a rather stable TXT output version, finally
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 295 additions and 228 deletions
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "petermolnar/wp-flatexport",
"description": "auto-export WordPress contents to folders and plain text + markdown files for longetivity and portability",
"require": {
"php": ">=5.4.0",
"php": ">=5.4.0"
"license": "GPLv3",
"authors": [
@ -27,18 +27,24 @@ License: GPLv3
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\force', true );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\basedir', 'flat' );
define ( 'flatroot', \WP_CONTENT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'flat' );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\txtfile', 'index.txt' );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\mdfile', 'item.md' );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\htmlfile', 'index.html' );
//define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\pandocfile', 'content.asciidoc' );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\maxattachments', 100 );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\expire', 10 );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\wrap', 80 );
require (__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
use KzykHys\FrontMatter\FrontMatter;
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\FORCE', false );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\FLATROOT', ROOT . 'posts'
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\COMMENTROOT', ROOT . 'comments'
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\TXTFILE', 'index.txt' );
define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\MDFILE', 'index.md' );
//define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\HTMLFILE', 'index.html' );
\register_activation_hook( __FILE__ , '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\plugin_activate' );
\register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__ , '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\plugin_deactivate' );
// init all the things
\add_action( 'init', '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\init' );
@ -53,28 +59,49 @@ define ( 'WP_FLATEXPORTS\wrap', 80 );
\add_action( 'template_redirect', '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\display' );
\add_action( 'wp', '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\export' );
//\add_action( 'wp', '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\export' );
// this is to capture the complete, rendered HTML
// fired on post visit, sadly; for WordPress, there seems to be no other way
// to properly trigger this
function post_filename ( &$post, $ext = TXTFILE ) {
$timestamp = \get_the_time( 'U', $post->ID );
$date = date( 'Y-m-d', $timestamp );
if ( empty( $date ) )
die ( json_encode( $post ) );
//$dir = FLATROOT . $date . '-' . $post->post_name;
////$dir = FLATROOT . $post->post_name;
//if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) )
//if ( ! mkdir( $dir ) )
//die ( "could not create {$dir} - that is bad, so we die now." );
//touch ( $dir, $timestamp );
//return $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $ext;
return FLATROOT . $date . '-' . $post->post_name . '.md';
function export_html_init( ) {
ob_start( '\WP_FLATEXPORTS\export_html' );
function export_html( $buffer ) {
$buffer = trim($buffer);
// skipping all collector pages and avoid rendering wp-admin-bar by skipping
// logged in users
if ( ! is_singular() || is_user_logged_in() )
return $buffer;
@ -83,32 +110,25 @@ function export_html( $buffer ) {
if ( $post === false )
return $buffer;
// create directory structure
$filename = $post->post_name;
$flatdir = flatroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
$flatfile = $flatdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . htmlfile;
if ( ! is_dir( $flatdir ) )
return $buffer;
$f = post_filename( $post, HTMLFILE );
$post_timestamp = \get_the_modified_time( 'U', $post->ID );
$file_timestamp = 0;
if ( @file_exists($flatfile) ) {
$file_timestamp = @filemtime ( $flatfile );
if ( $file_timestamp == $post_timestamp && force == false ) {
if ( @file_exists( $f ) ) {
$file_timestamp = @filemtime ( $f );
if ( $file_timestamp == $post_timestamp && FORCE == false ) {
return $buffer;
//$buffer = post_content_clean_uploaddir( $buffer, $post );
file_put_contents( $flatfile, $buffer );
touch ( $flatfile, $post_timestamp );
file_put_contents( $f, $buffer );
touch ( $f, $post_timestamp );
return trim($buffer);
* activate hook
@ -118,6 +138,23 @@ function plugin_activate() {
die( 'The minimum PHP version required for this plugin is 5.3' );
foreach ( $dirs as $dir ) {
$dir = rtrim( $dir, '/' );
if ( ! is_dir( $dir ) ) {
if ( ! mkdir( $dir ) ) {
die ( "Could not create " . $dir . "directory" );
function plugin_deactivate() {
wp_unschedule_event( time(), 'wp_flatexport' );
wp_clear_scheduled_hook( 'wp_flatexport' );
@ -128,7 +165,7 @@ function init () {
$filters = array (
'wp_flatexport_md' => array (
'wp_flatexport_txt' => array (
@ -140,6 +177,7 @@ function init () {
'wp_flatexport_content' => array (
@ -155,14 +193,15 @@ function init () {
'wp_flatexport_meta' => array (
//'wp_flatexport_meta' => array (
'wp_flatexport_comment' => array (
@ -171,7 +210,7 @@ function init () {
\add_filter (
10 * ( $k + 1 ),
5 * ( $k + 1 ), // this will let other steps to be added
@ -181,6 +220,8 @@ function init () {
if (!wp_get_schedule( 'wp_flatexport' ))
wp_schedule_event ( time(), 'daily', 'wp_flatexport' );
@ -206,9 +247,9 @@ function depthmap () {
return array (
1 => "=", // asciidoc, restuctured text, and markdown compatible
2 => "-", // asciidoc, restuctured text, and markdown compatible
3 => "~", // asciidoc only
4 => "^", // asciidoc only
5 => "+", // asciidoc only
//3 => "~", // asciidoc only
//4 => "^", // asciidoc only
//5 => "+", // asciidoc only
@ -218,14 +259,17 @@ function depthmap () {
function _insert_head ( $title, $depth = 2 ) {
if ( $depth > 2 ) {
$prefix = str_repeat( "#", $depth );
$r = "\n\n{$prefix} {$title}\n";
$r = "\n\n{$prefix} {$title}";
else {
$map = depthmap();
$underline = str_repeat( $map[ $depth ], mb_strlen( $title) );
$r = "\n\n{$title}\n${underline}\n";
$r = "\n\n{$title}\n${underline}";
if ( $depth > 1 )
$r .= "\n";
return $r;
@ -281,7 +325,46 @@ function txt_insert_uuid ( $text, $post ) {
* extends the $text with
* \n\n (post excerpt)
* Attachments
* -----------
function txt_insert_attachments ( $text, $post ) {
// get all the attachments
$attachments = \get_children( array (
if ( empty( $attachments ) )
return $text;
$text .= _insert_head( "Attachments" );
$a = array();
foreach ( $attachments as $aid => $attachment ) {
$attachment_path = \get_attached_file( $aid );
if ( empty( $attachment_path ) || ! is_file( $attachment_path ) )
array_push( $a, "- " . basename( $attachment_path ) );
$text .= join( "\n", $a );
return $text;
* extends the $text with
* \n (post excerpt)
function txt_insert_excerpt ( $text, $post ) {
@ -298,7 +381,7 @@ function txt_insert_excerpt ( $text, $post ) {
* extends the $text with
* \n\n (post content)
* \n (post content)
function txt_insert_content ( $text, $post ) {
$content = apply_filters(
@ -319,8 +402,8 @@ function txt_insert_content ( $text, $post ) {
* Published
* ---------
* initial - (post publish date in Y-m-d H:i:s P format)
* [current - (post last update date in Y-m-d H:i:s P format)]
* - (post publish date in Y-m-d H:i:s P format)
* [- (post last update date in Y-m-d H:i:s P format)]
function txt_insert_published ( $text, $post ) {
@ -363,7 +446,10 @@ function txt_insert_urls ( $text, $post ) {
return $text;
* get all urls that are pointing to this very post, including syndications
function list_urls ( $post ) {
// basic ones
@ -373,7 +459,7 @@ function list_urls ( $post ) {
// eliminate revisions
foreach ( $slugs as $k => $slug ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/-revision-v[0-9]+/', $slug ) ) {
if ( preg_match ( '/-(revision|autosave)-v?[0-9]+/', $slug ) ) {
unset ( $slugs[ $k ] );
@ -424,8 +510,7 @@ function list_urls ( $post ) {
* Author
* ------
* Author Display Name [<author@email>]
* avatar URL
* [ author URL ]
* author URLs
function txt_insert_author ( $text, $post ) {
@ -438,6 +523,7 @@ function txt_insert_author ( $text, $post ) {
if ( $author_email = \get_the_author_meta ( 'email' , $author_id ) )
$author .= " <{$author_email}>";
$thid = get_user_option ( 'metronet_image_id', $author_id );
if ( $thid ) {
$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src ( $thid, 'thumbnail' );
@ -447,10 +533,12 @@ function txt_insert_author ( $text, $post ) {
$avatar = gravatar ( $author_email );
$author .= "\n${avatar}";
if ( $author_url = \get_the_author_meta ( 'url' , $author_id ) )
$author .= " \n- {$author_url}";
$author .= "\n{$author_url}";
$socials = array (
'github' => 'https://github.com/%s',
'flickr' => 'https://www.flickr.com/people/%s',
@ -463,7 +551,7 @@ function txt_insert_author ( $text, $post ) {
if ( !empty($socialmeta) )
$author .= "\n- " . sprintf ( $pattern, $socialmeta );
$text .= _insert_head ( "Author" );
$text .= "{$author}";
@ -523,7 +611,7 @@ function txt_insert_location ( $text, $post ) {
$alt = \get_post_meta ( $post->ID, 'geo_altitude' , true );
if ( !empty( $alt ) )
$geo .= "@{$alt}";
$geo .= ",{$alt}";
$text .= _insert_head ( "Location" );
@ -532,6 +620,86 @@ function txt_insert_location ( $text, $post ) {
return $text;
function md_insert_meta ( $text, $post ) {
$author_id = $post->post_author;
$raw_tags = \wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'post_tag' );
$tags = array();
foreach ( $raw_tags as $k => $tag ) {
array_push( $tags, $tag->name );
array_unique( $tags );
$aliases = list_urls( $post );
$aliases_ = array();
foreach ( $aliases as $k => $alias ) {
$alias = str_replace( rtrim( site_url(), '/' ), '', $alias );
if ( trim( $alias, '/' ) != $post->post_name )
array_push( $aliases_, $alias );
$attachments = \get_children( array (
$a = array();
foreach ( $attachments as $aid => $attachment ) {
$attachment_path = \get_attached_file( $aid );
if ( ! empty( $attachment_path ) && is_file( $attachment_path ) )
array_push( $a, basename( $attachment_path ) );
$meta = [
'author' => [
'name' => \get_the_author_meta ( 'display_name' , $author_id ),
'email' => \get_the_author_meta ( 'email' , $author_id ),
'URL' => $author_url = \get_the_author_meta ( 'url' , $author_id ),
'date' => \get_the_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s P', $post->ID ),
'tags' => $tags,
'title' => $post->post_title,
'url' => $post->post_name,
'id' => $post->ID,
'aliases' => $aliases_,
'attachments' => $a,
'uuid' => hash ( 'md5',
(int)$post->ID + (int) get_post_time('U', true, $post->ID )
$published = \get_the_time( 'U', $post->ID );
$modified = \get_the_modified_time( 'U', $post->ID );
if ( $published != $modified && $modified > $published )
$meta['modified'] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s P', $modified );
// geo
$lat = \get_post_meta ( $post->ID, 'geo_latitude' , true );
$lon = \get_post_meta ( $post->ID, 'geo_longitude' , true );
$alt = \get_post_meta ( $post->ID, 'geo_altitude' , true );
if ( ! empty( $lat ) && empty( $lon ) ) {
$meta['location'] = [
'latitude' => $lat,
'longitude' => $lon,
if ( ! empty( $alt ) ) {
$meta['location']['altitude'] = $alt;
$meta = apply_filters( 'wp_flatexport_md_meta', $meta, $post, $text );
return "\n\n" . yaml_emit( $meta ) . $text;
* extends the $c with
@ -550,13 +718,13 @@ function comment_insert_from ( $c, $comment ) {
if ( ! empty( $comment->comment_author_email ) )
$c .= " <{$comment->comment_author_email}>";
if ( $avatar = \get_comment_meta ($comment->comment_ID, "avatar", true))
$c .= "\n{$avatar}";
elseif ( ! empty( $comment->comment_author_email ) )
$c .= "\n". gravatar ( $comment->comment_author_email );
//if ( $avatar = \get_comment_meta ($comment->comment_ID, "avatar", true))
//$c .= "\n{$avatar}";
//elseif ( ! empty( $comment->comment_author_email ) )
//$c .= "\n". gravatar ( $comment->comment_author_email );
if ( ! empty( $comment->comment_author_url ))
$c .= "\n{$comment->comment_author_url}";
$c .= "\n- {$comment->comment_author_url}";
return $c;
@ -579,6 +747,25 @@ function comment_insert_type ( $c, $comment ) {
return $c;
* extends the $text with
* For
* ---
* original post URL
function comment_insert_for ( $c, $comment ) {
$c .= _insert_head( "For" );
$postid = $comment->comment_post_ID;
$url = get_permalink( $postid );
$c .= $url;
return $c;
* extends the $text with
@ -771,29 +958,6 @@ function post_content_url2footnote ( $content, $post ) {
return $content;
* export with pandoc
function post_content_pandoc ( $content, $post ) {
$flatroot = \WP_CONTENT_DIR . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . basedir;
$flatdir = $flatroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $post->post_name;
$pandoc = $flatdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . pandocfile;
$tmp = tempnam ( sys_get_temp_dir() , __NAMESPACE__ );
file_put_contents( $tmp, $post->post_content );
$cmd =
"/usr/bin/pandoc -p -f markdown_phpextra -t asciidoc -o {$pandoc} {$tmp}";
//exec( $cmd, $exif, $retval);
passthru ( $cmd );
unlink ( $tmp );
return $content;
* find markdown links and replace them with footnote versions
@ -801,8 +965,6 @@ function post_content_pandoc ( $content, $post ) {
function post_content_fix_emstrong ( $content, $post ) {
// these regexes are borrowed from https://github.com/erusev/parsedown
$invalid = array (
'strong' => array(
//'**' => '/[*]{2}((?:\\\\\*|[^*]|[*][^*]*[*])+?)[*]{2}(?![*])/s',
@ -904,7 +1066,6 @@ function post_content_setext_headers ( $content, $post ) {
function post_content ( &$post ) {
return trim (
apply_filters (
@ -939,13 +1100,50 @@ function export_all () {
function export_auto ( $new_status = null , $old_status = null, $post = null ) {
function export_auto ( $new_status = null , $old_status = null,
$post = null ) {
if ( null === $new_status || null === $old_status || null === $post )
export ( $post );
function export_attachments( $attachments, $post ) {
// hardlink all the attachments; no need for copy
// unless you're on a filesystem that does not support hardlinks, then copy
foreach ( $attachments as $aid => $attachment ) {
$attachment_path = \get_attached_file( $aid );
if ( empty( $attachment_path ) || ! is_file( $attachment_path ) )
$attachment_file = basename( $attachment_path);
$target_file = FILESROOT . $attachment_file;
//$target_file = dirname( post_filename( $post ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attachment_file;
debug ( "exporting {$attachment_file}", 6 );
if ( is_file( $target_file ) ) {
debug ( "{$target_file} already exists", 7 );
if ( link( $attachment_path, $target_file ) ) {
debug ( "{$attachment_path} was hardlinked to {$target_file}", 7 );
else {
if ( copy( $attachment_path, $target_file ) ) {
debug ( "{$attachment_path} was copied to {$target_file}", 7 );
else {
debug( "could not link or copy '{$attachment_path}'"
. " to '{$target_file}'; saving attachment failed!", 4);
@ -961,31 +1159,15 @@ function export ( $post = null ) {
return false;
// create directory structure
$filename = $post->post_name;
$flatfile = post_filename( $post );
$flatdir = \flatroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
$flatfile = $flatdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . txtfile;
$mdfile = $flatdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . mdfile;
$post_timestamp = \get_the_modified_time( 'U', $post->ID );
$post_timestamp = \get_the_time( 'U', $post->ID );
$file_timestamp = 0;
if ( @file_exists($flatfile) ) {
$file_timestamp = @filemtime ( $flatfile );
$mkdir = array ( \flatroot, $flatdir );
foreach ( $mkdir as $dir ) {
if ( !is_dir($dir)) {
if (!mkdir( $dir )) {
debug ('Failed to create ' . $dir . ', exiting export', 4);
return false;
touch($flatdir, $post_timestamp);
// get all the attachments
$attachments = \get_children( array (
@ -994,33 +1176,8 @@ function export ( $post = null ) {
// 100 is there for sanity
// hardlink all the attachments; no need for copy
// unless you're on a filesystem that does not support hardlinks
if ( !empty($attachments) && count($attachments) < maxattachments ) {
$out['attachments'] = array();
foreach ( $attachments as $aid => $attachment ) {
$attachment_path = \get_attached_file( $aid );
$attachment_file = basename( $attachment_path);
$target_file = $flatdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $attachment_file;
debug ( "exporting {$attachment_file} for {$post->post_name}", 7 );
if ( is_file( $target_file ) )
if ( link( $attachment_path, $target_file ) )
debug( "could not hardlink '{$attachment_path}'"
. " to '{$target_file}'; trying to copy", 5);
if ( copy( $attachment_path, $target_file ) )
debug( "could not copy '{$attachment_path}'"
. " to '{$target_file}'; saving attachment failed!", 4);
if ( ! empty( $attachments ) ) {
export_attachments( $attachments, $post );
// deal with comments
@ -1033,23 +1190,20 @@ function export ( $post = null ) {
// in case our export is fresh or we're not forcing updates on each and
// every time, walk away from this post
if ( $file_timestamp == $post_timestamp && force == false ) {
if ( $file_timestamp == $post_timestamp && FORCE == false ) {
return true;
$txt = trim ( apply_filters ( 'wp_flatexport_txt', "", $post ) ) . "\n\n";
//$txt = trim ( apply_filters ( 'wp_flatexport_md', "", $post ) ) . "\n\n";
// write log
debug ( "Exporting #{$post->ID}, {$post->post_name} to {$flatfile}", 6 );
file_put_contents ($flatfile, $txt);
touch ( $flatfile, $post_timestamp );
//$md = trim ( apply_filters ( 'wp_flatexport_md', "", $post ) );
// write log
//debug ( "Exporting #{$post->ID}, {$post->post_name} to {$mdfile}", 6 );
//file_put_contents ($mdfile, $md);
//touch ( $mdfile, $post_timestamp );
touch ( dirname( $flatfile), $post_timestamp );
return $txt;
@ -1058,21 +1212,19 @@ function export ( $post = null ) {
function export_comment ( $post, $comment ) {
$filename = $post->post_name;
$flatdir = flatroot . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
$flatdir = dirname( post_filename( $post ) );
$cfile = "comment_{$comment->comment_ID}.txt";
$cfile = $flatdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cfile;
$c_timestamp = strtotime( $comment->comment_date );
$cfile = date( 'Y-m-d-H-i-s', $c_timestamp ) . '.md';
$cfile = COMMENTROOT . $cfile;
$cf_timestamp = 0;
$c_timestamp = strtotime( $comment->comment_date );
if ( @file_exists($cfile) ) {
$cf_timestamp = @filemtime ( $cfile );
// non force mode means skip existing
if ( $c_timestamp == $cf_timestamp && force == false ) {
if ( $c_timestamp == $cf_timestamp && FORCE == false ) {
@ -1083,58 +1235,6 @@ function export_comment ( $post, $comment ) {
touch ( $cfile, $c_timestamp );
function meta_add_location ( $meta, $post ) {
return $meta;
function md_insert_meta ( $md, $post ) {
if ( ! extension_loaded( 'yaml') || ! function_exists( 'yaml_emit') )
return $md;
$meta = [];
$tags = \wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID, 'post_tag' );
foreach ( $tags as $k => $tag ) {
$tags[ $k ] = "{$tag->name}";
$urls = list_urls( $post );
$permalink = \get_permalink( $post );
foreach ( $urls as $k => $url ) {
if ( ! strstr( $url, site_url() ) )
unset ( $urls[ $k ] );
if ( strstr ( $permalink, $url ) )
unset ( $urls[ $k ] );
$urls[ $k ] = str_replace ( rtrim( site_url() . '/' ), '/', $url );
$meta = [
'title' => $post->post_title,
'description' => strip_tags($post->post_excerpt),
'publish_date' => \get_the_time( 'Y-m-d H:i:s P', $post->ID ),
'tags' => $tags,
'slug' => $post->post_name,
'url' => $permalink,
'published' => 'true',
'routes' => [
'canonical' => str_replace ( rtrim( site_url() . '/' ), '/', $permalink ),
'aliases' => $urls
$meta = apply_filters( 'wp_flatexport_meta', $meta, $post );
$meta = yaml_emit( $meta );
return "{$meta}{$md}";
* generate gravatar img link
@ -1145,39 +1245,6 @@ function gravatar ( $email ) {
function on_publish( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
$post = fix_post ( $post );
if ( false === $post )
return false;
$content = export( $post );
if ( $post->post_content_filtered == $export )
return true;
global $wpdb;
$dbname = "{$wpdb->prefix}posts";
$req = false;
debug("Updating post content for #{$post->ID}", 5);
$q = $wpdb->prepare( "UPDATE `{$dbname}` SET `post_content_filtered`='%s' WHERE `ID`='{$post->ID}'", $content );
try {
$req = $wpdb->query( $q );
catch (Exception $e) {
debug('Something went wrong: ' . $e->getMessage(), 4);
return true;
* do everything to get the Post object
Reference in a new issue