acache_worker = $this->plugin_dir . $this->plugin_constant . '-acache.php'; /* WordPress advanced-cache.php file location */ $this->acache = WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/advanced-cache.php'; /* nginx sample config file */ $this->nginx_sample = $this->plugin_dir . $this->plugin_constant . '-nginx-sample.conf'; /* backend driver file */ $this->acache_backend = $this->plugin_dir . $this->plugin_constant . '-backend.php'; /* flush button identifier */ $this->button_flush = $this->plugin_constant . '-flush'; /* precache button identifier */ $this->button_precache = $this->plugin_constant . '-precache'; /* global options identifier */ $this->global_option = $this->plugin_constant . '-global'; /* precache log */ $this->precache_logfile = sys_get_temp_dir() . '/' . self::precache_log; /* search for a system function */ $this->shell_possibilities = array ( 'shell_exec', 'exec', 'system', 'passthru' ); $disabled_functions = array_map('trim', explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions') ) ); foreach ( $this->shell_possibilities as $possible ) { if ( function_exists ($possible) && ! ( ini_get('safe_mode') || in_array( $possible, $disabled_functions ) ) ) { /* set shell function */ $this->shell_function = $possible; break; } } /* set global config key; here, because it's needed for migration */ if ( $this->network ) $this->global_config_key = 'network'; else $this->global_config_key = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; /* cache type possible values array */ $this->select_cache_type = array ( 'apc' => __( 'APC' , $this->plugin_constant ), 'memcache' => __( 'PHP Memcache' , $this->plugin_constant ), 'memcached' => __( 'PHP Memcached' , $this->plugin_constant ), ); $this->valid_cache_type = array ( 'apc' => function_exists( 'apc_sma_info' ) ? true : false, 'memcache' => class_exists ( 'Memcache') ? true : false, 'memcached' => class_exists ( 'Memcached') ? true : false, ); /* invalidation method possible values array */ $this->select_invalidation_method = array ( 0 => __( 'flush cache' , $this->plugin_constant ), 1 => __( 'only modified post' , $this->plugin_constant ), 2 => __( 'modified post and all taxonomies' , $this->plugin_constant ), ); } /** * additional init, steps that needs the plugin options * */ public function plugin_setup () { /* initiate backend */ $this->backend = new WP_FFPC_Backend ( $this->options, $this->network ); /* get all available post types */ $post_types = get_post_types( ); /* cache invalidation hooks */ foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { add_action( 'new_to_publish_' .$post_type , array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); add_action( 'draft_to_publish' .$post_type , array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); add_action( 'pending_to_publish' .$post_type , array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); add_action( 'private_to_publish' .$post_type , array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); add_action( 'publish_' . $post_type , array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); } /* invalidation on some other ocasions as well */ add_action( 'switch_theme', array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); add_action( 'deleted_post', array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); add_action( 'edit_post', array( $this->backend , 'clear' ), 0 ); /* add filter for catching canonical redirects */ add_filter('redirect_canonical', 'wp_ffpc_redirect_callback', 10, 2); } /** * activation hook function, to be extended */ public function plugin_activate() { /* we leave this empty to avoid not detecting WP network correctly */ } /** * deactivation hook function, to be extended */ public function plugin_deactivate () { /* remove current site config from global config */ $this->update_global_config( true ); } /** * uninstall hook function, to be extended */ public function plugin_uninstall( $delete_options = true ) { /* delete advanced-cache.php file */ unlink ( $this->acache ); /* delete site settings */ if ( $delete_options ) { $this->plugin_options_delete (); } } /** * extending admin init * */ public function plugin_hook_admin_init () { /* save parameter updates, if there are any */ if ( isset( $_POST[ $this->button_flush ] ) ) { $this->backend->clear( false, true ); $this->status = 3; header( "Location: ". $this->settings_link . self::slug_flush ); } /* save parameter updates, if there are any */ if ( isset( $_POST[ $this->button_precache ] ) ) { if ( $this->shell_function == false ) { $this->status = 5; header( "Location: ". $this->settings_link . self::slug_precache_disabled ); } else { $this->precache_message = $this->precache(); $this->status = 4; header( "Location: ". $this->settings_link . self::slug_precache ); } } } /** * admin panel, the admin page displayed for plugin settings */ public function plugin_admin_panel() { /** * security, if somehow we're running without WordPress security functions */ if( ! function_exists( 'current_user_can' ) || ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ){ die( ); } ?>
plugin_donation_form(); /** * if options were saved, display saved message */ if ( ! empty( $this->broadcast_message ) ) : ?>
broadcast_message; ?>
status == 1) : ?>

plugin_constant ) ?>

status == 2) : ?>

plugin_constant ) ?>

status == 3) : ?>

plugin_constant ); ?>

status == 4) : ?>

plugin_constant ) ?>

plugin_name ; _e( ' settings', $this->plugin_constant ) ; ?>

plugin_constant ); ?>

global_saved ) : ?>

plugin_constant); ?>

plugin_constant ) ?>

acache ) ) : ?>

plugin_constant); ?>

acache , $this->plugin_constant ) ?>

options['cache_type'] == 'memcached' && !class_exists('Memcached') ) : ?>

plugin_constant); ?>

options['cache_type'] == 'memcache' && !class_exists('Memcache') ) : ?>

plugin_constant); ?>

options['cache_type'] == 'memcache' ) { $memcache_protocol = strtolower($memcache_settings['memcache.protocol']['local_value']); if ( $memcached_protocol == 'binary' ) : ?>

Please consider to change either to ASCII mode or to Memcached extension.', $this->plugin_constant ); ?>

plugin_constant); echo $this->options['cache_type']; ?>

options['cache_type'], 'memcache') ) : ?>

Backend status:
', $this->plugin_constant ); /* we need to go through all servers */ $servers = $this->backend->status(); foreach ( $servers as $server_string => $status ) { echo $server_string ." => "; if ( $status == 0 ) _e ( 'down
', $this->plugin_constant ); elseif ( $status == 1 ) _e ( 'up & running
', $this->plugin_constant ); else _e ( 'unknown, please try re-saving settings!
', $this->plugin_constant ); } ?>

plugin_constant ); ?>
plugin_constant); ?>
plugin_constant); ?>
plugin_constant); ?>
  • flush cache - clears everything in storage, including values set by other applications
  • only modified post - clear only the modified posts entry, everything else remains in cache
  • modified post and all taxonomies - removes all taxonomy term cache ( categories, tags, home, etc ) and the modified post as well
  • ', $this->plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant ); ?>
    options['log'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['log_info'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['response_header'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['generate_time'],true); ?> /> tag.', $this->plugin_constant); ?>
    options['sync_protocols'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant ); ?>
    options['cache_loggedin'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['nocache_home'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['nocache_feed'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['nocache_archive'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['nocache_single'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    options['nocache_page'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant); ?>
    No spaces are allowed, please stick to use ":" for separating host and port and "," for separating entries. Do not add trailing ",".', $this->plugin_constant); ?>
    options['persistent'],true); ?> /> plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant); ?>
    nginx_example(); ?>
    plugin_constant); ?> precache_logfile ) ) : $log = file ( $this->precache_logfile ); $head = explode( "\t", array_shift( $log )); $gentime = filemtime ( $this->precache_logfile ); ?>

    plugin_constant); endif; ?>

    plugin_constant ); ?>
    status == 5 || $this->shell_function == false ) : ?> Since precaching may take a very long time, it's done through a background CLI process in order not to run out of max execution time of PHP. Please enable one of the following functions if you whish to use precaching: " , $this->plugin_constant ) ?>shell_possibilities ); ?>
    The plugin tries to visit links of taxonomy terms without the taxonomy name as well. This may generate 404 hits, please be prepared for these in your logfiles if you plan to pre-cache.', $this->plugin_constant); ?>
    plugin_constant ); ?>
    plugin_constant ); ?>
    plugin_constant ); ?>
    plugin_constant ); ?>
    backend->clear(); /* create the to-be-included configuration for advanced-cache.php */ $this->update_global_config(); /* create advanced cache file, needed only once or on activation, because there could be lefover advanced-cache.php from different plugins */ if ( !$activating ) $this->deploy_advanced_cache(); } /** * read hook; needs to be implemented */ public function plugin_hook_options_read( &$options ) { /* read the global options, network compatibility */ $this->global_config = get_site_option( $this->global_option ); /* check if current site present in global config */ if ( !empty ( $this->global_config[ $this->global_config_key ] ) ) $this->global_saved = true; $this->global_config[ $this->global_config_key ] = $options; } /** * options delete hook; needs to be implemented */ public function plugin_hook_options_delete( ) { delete_site_option ( $this->global_option ); } /** * need to do migrations from previous versions of the plugin * */ public function plugin_hook_options_migrate( &$options ) { $migrated = false; if ( $options['version'] != $this->plugin_version || !isset ( $options['version'] ) ) { /* cleanup possible leftover files from previous versions */ $check = array ( 'advanced-cache.php', 'nginx-sample.conf', 'wp-ffpc.admin.css', 'wp-ffpc-common.php' ); foreach ( $check as $fname ) { $fname = $this->plugin_dir . $fname; if ( file_exists ( $fname ) ) unlink ( $fname ); } /* look for previous config leftovers */ $try = get_site_option( $this->plugin_constant ); /* network option key changed, remove & migrate the leftovers if there's any */ if ( !empty ( $try ) && $this->network ) { /* clean it up, we don't use it anymore */ delete_site_option ( $this->plugin_constant ); if ( empty ( $options ) && array_key_exists ( $this->global_config_key, $try ) ) { $options = $try [ $this->global_config_key ]; $migrated = true; } elseif ( empty ( $options ) && array_key_exists ( 'host', $try ) ) { $options = $try; $migrated = true; } } /* updating from version <= 0.4.x */ if ( !empty ( $options['host'] ) ) { $options['hosts'] = $options['host'] . ':' . $options['port']; $migrated = true; } /* migrating from version 0.6.x */ elseif ( is_array ( $options ) && array_key_exists ( $this->global_config_key , $options ) ) { $options = $options[ $this->global_config_key ]; $migrated = true; } /* migrating from something, drop previous config */ else { $options = array(); } if ( $migrated ) { /* renamed options */ if ( isset ( $options['syslog'] ) ) $options['log'] = $options['syslog']; if ( isset ( $options['debug'] ) ) $options['response_header'] = $options['debug']; } } } /** * advanced-cache.php creator function * */ private function deploy_advanced_cache( ) { /* in case advanced-cache.php was already there, remove it */ if ( @file_exists( $this->acache )) unlink ($this->acache); /* is deletion was unsuccessful, die, we have no rights to do that, fail */ if ( @file_exists( $this->acache )) return false; /* if no active site left no need for advanced cache :( */ if ( empty ( $this->global_config ) ) return false; /* add the required includes and generate the needed code */ $string[] = "global_config, true ) . ';' ; $string[] = "include_once ('" . $this->acache_backend . "');"; $string[] = "include_once ('" . $this->acache_worker . "');"; $string[] = "?>"; /* write the file and start caching from this point */ return file_put_contents( $this->acache, join( "\n" , $string ) ); } /** * function to generate working example from the nginx sample file * * @return string nginx config file * */ private function nginx_example () { /* read the sample file */ $nginx = file_get_contents ( $this->nginx_sample ); /* this part is not used when the cache is turned on for logged in users */ $loggedin = '# avoid cache for logged in users if ($http_cookie ~* "comment_author_|wordpressuser_|wp-postpass_" ) { set $memcached_request 0; }'; /* replace the data prefix with the configured one */ $nginx = str_replace ( 'DATAPREFIX' , $this->options['prefix_data'] , $nginx ); /* set upstream servers from configured servers, best to get from the actual backend */ $servers = $this->backend->get_servers(); $nginx_servers = ''; foreach ( array_keys( $servers ) as $server ) { $nginx_servers .= " server ". $server .";\n"; } $nginx = str_replace ( 'MEMCACHED_SERVERS' , $nginx_servers , $nginx ); /* add logged in cache, if valid */ if ( ! $this->options['cache_loggedin']) $nginx = str_replace ( 'LOGGEDIN_EXCEPTION' , $loggedin , $nginx ); else $nginx = str_replace ( 'LOGGEDIN_EXCEPTION' , '' , $nginx ); return $nginx; } /** * function to update global configuration * * @param boolean $remove_site Bool to remove or add current config to global * */ private function update_global_config ( $remove_site = false ) { /* remove or add current config to global config */ if ( $remove_site ) { unset ( $this->global_config[ $this->global_config_key ] ); } else { $this->global_config[ $this->global_config_key ] = $this->options; } /* deploy advanced-cache.php */ $this->deploy_advanced_cache (); /* save options to database */ update_site_option( $this->global_option , $this->global_config ); } /** * generate cache entry for every available permalink, might be very-very slow, * therefore it starts a background process * */ private function precache () { /* container for links to precache, well be accessed by reference */ $links = array(); /* when plugin is network wide active, we need to pre-cache for all link of all blogs */ if ( $this->network ) { /* list all blogs */ $blog_list = get_blog_list( 0, 'all' ); foreach ($blog_list as $blog) { /* get permalinks for this blog */ $this->precache_list_permalinks ( $links, $blog['blog_id'] ); } } else { /* no network, better */ $this->precache_list_permalinks ( $links, false ); } /* temporary php file, will destroy itself after finish in order to clean up */ $tmpfile = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'wp-ffpc'); /* double check if we do have any links to pre-cache */ if ( !empty ( $links ) ) : /* this is the precacher php worker file: logs the links, their generation time and the generated content size * writes the logfile and destroys itself afterwards */ $out .= ' $dummy ) { $starttime = explode ( " ", microtime() ); $starttime = $starttime[1] + $starttime[0]; $page = file_get_contents( $permalink ); $size = round ( ( strlen ( $page ) / 1024 ), 3 ); $endtime = explode ( " ", microtime() ); $endtime = ( $endtime[1] + $endtime[0] ) - $starttime; echo $permalink . "\t" . $endtime . "\t" . $size . "\n"; unset ( $page, $size, $starttime, $endtime ); sleep( 1 ); } unlink ( "'. $tmpfile .'" ); ?>'; file_put_contents ( $tmpfile, $out ); /* call the precache worker file in the background */ $shellfunction = $this->shell_function; $shellfunction( 'php '. $tmpfile .' >'. $this->precache_logfile .' 2>&1 &' ); endif; } /** * gets all post-like entry permalinks for a site, returns values in passed-by-reference array * */ private function precache_list_permalinks ( &$links, $site = false ) { /* $post will be populated when running throught the posts */ global $post; include_once ( ABSPATH . "wp-load.php" ); /* if a site id was provided, save current blog and change to the other site */ if ( $site !== false ) { $current_blog = get_current_blog_id(); switch_to_blog( $site ); $url = get_blog_option ( $site, 'siteurl' ); if ( substr( $url, -1) !== '/' ) $url = $url . '/'; $links[ $url ] = true; } /* get all published posts */ $args = array ( 'post_type' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', ); $posts = new WP_Query( $args ); /* get all the posts, one by one */ while ( $posts->have_posts() ) { $posts->the_post(); /* get the permalink for currently selected post */ switch ($post->post_type) { case 'revision': case 'nav_menu_item': break; case 'page': $permalink = get_page_link( $post->ID ); break; case 'post': $permalink = get_permalink( $post->ID ); break; case 'attachment': $permalink = get_attachment_link( $post->ID ); break; default: $permalink = get_post_permalink( $post->ID ); break; } /* collect permalinks */ $links[ $permalink ] = true; } //$this->taxonomy_links ( $links ); $this->backend->taxonomy_links ( $links ); /* just in case, reset $post */ wp_reset_postdata(); /* switch back to original site if we navigated away */ if ( $site !== false ) { switch_to_blog( $current_blog ); } } } } ?>