmark-of': 'bookmark', 'repost-of': 'repost', 'in-reply-to': 'reply', } reactions = {} for k, v in convert.items(): x = self.meta.get(k, None) if not x: continue if isinstance(x, str): x = [x] reactions[v] = x return reactions @property def urls(self): urls = shared.URLREGEX.findall(self.content) for reactionurls in self.reactions.values(): urls = [*urls, *reactionurls] r = [] for link in urls: domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=urllib.parse.urlparse(link)) if domain in shared.config.get('site', 'domains'): continue if r.get(link, False): continue r.append(link) return r @property def lang(self): lang = 'en' try: lang = langdetect.detect("\n".join([ self.title, self.content ])) except: pass return lang @property def tags(self): return list(self.meta.get('tags', [])) @property def published(self): return arrow.get( self.meta.get('published', self.mtime) ) @property def updated(self): return arrow.get( self.meta.get('updated', self.meta.get('published', self.mtime) ) ) @property def pubtime(self): return int(self.published.timestamp) @property def isphoto(self): if not self.photo: return False return self.photo.is_photo @property def isbookmark(self): return self.meta.get('bookmark-of', False) @property def ispage(self): if not self.meta: return True return False @property def isonfront(self): if self.ispage or self.isbookmark: return False return True @property def iscategorised(self): if self.ispage: return False return True @property def summary(self): return self.meta.get('summary', '') @property def title(self): for maybe in ['title', 'bookmark-of', 'in-reply-to', 'repost-of']: maybe = self.meta.get(maybe, False) if maybe: return maybe return '' @property def url(self): return "%s/%s/" % (shared.config.get('site', 'url'), self.fname) @property def tmplfile(self): if self.ispage: return 'page.html' else: return 'singular.html' @property def html(self): return shared.Pandoc().convert(self.content) @property def offlinecopies(self): # stupidly simple property caching if hasattr(self, 'copies'): return self.copies copies = {} for maybe in ['bookmark-of', 'in-reply-to', 'repost-of']: maybe = self.meta.get(maybe, False) if not maybe: continue if not isinstance(maybe, list): maybe = [maybe] for url in maybe: copies[url] = OfflineCopy(url) copies[url].run() self.copies = copies return copies @property def exif(self): if not self.isphoto: return None exif = {} mapping = { 'camera': [ 'Model' ], 'aperture': [ 'FNumber', 'Aperture' ], 'shutter_speed': [ 'ExposureTime' ], 'focallength35mm': [ 'FocalLengthIn35mmFormat', ], 'focallength': [ 'FocalLength', ], 'iso': [ 'ISO' ], 'lens': [ 'LensID', ], 'date': [ 'CreateDate', 'DateTimeOriginal', ], 'geo_latitude': [ 'GPSLatitude' ], 'geo_longitude': [ 'GPSLongitude' ], } for ekey, candidates in mapping.items(): for candidate in candidates: maybe = self.photo.meta.get(candidate, None) if maybe: if 'geo_' in ekey: exif[ekey] = round(float(maybe), 5) else: exif[ekey] = maybe break return exif @property def rssenclosure(self): if not self.isphoto: return {} return self.photo.rssenclosure @property def tmplvars(self): return { 'title': self.title, 'published': self.published.datetime, 'tags': self.tags, 'author': dict(shared.config.items('author')), 'content': self.content, 'html': self.html, 'category': self.category, 'reactions': self.reactions, 'updated': self.updated.datetime, 'summary': self.meta.get('summary', ''), 'exif': self.exif, 'lang': self.lang, 'syndicate': '', 'slug': self.fname, 'shortslug': self.shortslug, 'rssenclosure': self.rssenclosure, 'copies': self.offlinecopies, } @property def shortslug(self): return self.baseN(self.pubtime) @staticmethod def baseN(num, b=36, numerals="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"): """ Used to create short, lowecase slug for a number (an epoch) passed """ num = int(num) return ((num == 0) and numerals[0]) or ( Singular.baseN( num // b, b, numerals ).lstrip(numerals[0]) + numerals[num % b] ) async def render(self, renderer): logging.info("rendering and saving %s", self.fname) targetdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( shared.config.get('target', 'builddir'), self.fname )) target = os.path.join(targetdir, 'index.html') if not shared.config.getboolean('params', 'force') and os.path.isfile(target): ttime = int(os.path.getmtime(target)) logging.debug('ttime is %d mtime is %d', ttime, self.mtime) if ttime == self.mtime: logging.debug('%s exists and up-to-date (lastmod: %d)', target, ttime) return if not os.path.isdir(targetdir): os.mkdir(targetdir) tmplvars = { 'post': self.tmplvars, 'site': renderer.sitevars, 'taxonomy': {}, } r = renderer.j2.get_template(self.tmplfile).render(tmplvars) with open(target, "w") as html: logging.debug('writing %s', target) html.write(r) html.close() os.utime(target, (self.mtime, self.mtime)) class NASG(object): def __init__(self): # --- set params parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Parameters for NASG') parser.add_argument( '--clear', action='store_true', default=False, help='clear build directory in advance' ) parser.add_argument( '--regenerate', action='store_true', default=False, help='force downsizing images' ) parser.add_argument( '--force', action='store_true', default=False, help='force rendering HTML' ) parser.add_argument( '--loglevel', default='info', help='change loglevel' ) parser.add_argument( '--nodownsize', action='store_true', default=False, help='skip image downsizing' ) parser.add_argument( '--norender', action='store_true', default=False, help='skip rendering' ) params = vars(parser.parse_args()) shared.config.add_section('params') for k, v in params.items(): shared.config.set('params', k, str(v)) # remove the rest of the potential loggers while len(logging.root.handlers) > 0: logging.root.removeHandler(logging.root.handlers[-1]) # --- set loglevel llevel = { 'critical': 50, 'error': 40, 'warning': 30, 'info': 20, 'debug': 10 } logging.basicConfig( level=llevel[shared.config.get('params', 'loglevel')], format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s' ) async def __adownsize(self, images, existing): for fname, img in images: await img.downsize(existing) async def __acrender(self, content, renderer): for (pubtime, singular) in content: await singular.render(renderer) async def __atrender(self, taxonomies, renderer): for e in taxonomies: for name, t in e.items(): await t.render(renderer) async def __afrender(self, front, renderer): await front.render(renderer) async def __aindex(self, content, searchdb): for (pubtime, singular) in content: await searchdb.append(singular) def run(self): if shared.config.getboolean('params', 'clear'): input('about to clear build directory, press enter to continue') shutil.rmtree(os.path.abspath( shared.config.get('target', 'builddir') )) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for d in shared.config.options('target'): if 'dir' in d and not os.path.isdir(shared.config.get('target', d)): os.mkdir(shared.config.get('target', d)) logging.info("discovering images") images = Images() images.populate() existing = glob.glob(os.path.join(shared.config.get('target', 'filesdir'), "*")) if not shared.config.getboolean('params', 'nodownsize'): logging.info("downsizing images") loop.run_until_complete(self.__adownsize(images, existing)) logging.info("discovering content") content = Content(images) content.populate() renderer = Renderer() if not shared.config.getboolean('params', 'norender'): logging.info("rendering content") loop.run_until_complete(self.__acrender(content, renderer)) logging.info("rendering categories and tags") loop.run_until_complete(self.__atrender([content.categories, content.tags], renderer)) logging.info("rendering the front page elements") loop.run_until_complete(self.__afrender(content.front, renderer)) logging.info("rendering sitemap") content.sitemap() logging.info("render magic.php") content.magicphp(renderer) logging.info("copy the static bits") src = shared.config.get('source', 'staticdir') for item in os.listdir(src): s = os.path.join(src, item) d = os.path.join(shared.config.get('target', 'builddir'), item) logging.debug("copying %s to %s", s, d) shutil.copy2(s, d) logging.info("pouplating searchdb") searchdb = SmartIndexer() loop.run_until_complete(self.__aindex(content, searchdb)) searchdb.finish() loop.close() if __name__ == '__main__': worker = NASG() worker.run()