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Peter Molnar cc04a4c0b3 0.4
2016-09-07 09:03:27 +00:00
composer.json 0.4 2016-09-07 09:03:27 +00:00
LICENSE initial 2016-07-25 15:07:33 +00:00
readme.txt 0.4 2016-09-07 09:03:27 +00:00
wp-extraexif.php 0.4 2016-09-07 09:03:27 +00:00

=== wp-extraexif ===
Contributors: cadeyrn
Tags: exif, image, media
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.6
Stable tag: 0.4
License: GPLv3
License URI:

A plugin that uses [exiftool]( to read EXIF values of an image.

== Description ==

== Installation ==

1. Upload contents of `` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the `Plugins` menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

== Changelog ==

Version numbering logic:

* every A. indicates BIG changes.
* every .B version indicates new features.
* every ..C indicates bugfixes for A.B version.

= 0.4 =

* filters added for extractable EXIF values

= 0.3 =

* EXIF is not merged with WordPress attachment meta any more but instead created as standalone JSON files based on the full file path hash, so it's easy to read.

= 0.1 =

* initial public release