commit db02b30ddbeaec1d18c1cee8056f07f8d6a0b13c Author: Peter Molnar Date: Wed Jun 5 10:26:29 2019 +0100 initial version diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17fecf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/.gitignore @@ -0,0 +1 @@ +flickr.json diff --git a/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js b/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e68716c --- /dev/null +++ b/html5shiv-printshiv.min.js @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/** +* @preserve HTML5 Shiv 3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed +*/ +!function(a,b){function c(a,b){var c=a.createElement("p"),d=a.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||a.documentElement;return c.innerHTML="x",d.insertBefore(c.lastChild,d.firstChild)}function d(){var a=y.elements;return"string"==typeof a?a.split(" "):a}function e(a,b){var c=y.elements;"string"!=typeof c&&(c=c.join(" ")),"string"!=typeof a&&(a=a.join(" ")),y.elements=c+" "+a,j(b)}function f(a){var b=x[a[v]];return b||(b={},w++,a[v]=w,x[w]=b),b}function g(a,c,d){if(c||(c=b),q)return c.createElement(a);d||(d=f(c));var e;return e=d.cache[a]?d.cache[a].cloneNode():u.test(a)?(d.cache[a]=d.createElem(a)).cloneNode():d.createElem(a),!e.canHaveChildren||t.test(a)||e.tagUrn?e:d.frag.appendChild(e)}function h(a,c){if(a||(a=b),q)return a.createDocumentFragment();c=c||f(a);for(var e=c.frag.cloneNode(),g=0,h=d(),i=h.length;i>g;g++)e.createElement(h[g]);return e}function i(a,b){b.cache||(b.cache={},b.createElem=a.createElement,b.createFrag=a.createDocumentFragment,b.frag=b.createFrag()),a.createElement=function(c){return y.shivMethods?g(c,a,b):b.createElem(c)},a.createDocumentFragment=Function("h,f","return function(){var n=f.cloneNode(),c=n.createElement;h.shivMethods&&("+d().join().replace(/[\w\-:]+/g,function(a){return b.createElem(a),b.frag.createElement(a),'c("'+a+'")'})+");return n}")(y,b.frag)}function j(a){a||(a=b);var d=f(a);return!y.shivCSS||p||d.hasCSS||(d.hasCSS=!!c(a,"article,aside,dialog,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section{display:block}mark{background:#FF0;color:#000}template{display:none}")),q||i(a,d),a}function k(a){for(var b,c=a.getElementsByTagName("*"),e=c.length,f=RegExp("^(?:"+d().join("|")+")$","i"),g=[];e--;)b=c[e],f.test(b.nodeName)&&g.push(b.applyElement(l(b)));return g}function l(a){for(var b,c=a.attributes,d=c.length,e=a.ownerDocument.createElement(A+":"+a.nodeName);d--;)b=c[d],b.specified&&e.setAttribute(b.nodeName,b.nodeValue);return,e}function m(a){for(var b,c=a.split("{"),e=c.length,f=RegExp("(^|[\\s,>+~])("+d().join("|")+")(?=[[\\s,>+~#.:]|$)","gi"),g="$1"+A+"\\:$2";e--;)b=c[e]=c[e].split("}"),b[b.length-1]=b[b.length-1].replace(f,g),c[e]=b.join("}");return c.join("{")}function n(a){for(var b=a.length;b--;)a[b].removeNode()}function o(a){function b(){clearTimeout(g._removeSheetTimer),d&&d.removeNode(!0),d=null}var d,e,g=f(a),h=a.namespaces,i=a.parentWindow;return!B||a.printShived?a:("undefined"==typeof h[A]&&h.add(A),i.attachEvent("onbeforeprint",function(){b();for(var f,g,h,i=a.styleSheets,j=[],l=i.length,n=Array(l);l--;)n[l]=i[l];for(;h=n.pop();)if(!h.disabled&&z.test({try{f=h.imports,g=f.length}catch(o){g=0}for(l=0;g>l;l++)n.push(f[l]);try{j.push(h.cssText)}catch(o){}}j=m(j.reverse().join("")),e=k(a),d=c(a,j)}),i.attachEvent("onafterprint",function(){n(e),clearTimeout(g._removeSheetTimer),g._removeSheetTimer=setTimeout(b,500)}),a.printShived=!0,a)}var p,q,r="3.7.3",s=a.html5||{},t=/^<|^(?:button|map|select|textarea|object|iframe|option|optgroup)$/i,u=/^(?:a|b|code|div|fieldset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|i|label|li|ol|p|q|span|strong|style|table|tbody|td|th|tr|ul)$/i,v="_html5shiv",w=0,x={};!function(){try{var a=b.createElement("a");a.innerHTML="",p="hidden"in a,q=1==a.childNodes.length||function(){b.createElement("a");var a=b.createDocumentFragment();return"undefined"==typeof a.cloneNode||"undefined"==typeof a.createDocumentFragment||"undefined"==typeof a.createElement}()}catch(c){p=!0,q=!0}}();var y={elements:s.elements||"abbr article aside audio bdi canvas data datalist details dialog figcaption figure footer header hgroup main mark meter nav output picture progress section summary template time video",version:r,shivCSS:s.shivCSS!==!1,supportsUnknownElements:q,shivMethods:s.shivMethods!==!1,type:"default",shivDocument:j,createElement:g,createDocumentFragment:h,addElements:e};a.html5=y,j(b);var z=/^$|\b(?:all|print)\b/,A="html5shiv",B=!q&&function(){var c=b.documentElement;return!("undefined"==typeof b.namespaces||"undefined"==typeof b.parentWindow||"undefined"==typeof c.applyElement||"undefined"==typeof c.removeNode||"undefined"==typeof a.attachEvent)}();y.type+=" print",y.shivPrint=o,o(b),"object"==typeof module&&module.exports&&(module.exports=y)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,document); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/index.php b/index.php new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bf73124 --- /dev/null +++ b/index.php @@ -0,0 +1,324 @@ + + + + + Not found + + +

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More +

+ According to Reflexology's ancient Oriental philosophy there is an intrinsic relationship among all things, which is reflected in different levels. A small part of the body can influence the whole body, and vice versa. It can also serve as a map of its functioning. The study of those "micro-bodies" and their beneficial influences, in addition to other related exercises, are the basis of Reflexology classes in the Pa-Kua school. +


+ Through the study of traditional and comprehensive techniques, reflexology accelerates the body's own healing process, helping it to return to a natural state of balance. In addition, it preserves our vitality and keeps stress at healthy levels. Those benefits are obtained through manipulations of the "micro-bodies" such as the feet, hands and ears. Learning how to stimulate those body parts with massages, can promote healing or prevent organ imbalances. +


+ Benefits of the practice: +

  • + Strengthens the body's immune system +
  • +
  • + Increases flexibility +
  • +
  • + Control and harmonization of breathing +
  • +
  • + Harmonization of the internal energy +
  • +
  • + Greater physical awareness +
  • +
  • + Physical and mental wellbeing +
  • +
+ +
+ +



More +

+ In their constant search for answers, our ancestors realised that the key to understanding the Universe was self-study; achieving "Sintony" between themselves and the world around them. It is imperative, therefore, to work on harmonising our minds and body by practising movements and meditations that strengthen this connection. In the Pa-Kua School, this study is called Sintony, also known as Chinese Yoga; a path to self-knowledge through stretches, poses, breathing techniques, and meditation. +


+ Sintony promotes excellent physical conditioning; movements tone and strengthen the body developing muscle mass while burning calories. Specifically, stretching exercises increase the students' flexibility, and help prevent injuries, whilst meditations oxygenate the body and regulate the cardiovascular system. The students will also learn techniques to relieve stress and achieve a state of tranquillity in their day-to day activities. +


+ Benefits of the practice: +

  • + Controls stress +
  • +
  • + Promotes relaxation and tranquillity +
  • +
  • + Improves physical posture +
  • +
  • + Greater stretching and flexibility +
  • +
  • + Harmonisation of metabolism +
  • +
  • + Muscle sculpting +
  • +
  • + Helps confront and control the ego +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ +



More +

+ Traditional Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest healing arts and it's comprehensive classification of the human bioenergetics system is used worldwide. It not only uses effective methods of healing through acupressure and massages, but also offers therapeutic movements, study of nutrition, observations of daily habits, and identification of a person's disharmonies. Only through a holistic vision of the treatment can one reach the heart of the problem rather than treat symptoms. +


+ This comprehensive approach is the basic principle of the Pa-Kua Energy discipline, which teaches and trains in the traditional techniques of manipulation and study of the internal energy, in order to improve a person's overall health, strength and vitality. +


+ The regular practice of Pa-Kua Energy includes a variety of techniques that improve the vitality of the body and mind. The student also acquires knowledge in nutrition, energy pathways, massages, the theory of the Five Elements, the concept of Yin Yang, and much more. +


+ Classes are open to anyone who has an interest in learning and practicing these ancient techniques for better health and a longer life. +


+ Benefits of the practice: +

  • + Regulating the Energy Cycles +
  • +
  • + Harmonisation of the metabolism +
  • +
  • + Improvement of general condition of the body +
  • +
  • + Increases energy and improves mental disposition +
  • +
  • + Learn contemporary practical applications of Traditional Chinese Medicine +
  • +
+ +
+ +
+ +



More +

+ Music and dance have accompanied human beings since ancient times. Sounds and vibrations generate various mental and physical effects, and therefore, have a great influence on us. This power has been utilised for multiple purposes, ranging from entertainment to spirituality, meditation to, even, preparation for combat. That study is an important source of knowledge that helps overcome our physical limitations. In the Pa-Kua school this is exemplified by Pa-Kua Rhythm, a combination of music and martial art. +


+ Basic attacks using the legs and hands are combined to achieve velocity and explosion. +


+ Reflexes will improve through an exciting regimen with a partner, using the rhythm of music to get in tune one with another. Strength and physical stamina are improved through routines that use punching bag and gloves, also improving both movement and posture wile hitting. You will burn calories while learning the principles of martial art in a fun and high energy class. +


+ Benefits of the practice: +

  • + Weight loss +
  • +
  • + Stress relief +
  • +
  • + Endurance +
  • +
  • + Improved coordination and core strength +
  • +
  • + Harmonizes bio-rhythms +
  • +
  • + Fun and relaxation to the rhythm of music +
  • +
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Pa-Kua School UK

+ +

+ The Pa Kua Studio Cambridge opened in 2012 offering Martial Arts and Sword Training. ​ +


+ Today we also have Archery, Acrobatics, Tai Chi and Martial Arts for Kids, in multiple locations across the city. Our classes are for all ages and levels. +

+ +
+ +

Our teachers and class leading instructors

  • +
    + +
    + Rodolfo Oliva + 6th degree black belt Master + all classes +
  • + +
  • +
    + +
    + Simon Lamb + 1st degree black belt instructor + Acrobatics +
  • + +
  • +
    + +
    + John Waugh + Red belt instructor + Martial Art +
  • + +
  • +
    + +
    + Tom Winch + Red belt instructor + Edge Weapons +
  • + +
  • +
    + +
    + Kasia Bukowska + Red belt instructor + Archery +
  • + +
  • +
    + +
    + Alejandro Perez + Blue belt instructor + Martial Art for Kids +
  • +
+ +

Locations and map

+ +
+ +
+ + +

Photos from our classes

diff --git a/page/about-us.json b/page/about-us.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b1a4855 --- /dev/null +++ b/page/about-us.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "@context": "", + "@type": "Article", + "inLanguage": "en", + "headline": "About Pa-Kua in the United Kingdom", + "name": "about-us", + "description": "", + "keywords": ["Martial Art", "Self Defense", "Acrobatics", "Chinese Archery", "Swordfight", "Chinese Weapons"] +} diff --git a/page/contact.html b/page/contact.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbca152 --- /dev/null +++ b/page/contact.html @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +

Contact Pa-Kua UK

+ +
+ + +


Are there ID or minimum age requirements to attend to classes?
Children under 14 are welcome to attend to Martial Art for Children; the other classes are for anyone 14 or above.
+ +
What clothing should I wear?
We recommend something comfortable for physical activity, such as workout, gym, martial art clothing. All of our classes include warmup excersizes, including archery.
+ +
+ +
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+ Join our classes today! +

+ +
+ +

Martial Art


Learn kicks, punches, and self defence in a non-competitive, inclusive environment

More +

Through the study of Pa-Kua Martial Art, students will develop their physical strength, while learning unique techniques employing pressure points, levers, throws, and more. Pa-Kua fosters the students’ better understanding of them-selves and of their surroundings. This is facilitated by the non-competitive manner of teaching, whereby students challenges only themselves and their personal abilities.


On and off the mat, every student will face his or her own limitations and fears, having to strive toward overcoming them without any comparison to other students. This philosophy allows students of all ages and background to practice Pa-Kua Martial Art.


The technical aspect of Pa-Kua Martial Art includes circular movements and the use of the opponent’s strength against him or herself. A strong emphasis is placed on physical and mental balance, expressed through movements that are – according to the needs of a particular situation – both fluid and rigid, strong and slow. Each of the Eight Belt levels feature different aspects of Martial Art. When a Pa-Kua practitioner reaches the level of Black Belt, he or she is a complete warrior, confident in his or her abilities and of him or herself.


Benefits of the practice:

  • Betters physical and mental strength
  • +
  • Increases physical self-awareness
  • +
  • Improves flexibility
  • +
  • Improves self-esteem and self-confidence
  • +
  • Strengths the character and personality
  • +
  • Encourages the values of a warrior, such as honour, strength and courage
  • +
+ +



Overcome your fears while having fun and building core strength

More +

Evidence of acrobatics exercises being practiced in China date prior to the Western Han Dynasty, 2500 years ago. During the Tang Dynasty, for example, acrobatics were part of the village harvest festivals. Nowadays, defying the laws of gravity continues to be an important part of the modern Chinese culture.


Pa-Kua Acrobatics is a class that develops your core strength, flexibility, and balance, working various muscle groups which are vital to the practice of postures and routines. A strong self-awareness develops and an acute mind/body connection occurs. Everything is taught according to the student’s abilities, who slowly acquires the necessary strength and skills needed before progressing to the next level of training. When the student feels prepared, and by overcoming fears and doubts, he or she will gradually learn how to do handstands, cartwheels, one-handed cartwheels, one-handed handstands, butterflies, bridges, front walkovers, back walkovers, front handsprings, back handsprings, front flips, back flips, and much more. It is a fun activity for friends to work together, training elaborate balance movements that require support and cooperation.


Benefits of the practice:



  • ​Increases muscle mass
  • +
  • Improves physical expression
  • +
  • Helps control and overcome fears
  • +
  • Improves physical and mental equilibrium
  • +
  • Reduces shyness and increases self-confidence
  • +
  • Increases confidence in group work
  • +
+ +

Edged Weapons


Learn to handle ancient Chinese weapons: swords, spears, daggers, knives

More +

The use of sharp edged weapons is an intrinsic part of human evolution and its struggle for survival. It has generated a fascination that has remained with us in modern times. In the Orient, following the „Way of the Sword“ not only gave an individual status, but also offered an existence of increased self-discipline and control. It also gave the individual an understanding of life, resulting from the daily interactions with dangerous situations.

An integral part of the Pa-Kua knowledge, the study of Traditional Ancient Chinese Weapons is a way of developing the individual’s Inner Warrior, developing inner strength while physically strengthening the body. Discipline, self-confidence and courage are just some of the many benefits derived from studying combat with edged weapons.

Working with swords enhances precision, depth perception, and coordination. Studying the way of the ancient warrior remains essential for us today. Through this study we develop faster reflexes and courage to overcome our day-to-day battles, thus facing the world as leaders who can overcome difficulties with strength and determination.

Benefits of the practice

  • Improves physical condition
  • +
  • Develops perception and speeds up reaction time
  • +
  • Betters body control
  • +
  • Helps overcome fears
  • +
  • Improves discipline and concentration
  • +
  • Positively impacts personality development
  • +
+ +

Martial Art for Kids


Gain self-confidence, social skills, focus, and control, from DBS certified instructors

More +

Kids Martial Arts is given to kids from age 4 and up. Children significantly benefit from the system that is built to suit their needs.The martial arts games, the kicks and punches, as well as the connections with other kids found through Pa-Kua Martial Arts, serve to increase the child’s confidence, self-esteem, and social skills. At the same time Pa-Kua Martial Arts teaches the child to respect peers and elders, works on the student’s focus and control, and offers the student with the tools required for the full life that lies ahead. This always occurs in a positive atmosphere.


The many benefits of Pa-Kua Martial Arts for kids are clearly noticeable and shown in the child’s school work, behavior at home, and interaction with family or friends. The classes for children are conducted in a completely safe and professional atmosphere, by Instructors and Masters who make sure the children develop their skills in complete safety.


All our Instructors and Masters are DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate (formerly CRB).

+ +

Oriental Archery


Learn to focus, relax, and find the perfect shot

More +

Throughout the centuries wise men have looked for the deep meaning of our day-to-day life practices in order to have a better contact with ourselves: calligraphy, martial arts, the tea ceremony, the theater… and archery was not the exception.


Many factors compose the “perfect shot” and they are mostly mental. The delicate equilibrium needed to release that shot, leads to achieving higher mental states. Many ancient Oriental philosophers devoted themselves to archery in search for those higher states of consciousness, known by many as illumination. That fostered a development of Chinese Archery which has maintained, through the ages, it’s simplicity and beauty.


Breathing is also fundamental to the process. When it is kept stable and synchronized with the movements, the execution of the shot becomes easy and natural. The various shooting positions help develop a better understanding of the body, and gives the mind a better capacity for adapting to surrounding changes. That is the base of an extremely functional shooting style.


Benefits of the practice:

  • Improves concentration
  • +
  • Better physical and mental equilibrium
  • +
  • Improvement in body posture
  • +
  • Breathing development
  • +
  • Relaxation
  • +
+ +
+ +



+ Founded in 1976, by Master Rogelio Giordano Magliacano, the Pa-Kua Internatinal Leauge has become an institution of importance in many parts of the world with thousands of disciples across the world. +


Master Rogelio Magliacano devoted himself to the study of martial arts and healing sciences from an early age, achieving high degrees inside the black belt in several disciplines and playing as Master in them, before he was ready to start learning Pa Kua with Master I Chan Ming. After a hard work of learning, Master I Chan Ming named him his successor and only responsible to continue the TRANSMISSION of the Pa Kua knowledge worldwide. +

+ + diff --git a/page/index.json b/page/index.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a36565 --- /dev/null +++ b/page/index.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "@context": "", + "@type": "Article", + "inLanguage": "en", + "headline": "Pa-Kua School UK", + "name": "index", + "description": "", + "keywords": ["Martial Art", "Self Defense", "Acrobatics", "Chinese Archery", "Swordfight", "Chinese Weapons"] +} diff --git a/page/the-school.html b/page/the-school.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5504db1 --- /dev/null +++ b/page/the-school.html @@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ +

+ Pa-Kua International League +


+ Pa-Kua is an ancient Chinese knowledge based on the study of changes in nature. It's study and practice feature a variety of ancient concepts such as Yin Yang, Sky Man and Earth, the Five Elements, and the Eight States of Change. +


+ A system of study was developed by the late founder of the Pa-Kua International League, Master Rogelio Giordano Magliacano (1943 — 2007), featuring a broad range of courses and disciplines catering to the specific interests of any student. +

+ +
+ +

+ The International League +


+ Master Rogelio Giordano Magliacano officially founded the Pa-Kua International League in 1976. Master Magliacano began his study of Asian martial arts in 1952 and achieved various high degrees in many disciplines. Two decades of martial practice fully prepared him for the study of Pa-Kua with Master I Chan Ming in the Far East, who later named him his successor. Master Ming felt that among his disciples, Master Magliacano was the only one who truly understood the Pa-Kua knowledge in its entire spectrum. +


+ Official Web Page and Updates +


+ The official Pa-Kua website is at + + + + . It includes up-to-date information about the different Pa-Kua schools around the world, pictures, videos, and much more. +


+ You can also subscribe to the Pa-Kua newsletter, which includes news and updates, by sending an email to: + + + +


+ Pa-Kua classes and school activities +


+ Regular Classes +


+ Regular classes held on a weekly basis and are usually under the care of an Instructor or Master. These classes follow a curriculum based on a Belt system. Each practitioner is taught in a manner that foster care toward other practitioners in a non-competitive environment. +


+ Currently there are nine Pa-Kua Disciplines: Martial Art, Edged Weapons, Sintony (Chinese Yoga), Cosmo Dynamics, Archery, Pa-Kua Rhythm, Reflexology, Pa-Kua Energy and Acrobatics. +


+ Regular classes are usually held in small groups. They last approximately fifty minutes, preceded by five minutes to get set and introduce the class, and conclude with five minutes of answers to questions and announcements. +


+ Children’s Regular Classes +


+ Children are separated into two age groups, 4 to 9 years old and 10 to 14 years old. They follow a slightly different progression than adult students when it comes to the curriculum and the time spent at each Belt level. +


+ Parents are invited to attend any of the classes their child is participating in, provided they do not distract them or interfere with their performance. Parents’ partnership and involvement in the Pa-Kua learning process is extremely important, hence we encourage parents to keep in touch with the Instructor responsible for their child as well as with the school’s administrators. The Pa-Kua Association and the Responsible Masters are always available to receive comments and suggestions from parents. +


+ Private Classes for the various Discplines +


+ As an addition to the regular attended classes, and with the aim of offering more options to individual students, private classes are available to work on the student’s specific subject of interest of. This will allow a student to make the most out of the Instructor’s teaching experience. For information about cost and to schedule a class, please speak directly with your Instructor. +


+ Instructor’s Classes +


+ These classes are designed for Instructors who wish to improve their teaching skills and acquire additional knowledge. For more information (costs, availability, etc.) please speak directly with the Responsible Masters. +


+ Special Classes +


+ A Special Class targets a specific aspect or topic within a Discipline. These classes are scheduled either at the student’s request or when the Instructor deems it necessary to the student’s continued training. +


+ Course Training Classes +


+ After the completion of any Course (explained in more detail below), students can participate in training classes that will reinforce and provide additional training of the material covered in the Course. +


+ Courses +


+ In addition to the Disciplines, Pa-Kua International League offers a broad range of courses that cover specific topics. These courses enrich the student’s Pa-Kua knowledge thus making his or her studies more comprehensive. +


+ Courses are divided into levels and are taught by local or Itinerant Third Degree Masters or higher. +


+ Here are some of the courses: +

  • + Weapons: Long Stick, Short Stick, Nunchaku, Three-section articulated staff, Knife, Grand Sword, Throw Arms, Pa-Kua Jian, Tonfa, Sai, Cane, Archery +
  • +
  • + Harmonization: Chien Chi Kua, Massages, Energy Pathways, Seasonal Movements, Tian Ling (Feng Shui), Personal Profile, Nutrition +
  • +
  • + Martial Art Courses: Circular Combat (Chuan), Free Fighting, Body-to-Body +
  • +

+   +


+ System and organization +


+ Evaluations +


+ The International Pa-Kua League’s educational system is based on the gradual progression of levels, closely monitored by several Masters. The ceremonial passage from one level to another (Belts) occurs through the Evaluation, which is unlike the Belt examinations found in other schools of Oriental knowledge. Before presenting him or her self to an Evaluation, the practitioner needs to fulfill certain requirements which include time of practice and study plan. But most importantly, he or she must undergo a personal development within the current belt. +


+ To ensure the Evaluation’s fairness, it is leaded by a Master other than the one responsible for the student’s education, which is usually an Itinerant Master. The Evaluator undergoes training to effectively lead an Evaluation. +


+ The are eight Belts: White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Grey, Blue, Red, and Black. From White to Grey belts, Evaluations occur every two to four months with the student having attended at least sixteen general classes per Belt. The student can participate in any available Evaluation at any time. The cost of receiving the next Belt, regardless of how many Evaluations were attended, is defined by the International Pa-Kua League. From Grey belt onwards, level passage requires the student to participate in a Seminar in addition to attending regular classes. +


+ Children’s Evaluations +


+ The Evaluation system for children differs slightly from the adult system. In order to move up Belt, children are evaluated in two age groups: 4 to 9 year old, and 10 to 14 year old. +


+ During the Evaluation they are assessed on their techniques, and also on their respectful behavior toward parents, instructors, and fellow students, both inside and outside the training facilities. A report is prepared before an Evaluation by the Instructor in charge, taking in consideration the progress and behavior of the student during general classes. At the Evaluation, the effort each child makes during the different activities and their progressive development of the techniques is taken into consideration. Helping children develop in general, gain self-confidence and enhance their general education is as important as their study of Martial Art techniques. +


+ Pa-Kua Open Classes +


+ This is the most important event of the Pa-Kua school worldwide, in which Pa-Kua practitioners – Masters, Instructors, students, their relatives, and guest – from all over the world, meet and share their experiences during a weekend in which all the Disciplines are practiced. +


+ Pa-Kua practitioners from various parts of the world mount exhibitions demonstrating the various Pa-Kua Disciplines. The event culminates in a – usually – very large Martial Art class, punctuated by a Belt ceremony. +


+ Currently, there are three Open Classes every year: in North America, in Europe, and the International Gathering in South America. +


+ The main goal of the Open Classes is for the different members and students of the Pa-Kua school worldwide to get together, integrate, and socialise. +


+ Itinerancies +


+ The Pa-Kua International League monitors and regulates the manner and levels in which Pa-Kua is taught all over the world. This task is made possible by regular visits of Itinerant Masters to any part of the world where a representative of the Pa-Kua League is teaching. +


+ Itinerant Masters perform Evaluations and can also teach Special Classes, Regular Seminars, Courses and other activities to any student who desires to take the opportunity to further their Pa-Kua knowledge. +


+ In general, Itinerant Masters have extensive life and teaching experience, have visited numerous places, speak more than one language, and have undergone special teaching training. +


+ Uniforms, Accessories, etc. +


+ It is of outmost importance that each student possesses a uniform and the accessories needed for training in a specific discipline. +


+ Accessories can be purchased on the European Pa-Kua store online at +


+ Belts obtained during an Evaluation will be supplied by the Pa-Kua International League and sent to practice location of each student. The process takes a few weeks in order for the Administration to check all the data and to mail it. When the Belts, Patches and/or certificates are received, they will be presented to the students in the various classes within the shortest delays. +


+ Training of Instructors and Masters +


+ Teaching is perhaps the most complex and gratifying experience that a human being can be involved in. At the Pa-Kua International League we are constantly on the look out for individuals willing to dedicate them self to teaching and diffusing the Pa-Kua knowledge. For that purpose, since 1976, Pa-Kua has established a complete Teaching System, which, through the years has constantly been updated. This system has allowed for the expansion of the Pa-Kua School in sixteen countries. +


+ Currently, there are two manners to achieve the level of Instructor, followed by the level of Master: either Regular Classes and Seminars, or Intensive Seminars. Training is adapted to the level of the student, according to the regulations issued by the Pa-Kua International League. +


+ Training accreditation have international validity, thus allowing Masters to teach all over the world. +


+ Regular Seminars +


+ After achieving the level of Grey Belt – usually after training during a period of eight to twelve months – a student of the Pa-Kua International League can start teaching Regular classes to White Belts. This allows the student to start building his own student base. +


+ In the beginning of his teaching career, the student will be under the supervision of his Master and of the Pa-Kua school. Progressively the student will develop the abilities to teach independently in a professional manner. Pa-Kua Instructors and Masters are all trained to lead groups of students, and acquire the tools to do so independently. The Superior Masters will constantly provide supervision and support. +


+ Intensive Seminars +


+ The Pa-Kua International League’s Intensive Seminars are the right choice for those students who would like to deepen their knowledge. These seminars are designed for the modern man and woman, who work, study, and have little time for leisure activities, but nonetheless have and extreme curiosity and desire for personal growth and self-reflection. +


+ The curriculum of this type of Seminar comprises of techniques, philosophy and training, adapted to the student’s physical and mental needs. What makes these seminars so successful is that they are tailored for each student allowing him or her to not only learn faster but also develop particular areas of interest. +


+ At present, the Intensive Seminars are the most direct manner to access to the Pa-Kua knowledge, and the fastest and most effective way of learning. They are also a starting point to pursue a teaching track in a professional manner. +


+ Before an Intensive Seminar can begin, an email request has to be submitted to the Superior Masters. +

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+ +
+ + +


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Recurring classes + + google or web + + + + iOS or ical + +
Special classes, seminars, itinerancies + + google or web + + + iOS or ical + +
Program of European Open Classes and Spring Retreat + + google or web + + + + iOS or ical + +
+ +

Monthly fees

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
 First class per calendar monthEvery additional class per calendar month
Adults (20% discount for University Students)£34£15
Kids (10% discount for siblings)£28-
+ +

Drop-in fees

+ + + + + + +
Any 60 minute class£10
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