import os import re import sys import json import shutil import collections import logging import imghdr from ctypes import c_void_p, c_size_t import glob import pyexifinfo from similar_text import similar_text from cache import Cached import wand.api import wand.image import wand.drawing import wand.color from PIL import Image #from subprocess import call # wand.api.library.MagickSetCompressionQuality.argtypes = [c_void_p, c_size_t] class ImageHandler(object): def __init__(self, fpath, alttext='', title='', imgcl='', linkto=False): self.fpath = os.path.abspath(fpath) path, fname = os.path.split(self.fpath) fname, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) self.fname = fname self.fext = ext self.ftime = os.stat(self.fpath) self.linkto = linkto self.alttext = alttext self.title = title self.imgcl = imgcl self.c = os.path.join(glob.TFILES, self.fname) self.u = "%s/%s/%s" % (glob.conf['site']['url'],glob.UFILES, self.fname) self.what = imghdr.what(self.fpath) self.meta = {} self.exif = {} if self.what == 'jpeg': self._setexif() self.watermark = '' wfile = os.path.join(glob.SOURCE, glob.conf['watermark']) if os.path.isfile(wfile): self.watermark = wfile sizes = { 90: { 'ext': 's', 'cropped': True, }, 360: { 'ext': 'm', }, #540: 'n', 720: { 'ext': 'z', }, #980: 'c', 1280: { 'ext': 'b', } } self.sizes = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(sizes.items(), reverse=0)) for size, meta in self.sizes.items(): meta['path'] = "%s_%s%s" % (self.c, meta['ext'], self.fext) meta['url'] = "%s_%s%s" % (self.u, meta['ext'], self.fext) meta['mime'] = "image/%s" % (self.what) self._setmeta() self.fallbacksize = 720 self.srcsetmin = 720 self._is_photo() if self.is_photo: self.srcset = self.mksrcset(generate_caption=False, uphoto=False) def _setmeta(self): s = collections.OrderedDict(reversed(list(self.sizes.items()))) for size, meta in s.items(): if os.path.isfile(meta['path']): with['path']) as im: meta['width'], meta['height'] = im.size meta['size'] = os.path.getsize(meta['path']) self.meta = meta break def downsize(self, liquidcrop=True, watermark=True): if not self._is_downsizeable(): return self._copy() if not self._isneeded(): logging.debug("downsizing not needed for %s", self.fpath) return logging.debug("downsizing %s", self.fpath) try: img = wand.image.Image(filename=self.fpath) img.auto_orient() except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise # watermark if self.is_photo and self.watermark and img.format == "JPEG" and watermark: img = self._watermark(img) elif self.linkto: img = self._sourceurlmark(img) # resize & cache for size, meta in self.sizes.items(): self._intermediate(img, size, meta) self._setmeta() def _setexif(self): cached = Cached(text=self.fname, stime=self.ftime) cexif = cached.get() if cexif: self.exif = json.loads(cexif) else: exif = pyexifinfo.get_json(self.fpath) self.exif = exif.pop() cached.set(json.dumps(self.exif)) def _is_photo(self): self.is_photo = False if 'cameras' in glob.conf: if 'EXIF:Model' in self.exif: if self.exif['EXIF:Model'] in glob.conf['cameras']: self.is_photo = True if 'copyright' in glob.conf: if 'IPTC:CopyrightNotice' in self.exif: for s in glob.conf['copyright']: pattern = re.compile(r'%s' % s) if['IPTC:CopyrightNotice']): self.is_photo = True if self.is_photo: #self.category = "photo" if not self.alttext: keywords = ['XMP:Description', 'IPTC:Caption-Abstract'] for key in keywords: if key in self.exif and self.exif[key]: self.alttext = self.exif[key] break if not self.title: keywords = ['XMP:Title', 'XMP:Headline', 'IPTC:Headline'] for key in keywords: if key in self.exif and self.exif[key]: self.title = self.exif[key] break def _is_downsizeable(self): if self.what != 'jpeg' and self.what != 'png': return False if self.imgcl: return False return True def _watermark(self, img): wmark = wand.image.Image(filename=self.watermark) if img.width > img.height: w = img.width * 0.16 h = wmark.height * (w / wmark.width) x = img.width - w - (img.width * 0.01) y = img.height - h - (img.height * 0.01) else: w = img.height * 0.16 h = wmark.height * (w / wmark.width) x = img.width - h - (img.width * 0.01) y = img.height - w - (img.height * 0.01) w = round(w) h = round(h) x = round(x) y = round(y) wmark.resize(w, h) if img.width < img.height: wmark.rotate(-90) img.composite(image=wmark, left=x, top=y) return img def _sourceurlmark(self, img): with wand.drawing.Drawing() as draw: draw.fill_color = wand.color.Color('#fff') draw.fill_opacity = 0.8 draw.stroke_color = wand.color.Color('#fff') draw.stroke_opacity = 0.8 r_h = round(img.height * 0.3) r_top = round((img.height/2) - (r_h/2)) draw.rectangle( left=0, top=r_top, width=img.width, height=r_h ) draw(img) with wand.drawing.Drawing() as draw: draw.font = os.path.join(glob.FONT) draw.font_size = round((img.width)/len(self.linkto)*1.5) draw.gravity = 'center' draw.text( 0, 0, self.linkto ) draw(img) return img def _copy(self): p = self.c + self.fext if not os.path.isfile(p): logging.debug("copying %s" % self.fpath) shutil.copy(self.fpath, p) return def _isneeded(self): # skip existing needed = False if glob.REGENERATE: needed = True else: for size, meta in self.sizes.items(): if not os.path.isfile(meta['path']): needed = True return needed def _intermediate_dimensions(self, img, size, meta): if (img.width > img.height and 'crop' not in meta) \ or (img.width < img.height and 'crop' in meta): width = size height = int(float(size / img.width) * img.height) else: height = size width = int(float(size / img.height) * img.width) return (width, height) def _intermediate_symlink(self, meta): # create a symlink to the largest resize with the full filename; # this is to ensure backwards compatibility and avoid 404s altsrc = meta['path'] altdst = self.c + self.fext if not os.path.islink(altdst): if os.path.isfile(altdst): os.unlink(altdst) os.symlink(altsrc, altdst) def _intermediate(self, img, size, meta): # skip existing unless regenerate needed if os.path.isfile(meta['path']) and not glob.REGENERATE: return # too small images: move on #if size > img.height and size > img.width: # return width, height = self._intermediate_dimensions(img, size, meta) try: thumb = img.clone() thumb.resize(width, height) #thumb.resize(width, height, filter='robidouxsharp') if 'crop' in meta and liquidcrop: thumb.liquid_rescale(size, size, 1, 1) elif 'crop' in meta: l = t = 0 if width > size: l = int((width - size) / 2) if height > size: t = int((height - size) / 2) thumb.crop(left=l, top=t, width=size, height=size) if img.format == "PNG": library.MagickSetCompressionQuality(img.wand, 75) if img.format == "JPEG": thumb.compression_quality = 86 thumb.unsharp_mask(radius=0, sigma=0.5, amount=1, threshold=0.03) thumb.format = 'pjpeg' # this is to make sure pjpeg happens with open(meta['path'], 'wb') as f: if size == list(self.sizes.keys())[-1]: self._intermediate_symlink(meta) #if img.format == "JPEG": ## this one strips the embedded little jpg #call(['/usr/bin/jhead', '-dt', '-q', cpath]) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) raise def mksrcset(self, generate_caption=True, uphoto=False): if not self._is_downsizeable(): return False for size, meta in self.sizes.items(): if 'crop' in meta: continue # increase fallback until max fallback reached if size <= self.fallbacksize: fallback = meta['url'] # set target for the largest target = meta['url'] if uphoto: uphotoclass=' u-photo' else: uphotoclass='' caption = '' if not self.imgcl: cl = '' else: cl = self.imgcl if self.alttext \ and similar_text(self.alttext, self.fname) < 90 \ and similar_text(self.alttext, self.fname + '.' + self.fext) < 90 \ and generate_caption: caption = '
' % (self.alttext) if self.linkto: target = self.linkto return '
' % (uphotoclass, target, fallback, self.imgcl, self.alttext, caption)