major bugfix where external send did something really different that what it should have

This commit is contained in:
Peter Molnar 2016-03-01 21:20:01 +00:00
parent 8fcfa2e36b
commit 85a8be9e63
3 changed files with 128 additions and 19 deletions

View file

@ -212,14 +212,14 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Receiver extends WP_Webmention_Again {
// check if source url is transmitted
if ( ! isset( $_POST['source'] ) ) {
status_header( 400 );
echo '"source" is missing';
echo "no source";
// check if target url is transmitted
if ( ! isset( $_POST['target'] ) ) {
status_header( 400 );
echo '"target" is missing';
echo "no target";
@ -228,13 +228,29 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Receiver extends WP_Webmention_Again {
if ( false === filter_var( $target, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) {
status_header( 400 );
echo '"target" is an invalid URL';
echo "{$target} is an invalid URL";
if ( false === filter_var( $source, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) ) {
status_header( 400 );
echo '"source" is an invalid URL';
echo "{$source} is an invalid URL";
$local = parse_url ( get_bloginfo('url'), PHP_URL_HOST );
// walk away if we're not the target
if ( ! stristr( $target, $local ) ) {
status_header( 400 );
echo "{$target} is pointing to another domain which is not this one";
// prevent selfpings
if ( stristr( $source, $local ) && stristr( $target, $local ) ) {
status_header( 400 );
echo "selfpings are disabled on this domain";
@ -242,14 +258,14 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Receiver extends WP_Webmention_Again {
if (! $post_id || 0 == $post_id ) {
status_header( 404 );
echo '"target" POST not found.';
echo "can't find target entry for {$target}";
// check if pings are allowed
if ( ! pings_open( $post_id ) ) {
status_header( 403 );
echo 'Pings are disabled for this post';
echo "pings and webmentions are not accepted for this entry";
@ -530,17 +546,93 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Receiver extends WP_Webmention_Again {
$content = '';
if ( isset( $item['properties']['content'] ) && isset( $item['properties']['content']['html'] ) )
$content = $item['properties']['content']['html'];
if ( isset( $item['properties']['content'] ) && isset( $item['properties']['content']['value'] ) )
elseif ( isset( $item['properties']['content'] ) && isset( $item['properties']['content']['value'] ) )
$content = $item['properties']['content']['value'];
$c['comment_content'] = wp_filter_kses ( $content );
$emoji = EmojiRecognizer::isSingleEmoji( $content );
if ( $emoji )
$c['comment_type'] = 'reacji';
$content = apply_filters ( 'wp_webmention_again_comment_content', $content );
//$c['comment_content'] = wp_filter_kses ( $content );
//$c['comment_content'] = wp_kses_post ( $content );
//static::debug( 'before kses: ' . $content );
$allowed_tags = apply_filters ( 'wp_webmention_again_kses_allowed_tags', array(
'a' => array(
'href' => true,
'rel' => true,
'abbr' => array(),
'acronym' => array(),
'b' => array(),
'blockquote' => array(),
'br' => array(),
'cite' => array(),
'code' => array(),
'del' => array(
'datetime' => true,
'dd' => array(),
'dfn' => array(),
'dl' => array(),
'dt' => array(),
'em' => array(),
'h1' => array(),
'h2' => array(),
'h3' => array(),
'h4' => array(),
'h5' => array(),
'h6' => array(),
'hr' => array(),
'i' => array(),
'img' => array(
'alt' => true,
'hspace' => true,
'longdesc' => true,
'vspace' => true,
'src' => true,
'ins' => array(
'datetime' => true,
'cite' => true,
'li' => array(),
'p' => array(),
'pre' => array(),
'q' => array(
'cite' => true,
'strike' => array(),
'strong' => array(),
'sub' => array(),
'sup' => array(),
'table' => array(
'td' => array(
'colspan' => true,
'rowspan' => true,
'th' => array(
'colspan' => true,
'rowspan' => true,
'thead' => array(),
'tbody' => array(),
'tr' => array(),
'tt' => array(),
'u' => array(),
'ul' => array(),
'ol' => array(
'start' => true,
//static::debug( 'after kses: ' . $content );
$c['comment_content'] = trim ( wp_kses( $content, $allowed_tags ) );
// process date
if ( isset( $item['properties']['modified'] ) )
$c['comment_date'] = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime( $item['properties']['modified'] ));

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Sender extends WP_Webmention_Again {
// cron handle for processing outgoing
const cron = 'webmention_send';
const pung = '_webmention_pung';
* regular cron interval for processing incoming
@ -57,14 +58,14 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Sender extends WP_Webmention_Again {
add_action( static::cron, array( &$this, 'process' ) );
// register new posts
add_action( 'transition_post_status', array( &$this, 'queue' ), 98, 5 );
add_action( 'transition_post_status', array( &$this, 'queue_post' ), 98, 5 );
public function init () {
// get_pung is not restrictive enough
add_filter ( 'get_pung', array( &$this, 'get_pung' ) );
//add_filter ( 'get_pung', array( &$this, 'get_pung' ) );
if ( ! wp_get_schedule( static::cron ) )
wp_schedule_event( time(), static::cron, static::cron );
@ -91,8 +92,8 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Sender extends WP_Webmention_Again {
* @return array a better array of pinged urls
public function get_pung ( $pung ) {
public static function get_pung ( $post ) {
foreach ($pung as $k => $e )
$pung[ $k ] = strtolower( $e );
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Sender extends WP_Webmention_Again {
* @param string $old_status Previous post status
* @param object $post WP Post object
public static function queue( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
public static function queue_post( $new_status, $old_status, $post ) {
if ( ! static::is_post( $post ) ) {
static::debug( "Whoops, this is not a post." );
@ -142,7 +143,21 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Sender extends WP_Webmention_Again {
$urls[ $k ] = strtolower( $url );
// remove all already pinged urls
$pung = get_pung( $post->ID );
$pung = get_post_meta( $post->ID, static::pung, false );
// retrofill pung from pingback field, temporary
if ( empty ($pung) ) {
$_pung = get_pung ( $post->ID );
if ( ! empty ($_pung) ) {
$pung = $_pung;
foreach ( $_pung as $url ) {
add_post_meta( $post->ID, static::pung, $url, false );
$urls = array_diff ( $urls, $pung );
foreach ( $urls as $target ) {
@ -209,8 +224,10 @@ class WP_Webmention_Again_Sender extends WP_Webmention_Again {
static::debug( " sending succeeded!" );
$post_types = get_post_types( '', 'names' );
if ( in_array( $send->object_type, $post_types ) && 0 != $send->object_id )
add_ping( $send->object_id, $send->target );
if ( in_array( $send->object_type, $post_types ) && 0 != $send->object_id ) {
add_post_meta ( $send->object_id, static::pung, $send->target, false );
//add_ping( $send->object_id, $send->target );
static::queue_done ( $send->id, $s );

View file

@ -622,8 +622,8 @@ $WP_Webmention_Again_Receiver = new WP_Webmention_Again_Receiver();
// global send_webmention function
if ( ! function_exists( 'send_webmention' ) ) {
function send_webmention( $source, $target ) {
return WP_Webmention_Again_Sender::queue ( 'out', $source, $target );
function send_webmention( $source, $target, $object = '', $object_id = 0 ) {
return WP_Webmention_Again_Sender::queue_add ( 'out', $source, $target, $object, $object_id );