Disciplines of Pa-Kua in Cambridge
Classes and Events
Add: Google Calendar, ICal (IOS, etc)
Tickets for events
All our events are on Eventbrite; please purchase a ticket below or directly on Eventbrite itself.
Payments for regular classes
Unfortunately our regular classes are still on hold.Special Class and Itinerancy Payments
Payments of special classes with visiting Masters, and payments of itinerancies have to be made via https://europa.pakua.com/.
Peter Molnar
Verify via BMABA »Tom Winch
Documents to download
Legal documents
Risk Assessments
- Risk Assessment for Pa-Kua Archery in Fenners Gallery of Kelsey Kerridge
- Risk Assessment for Pa-Kua Martil Arts in the Cricket Courts of Hills Road Sports Centre
- Pa-Kua International League »
- Read about the international school, of our history, about details on the disciplines!
- Pa-Kua Accessories Store »
- Buy equipment for our classes: uniforms, bows, arrows, clothing, etc.