import asyncio import uvloop import os import hashlib import json import urllib.parse import frontmatter from sanic import Sanic import sanic.response from sanic.log import log as logging import validators import arrow from webmentiontools import urlinfo import shared import envelope class WebmentionHandler(object): def __init__ (self, source, target): self.source = source = target = arrow.utcnow().timestamp"incoming webmention %s => %s", self.source, self.r = sanic.response.text( "something went wrong on my side, could you please let me know at ?", status=500 ) def run(self): if not self._validate(): return self._parse() if self._save(): self._notify() def _validate(self): test = { self.source: '"souce" parameter is an invalid URL', '"target" parameter is an invalid URL' } for url, emsg in test.items(): logging.debug("validating URL %s", url) if not validators.url(url): self.r = sanic.response.text( emsg, status=400 ) return False logging.debug("checking target domain") _target = urllib.parse.urlparse( _target_domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=_target) _mydomains = shared.config.get('site', 'domains').split(" ") if not _target_domain in _mydomains: self.r = sanic.response.text( "'target' is not in the list of allowed domains", status=400 ) return False logging.debug("checking selfpings") _source = urllib.parse.urlparse(self.source) _source_domain = '{uri.netloc}'.format(uri=_source) if _source_domain in _mydomains: self.r = sanic.response.text( "selfpings are not allowed", status=400 ) return False return True def _parse(self): logging.debug("fetching %s", self.source) self._source = urlinfo.UrlInfo(self.source) if self._source.error: self.r = sanic.response.text( "couldn't fetch 'source' from %s" % (self.source), status=408 ) return False if not self._source.linksTo( self.r = sanic.response.text( "'source' (%s) does not link to 'target' (%s)" % ( self.source, ), status=400 ) return False logging.debug("fetching %s", self._target = urlinfo.UrlInfo( if self._target.error: self.r = sanic.response.text( "couldn't fetch 'target' from %s" % (, status=408 )"parsed webmention:\n%s\n\n%s", self.meta, self.content) def _accepted(self): self.r = sanic.response.text( "accepted", status=202 ) def _save(self): target = os.path.join( shared.config.get('source', 'commentsdir'), self.mhash ) if os.path.isfile(target): with open(target) as f: doc = frontmatter.loads( else: doc = frontmatter.loads('') if self.content == doc.content: logging.warning('repinged target, no update needed') self._accepted() return False doc.metadata = self.meta doc.content = self.content if os.path.isfile(target): logging.warning('updating existing webmention %s', target) else: logging.warning('saving incoming webmention to %s', target) with open(target, 'wt') as t: t.write(frontmatter.dumps(doc)) self._accepted() return True def _notify(self): text = "\nsource URL\n: %s\n\ntarget URL:\n: %s\n\ndate\n: %s\n\nauthor name:\n: %s\n\nauthor URL:\n: %s\n\nauthor email:\n: %s\n\n---\n\n%s" % ( self.source,, self._meta['date'], self._meta['author'].get('name', self.source), self._meta['author'].get('url', self.source), self._meta['author'].get('email', ''), self.content ) l = envelope.Letter( sender=( shared.config.get('webmention', 'from_name'), shared.config.get('webmention', 'from_address') ), recipient=( shared.config.get('webmention', 'to_name'), shared.config.get('webmention', 'to_address') ), subject="[webmention] %s" % self.source, text=text ) l.make() l.send() @property def mhash(self): return hashlib.sha1(json.dumps(self.meta, sort_keys=True).encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() @property def meta(self): if hasattr(self, '_meta'): return self._meta self._meta = { 'author':, 'type': self._source.relationType, 'target':, 'source': self.source, 'date': arrow.get(self._source.pubDate).format(shared.ARROWISO), } return self._meta @property def content(self): if hasattr(self, '_content'): return self._content self._content = shared.Pandoc(False).convert(self._source.content) return self._content if __name__ == '__main__': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(uvloop.EventLoopPolicy()) app = Sanic() @app.route("/webmention", methods=["POST"]) async def wm(request): source = request.form.get('source') target = request.form.get('target') r = WebmentionHandler(source, target) return r.r"", port=8002, debug=True)