# silo.PASTA Apersonal silo likes and favs archiver. ## Overview [PASTA](https://indieweb.org/PASTA) is an [indieweb](https://indieweb.org/) approach to privately archive data published elsewhere. I favd and liked many, many photographs and beautiful content, but during the years, [too many silos went out of business](https://indieweb.org/site-deaths) and took all that beauty with them. To prevent this, but also to avoid any potential infringements, I decided to save these works, privately, locally, on my own machine. Inspired by [Christian Weiske](https://indieweb.org/User:Cweiske.de)'s [idea about source-tagging images](http://cweiske.de/tagebuch/exif-url.htm), the process does the same: it adds a lot of metadata to the image file itself, as XMP data. ## Requirements It depends a lot of API wrappers for the various services, see requirements.txt, which is only a high level overview of what's needed.