2013-03-19 10:16:59 +00:00

672 lines
20 KiB

* backend driver for WordPress plugin WP-FFPC
* supported storages:
* - APC
* - Memcached
* - Memcache
if (!class_exists('WP_FFPC_Backend')) {
/* __ only availabe if we're running from the inside of wordpress, not in advanced-cache.php phase */
if ( function_exists ( '__' ) ) {
function __translate__ ( $text, $domain ) { return __($text, $domain); }
else {
function __translate__ ( $text, $domain ) { return $text; }
* @var array $key_prefixes Prefix keys for entries
* @var mixed $connection Backend object storage variable
* @var array $config Configuration settings array
* @var boolean $alive Backend aliveness indicator
* @var mixed $status Backend server status storage
class WP_FFPC_Backend {
const plugin_constant = 'wp-ffpc';
const network_key = 'network';
const id_prefix = 'wp-ffpc-id-';
const prefix = 'prefix-';
const host_separator = ',';
const port_separator = ':';
private $key_prefixes = array ( 'meta', 'data' );
private $connection = NULL;
private $options;
private $alive = false;
public $status;
* constructor
* @param mixed $config Configuration options
public function __construct( $config ) {
$this->options = $config;
/* no config, nothing is going to work */
if ( empty ( $this->options ) ) {
return false;
/* split hosts entry to servers */
/* call backend initiator based on cache type */
$init = $this->proxy( 'init' );
$this->log ( __translate__(' init starting', self::plugin_constant ));
/*********************** PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************/
* build key to make requests with
* @param string $suffix suffix to add to prefix
public function key ( $suffix = 'meta' ) {
/* use the full accessed URL string as key, same will be generated by nginx as well
we need a data and a meta key: data is string only with content, meta is not used in nginx */
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
$protocol = ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( ( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) || ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == '1' ) ) ) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
return $suffix . '-' . $protocol . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
* public get function, transparent proxy to internal function based on backend
* @param string $key Cache key to get value for
* @return mixed False when entry not found or entry value on success
public function get ( &$key ) {
/* look for backend aliveness, exit on inactive backend */
if ( ! $this->is_alive() )
return false;
/* log the current action */
$this->log ( __translate__('get ', self::plugin_constant ). $key );
/* proxy to internal function */
$internal = $this->proxy( 'get' );
$result = $this->$internal( $key );
if ( $result === false )
$this->log ( __translate__( "failed to get entry: ", self::plugin_constant ) . $key );
return $result;
* public set function, transparent proxy to internal function based on backend
* @param string $key Cache key to set with ( reference only, for speed )
* @param mixed $data Data to set ( reference only, for speed )
* @return mixed $result status of set function
public function set ( &$key, &$data ) {
/* look for backend aliveness, exit on inactive backend */
if ( ! $this->is_alive() )
return false;
/* log the current action */
$this->log( __translate__('set ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key . __translate__(' expiration time: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $this->options['expire']);
/* proxy to internal function */
$internal = $this->options['cache_type'] . '_set';
$result = $this->$internal( $key, $data );
/* check result validity */
if ( $result === false )
$this->log ( __translate__('failed to set entry: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key, LOG_WARNING );
return $result;
* public get function, transparent proxy to internal function based on backend
* @param string $key Cache key to invalidate, false mean full flush
public function clear ( $post_id = false ) {
/* look for backend aliveness, exit on inactive backend */
if ( ! $this->is_alive() )
return false;
/* exit if no post_id is specified */
if ( empty ( $post_id ) && $this->options['invalidation_method'] != 0) {
$this->log ( __translate__('not clearing unidentified post ', self::plugin_constant ), LOG_WARNING );
return false;
/* if invalidation method is set to full, flush cache */
if ( $this->options['invalidation_method'] === 0 || empty ( $post_id ) ) {
/* log action */
$this->log ( __translate__('flushing cache', self::plugin_constant ) );
/* proxy to internal function */
$internal = $this->proxy ( 'flush' );
$result = $this->$internal();
if ( $result === false )
$this->log ( __translate__('failed to flush cache', self::plugin_constant ), LOG_WARNING );
return $result;
/* need permalink functions */
if ( !function_exists('get_permalink') )
include_once ( ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/link-template.php' );
/* get path from permalink */
$path = substr ( get_permalink( $post_id ) , 7 );
/* no path, don't do anything */
if ( empty( $path ) ) {
$this->log ( __translate__('unable to determine path from Post Permalink, post ID: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $post_id , LOG_WARNING );
return false;
if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && ( ( strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on' ) || ( $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == '1' ) ) )
$protocol = 'https://';
$protocol = 'http://';
$to_clear = array (
$this->options['prefix-meta'] . $protocol . $path,
$this->options['prefix-data'] . $protocol . $path,
$internal = $this->proxy ( 'clear' );
$this->$internal ( $to_clear );
* get backend aliveness
* @return array Array of configured servers with aliveness value
public function status () {
/* look for backend aliveness, exit on inactive backend */
if ( ! $this->is_alive() )
return false;
$internal = $this->proxy ( 'status' );
return $this->status;
* backend proxy function name generator
* @return string Name of internal function based on cache_type
private function proxy ( $method ) {
return $this->options['cache_type'] . '_' . $method;
* function to check backend aliveness
* @return boolean true if backend is alive, false if not
private function is_alive() {
if ( ! $this->alive ) {
$this->log ( __translate__("backend is not active, exiting function ", self::plugin_constant ) . __FUNCTION__, LOG_WARNING );
return false;
return true;
* split hosts string to backend servers
private function set_servers () {
/* replace servers array in config according to hosts field */
$servers = explode( self::host_separator , $this->options['hosts']);
$options['servers'] = array();
foreach ( $servers as $snum => $sstring ) {
$separator = strpos( $sstring , self::port_separator );
$host = substr( $sstring, 0, $separator );
$port = substr( $sstring, $separator + 1 );
/* IP server */
if ( !empty ( $host ) && !empty($port) && is_numeric($port) ) {
$this->options['servers'][$sstring] = array (
'host' => $host,
'port' => $port
* get current array of servers
* @return array Server list in current config
public function get_servers () {
return $this->options['servers'];
* sends message to sysog
* @param mixed $message message to add besides basic info
public function log ( $message, $log_level = LOG_WARNING ) {
if ( @is_array( $message ) || @is_object ( $message ) )
$message = serialize($message);
if (! $this->options['log'] )
return false;
switch ( $log_level ) {
case LOG_ERR :
if ( function_exists( 'syslog' ) )
syslog( $log_level , self::plugin_constant . " with " . $this->options['cache_type'] . ' ' . $message );
/* error level is real problem, needs to be displayed on the admin panel */
throw new Exception ( $message );
if ( function_exists( 'syslog' ) && $this->options['debug'] )
syslog( $log_level , self::plugin_constant . " with " . $this->options['cache_type'] . ' ' . $message );
/*********************** END PUBLIC FUNCTIONS ***********************/
/*********************** APC FUNCTIONS ***********************/
* init apc backend: test APC availability and set alive status
private function apc_init () {
/* verify apc functions exist, apc extension is loaded */
if ( ! function_exists( 'apc_sma_info' ) ) {
$this->log ( __translate__('APC extension missing', self::plugin_constant ) );
return false;
/* verify apc is working */
if ( apc_sma_info() ) {
$this->log ( __translate__('backend OK', self::plugin_constant ) );
$this->alive = true;
* health checker for APC
* @return boolean Aliveness status
private function apc_status () {
return $this->alive;
* get function for APC backend
* @param string $key Key to get values for
* @return mixed Fetched data based on key
private function apc_get ( &$key ) {
return apc_fetch( $key );
* Set function for APC backend
* @param string $key Key to set with
* @param mixed $data Data to set
* @return boolean APC store outcome
private function apc_set ( &$key, &$data ) {
return apc_store( $key , $data , $this->options['expire'] );
* Flushes APC user entry storage
* @return boolean APC flush outcome status
private function apc_flush ( ) {
return apc_clear_cache('user');
* Removes entry from APC or flushes APC user entry storage
* @param mixed $keys Keys to clear, string or array
private function apc_clear ( $keys ) {
/* make an array if only one string is present, easier processing */
if ( !is_array ( $keys ) )
$keys = array ( $keys );
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
if ( ! apc_delete ( $key ) ) {
$this->log ( __translate__('Failed to delete APC entry: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key, LOG_ERR );
//throw new Exception ( __translate__('Deleting APC entry failed with key ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key );
else {
$this->log ( __translate__( 'APC entry delete: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key );
/*********************** END APC FUNCTIONS ***********************/
/*********************** MEMCACHED FUNCTIONS ***********************/
* init memcached backend
private function memcached_init () {
/* Memcached class does not exist, Memcached extension is not available */
if (!class_exists('Memcached')) {
$this->log ( __translate__(' Memcached extension missing', self::plugin_constant ), LOG_ERR );
return false;
/* check for existing server list, otherwise we cannot add backends */
if ( empty ( $this->options['servers'] ) && ! $this->alive ) {
$this->log ( __translate__("Memcached servers list is empty, init failed", self::plugin_constant ), LOG_WARNING );
return false;
/* check is there's no backend connection yet */
if ( $this->connection === NULL ) {
/* persistent backend needs an identifier */
if ( $this->options['persistent'] == '1' )
$this->connection = new Memcached( self::plugin_constant );
$this->connection = new Memcached();
/* use binary and not compressed format, good for nginx and still fast */
$this->connection->setOption( Memcached::OPT_COMPRESSION , false );
//$this->connection->setOption( Memcached::OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL , true );
/* check if initialization was success or not */
if ( $this->connection === NULL ) {
$this->log ( __translate__( 'error initializing Memcached PHP extension, exiting', self::prefix ) );
return false;
/* check if we already have list of servers, only add server(s) if it's not already connected */
$servers_alive = array();
if ( !empty ( $this->status ) ) {
$servers_alive = $this->connection->getServerList();
/* create check array if backend servers are already connected */
if ( !empty ( $servers ) ) {
foreach ( $servers_alive as $skey => $server ) {
$skey = $server['host'] . ":" . $server['port'];
$servers_alive[ $skey ] = true;
/* adding servers */
foreach ( $this->options['servers'] as $server_id => $server ) {
/* reset server status to unknown */
$this->status[$server_id] = -1;
/* only add servers that does not exists already in connection pool */
if ( !@array_key_exists($server_id , $servers_alive ) ) {
$this->connection->addServer( $server['host'], $server['port'] );
$this->log ( $server_id . __translate__(" added, persistent mode: ", self::plugin_constant ) . $this->options['persistent'] );
/* backend is now alive */
$this->alive = true;
* sets current backend alive status for Memcached servers
private function memcached_status () {
/* server status will be calculated by getting server stats */
$this->log ( __translate__("checking server statuses", self::plugin_constant ));
/* get servers statistic from connection */
$report = $this->connection->getStats();
foreach ( $report as $server_id => $details ) {
/* reset server status to offline */
$this->status[$server_id] = 0;
/* if server uptime is not empty, it's most probably up & running */
if ( !empty($details['uptime']) ) {
$this->log ( $server_id . __translate__(" server is up & running", self::plugin_constant ));
$this->status[$server_id] = 1;
* get function for Memcached backend
* @param string $key Key to get values for
private function memcached_get ( &$key ) {
return $this->connection->get($key);
* Set function for Memcached backend
* @param string $key Key to set with
* @param mixed $data Data to set
private function memcached_set ( &$key, &$data ) {
$result = $this->connection->set ( $key, $data , $this->options['expire'] );
/* if storing failed, log the error code */
if ( $result === false ) {
$code = $this->connection->getResultCode();
$this->log ( __translate__('unable to set entry ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key . __translate__( ', Memcached error code: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $code );
//throw new Exception ( __translate__('Unable to store Memcached entry ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key . __translate__( ', error code: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $code );
return $result;
* Flush memcached entries
private function memcached_flush ( ) {
return $this->connection->flush();
* Removes entry from Memcached or flushes Memcached storage
* @param mixed $keys String / array of string of keys to delete entries with
private function memcached_clear ( $keys ) {
/* make an array if only one string is present, easier processing */
if ( !is_array ( $keys ) )
$keys = array ( $keys );
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$kresult = $this->connection->delete( $key );
if ( $kresult === false ) {
$code = $this->connection->getResultCode();
$this->log ( __translate__('unable to delete entry ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key . __translate__( ', Memcached error code: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $code );
else {
$this->log ( __translate__( 'entry deleted: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key );
/*********************** END MEMCACHED FUNCTIONS ***********************/
/*********************** MEMCACHE FUNCTIONS ***********************/
* init memcache backend
private function memcache_init () {
/* Memcached class does not exist, Memcache extension is not available */
if (!class_exists('Memcache')) {
$this->log ( __translate__('PHP Memcache extension missing', self::plugin_constant ), LOG_ERR );
return false;
/* check for existing server list, otherwise we cannot add backends */
if ( empty ( $this->options['servers'] ) && ! $this->alive ) {
$this->log ( __translate__("servers list is empty, init failed", self::plugin_constant ), LOG_WARNING );
return false;
/* check is there's no backend connection yet */
if ( $this->connection === NULL )
$this->connection = new Memcache();
/* check if initialization was success or not */
if ( $this->connection === NULL ) {
$this->log ( __translate__( 'error initializing Memcache PHP extension, exiting', self::prefix ) );
return false;
/* adding servers */
foreach ( $this->options['servers'] as $server_id => $server ) {
/* reset server status to unknown */
if ( $this->options['persistent'] == '1' )
$this->status[$server_id] = $this->connection->pconnect ( $server['host'] , $server['port'] );
$this->status[$server_id] = $this->connection->connect ( $server['host'] , $server['port'] );
$this->log ( $server_id . __translate__(" added, persistent mode: ", self::plugin_constant ) . $this->options['persistent'] );
/* backend is now alive */
$this->alive = true;
* check current backend alive status for Memcached
private function memcache_status () {
/* server status will be calculated by getting server stats */
$this->log ( __translate__("checking server statuses", self::plugin_constant ));
/* get servers statistic from connection */
foreach ( $this->options['servers'] as $server_id => $server ) {
$this->status[$server_id] = $this->connection->getServerStatus( $server['host'], $server['port'] );
if ( $this->status[$server_id] == 0 )
$this->log ( $server_id . __translate__(" server is down", self::plugin_constant ));
$this->log ( $server_id . __translate__(" server is up & running", self::plugin_constant ));
* get function for Memcached backend
* @param string $key Key to get values for
private function memcache_get ( &$key ) {
return $this->connection->get($key);
* Set function for Memcached backend
* @param string $key Key to set with
* @param mixed $data Data to set
private function memcache_set ( &$key, &$data ) {
$result = $this->connection->set ( $key, $data , 0 , $this->options['expire'] );
return $result;
* Flush memcached entries
private function memcache_flush ( ) {
return $this->connection->flush();
* Removes entry from Memcached or flushes Memcached storage
* @param mixed $keys String / array of string of keys to delete entries with
private function memcache_clear ( $keys ) {
/* make an array if only one string is present, easier processing */
if ( !is_array ( $keys ) )
$keys = array ( $keys );
foreach ( $keys as $key ) {
$kresult = $this->connection->delete( $key );
if ( $kresult === false )
$this->log ( __translate__('unable to delete entry ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key );
$this->log ( __translate__( 'entry deleted: ', self::plugin_constant ) . $key );
/*********************** END MEMCACHE FUNCTIONS ***********************/