2014-07-22 10:30:41 +01:00
< ? php
Plugin Name : WP - Parsedown
Plugin URI : https :// github . com / petermolnar / wp - parsedown
Description : [ Parsedown Extra ]( www . parsedown . org / demo ? extra = 1 ) on - the - fly
Version : 0.1
Author : Peter Molnar < hello @ petermolnar . eu >
Author URI : https :// petermolnar . eu /
License : GPLv3
if ( ! class_exists ( 'WP_PARSEDOWN' ) ) :
/* get the plugin abstract class*/
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/wp-common/plugin_abstract.php' );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/parsedown/Parsedown.php' );
include_once ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . '/lib/parsedown-extra/ParsedownExtra.php' );
* main wp - ghost class
class WP_PARSEDOWN extends PluginAbstract {
const key_save = 'saved' ;
const key_delete = 'deleted' ;
private $parsedown = null ;
public function plugin_post_construct () {
$this -> plugin_url = plugin_dir_url ( __FILE__ );
$this -> plugin_dir = plugin_dir_path ( __FILE__ );
$this -> common_url = $this -> plugin_url . self :: common_slug ;
$this -> common_dir = $this -> plugin_dir . self :: common_slug ;
$this -> admin_css_handle = $this -> plugin_constant . '-admin-css' ;
$this -> admin_css_url = $this -> common_url . 'wp-admin.css' ;
$this -> parsedown = new ParsedownExtra ();
* init hook function runs before admin panel hook , themeing and options read
public function plugin_pre_init () {
* additional init , steps that needs the plugin options
public function plugin_post_init () {
/* display markdown */
add_filter ( 'the_content' , array ( & $this , 'markdown_on_the_fly' ), 1 );
* activation hook function , to be extended
public function plugin_activate () {
/* we leave this empty to avoid not detecting WP network correctly */
* deactivation hook function , to be extended
public function plugin_deactivate () {
* uninstall hook function , to be extended
public function plugin_uninstall ( $delete_options = true ) {
* extending admin init
public function plugin_extend_admin_init () {
* admin help panel
public function plugin_admin_help ( $contextual_help , $screen_id ) {
/* add our page only if the screenid is correct */
if ( strpos ( $screen_id , $this -> plugin_settings_page ) ) {
$contextual_help = __ ( '<p>Please visit <a href="http://wordpress.org/support/plugin/wp-ghost">the official support forum of the plugin</a> for help.</p>' , $this -> plugin_constant );
return $contextual_help ;
* admin panel , the admin page displayed for plugin settings
public function plugin_admin_panel () {
* security , if somehow we ' re running without WordPress security functions
if ( ! function_exists ( 'current_user_can' ) || ! current_user_can ( 'manage_options' ) ){
die ( );
< div class = " wrap " >
< script >
jQuery ( document ) . ready ( function ( $ ) {
jQuery ( " #<?php echo $this->plugin_constant ?>-settings " ) . tabs ();
</ script >
< ? php
/* display donation form */
* if options were saved , display saved message
if ( isset ( $_GET [ self :: key_save ]) && $_GET [ self :: key_save ] == 'true' || $this -> status == 1 ) { ?>
< div class = 'updated settings-error' >< p >< strong >< ? php _e ( 'Settings saved.' , $this -> plugin_constant ) ?> </strong></p></div>
< ? php }
* if options were delete , display delete message
if ( isset ( $_GET [ self :: key_delete ]) && $_GET [ self :: key_delete ] == 'true' || $this -> status == 2 ) { ?>
< div class = 'error' >< p >< strong >< ? php _e ( 'Plugin options deleted.' , $this -> plugin_constant ) ?> </strong></p></div>
< ? php }
* the admin panel itself
< h2 >< ? php printf ( __ ( '%s settings' , $this -> plugin_constant ), $this -> plugin_name ) ; ?> </h2>
< form autocomplete = " off " method = " post " action = " # " id = " <?php echo $this->plugin_constant ?>-settings " class = " plugin-admin " >
< ? php wp_nonce_field ( $this -> plugin_constant ); ?>
< ul class = " tabs " >
< li >< a href = " #<?php echo $this->plugin_constant ?>-general " class = " wp-switch-editor " >< ? php _e ( 'Generic settings' , $this -> plugin_constant ); ?> </a></li>
</ ul >
< fieldset id = " <?php echo $this->plugin_constant ?>-general " >
< legend >< ? php _e ( 'General settings' , $this -> plugin_constant ); ?> </legend>
< dl >
< dt >
< label for = " debug " >< ? php _e ( " Enable debug logging? " , $this -> plugin_constant ); ?> </label>
</ dt >
< dd >
< input type = " checkbox " name = " debug " id = " debug " value = " 1 " < ? php checked ( $this -> options [ 'debug' ], true ); ?> />
< span class = " description " >< ? php _e ( 'Enables log messages; if <a href="http://codex.wordpress.org/WP_DEBUG">WP_DEBUG</a> is enabled, notices and info level is displayed as well, otherwie only ERRORS are logged.' , $this -> plugin_constant ); ?> </span>
</ dd >
</ dl >
</ fieldset >
2014-07-22 10:50:53 +01:00
< p class = " clear " >
< input class = " button-primary " type = " submit " name = " <?php echo $this->button_save ?> " id = " <?php echo $this->button_save ?> " value = " <?php _e('Save Changes', $this->plugin_constant ) ?> " />
</ p >
2014-07-22 10:30:41 +01:00
</ form >
</ div >
< ? php
* extending options_save
public function plugin_extend_options_save ( $activating ) {
* read hook ; needs to be implemented
public function plugin_extend_options_read ( & $options ) {
* options delete hook ; needs to be implemented
public function plugin_extend_options_delete ( ) {
* need to do migrations from previous versions of the plugin
public function plugin_options_migrate ( & $options ) {
* log wrapper to include options
public function log ( $message , $log_level = LOG_WARNING ) {
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if ( ! isset ( $this -> options [ 'debug' ] ) || $this -> options [ 'debug' ] != 1 )
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return false ;
$this -> utils -> log ( $this -> plugin_constant , $message , $log_level );
public function markdown_on_the_fly ( $markdown ) {
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$post = get_post ();
$this -> log ( sprintf ( __ ( 'parsing post: %s' , $this -> plugin_constant ), $post -> ID ) );
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return $this -> parsedown -> text ( $markdown );
endif ;
$wp_parsedown_defaults = array (
'debug' => 0 ,
2014-07-22 10:50:53 +01:00
$wp_parsedown = new WP_PARSEDOWN ( 'wp-parsedown' , '0.1' , 'WP-Parsedown' , $wp_parsedown_defaults );
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