- fail to run if keys.py is missing - try-catch for sync because it's optional w
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# NASG - not another static generator...
Nearly 20 years ago I did my very first website with a thing called Microsoft FrontPage. I loved it. Times changed, and I wrote a CMS in PHP, first with flat files, then with MySQL, then moved on to WordPress.
Now I'm back on a static generator. I love it.
**WARNING: this is a personal project, scratching my itches. No warranties. If you want to deploy it on your own, feel free to, but not all the things are documented.**
## What does it do
- content is structured in folders
- content files are YAML frontmatter + Multimarkdown
- EXIF from images are read via [exiftool](https://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/) _this is an external dependency_
- Markdown is converted with [pandoc](https://pandoc.org/) _this is an external dependency_
How it works
- pulls in webmentions from https://webmention.io and stores them in .md files next to the index.md of a post (see later) as: `[unix epoch]-[slugified source url].md`
- pulls in micropub from the queue received by the micropub receiver PHP (see later)
- finds 'redirect' files:
- anything with a `.url` extension
- content is the URL to redirect to
- filename without extension is the slug to redirect from
- for `HTTP 302`
- finds 'gone' files:
- anything with a `.del` extension
- filename without extension is the slug deleted
- for `HTTP 410`
- finds content:
- all `index.md` files
- corresponding comment `.md` file next to it
- the parent directory name is the post slug
- finds all images in the same directory (`.jpg`, `.png`, `.gif`)
- reads EXIF data into a hidden, `.[filename].json` file next to the original file
- generates downsized and watermarked images into the `build/post slug` directory
- if a `.jpg` if found with the same slug as the parent dir, the post will be a special photo post
- anything else in the same directory will be copies to `build/post slug`
- send webmentions via https://telegraph.p3k.io/
├── about.html -> will be copied
├── category-1
│ ├── article-1 -> slug
│ │ └── index.md -> content file
│ │ └── extra-file.mp4 -> will be copied
│ │ └── 1509233601-domaincomentrytitle.md -> comment
│ ├── fancy-photo -> slug of photo post
│ │ └── index.md -> content
│ │ └── fancy-photo.jpg -> to downsize, watermark, get EXIF
## Special features
- complete `microformats2` and schema.org markup in templates
- has light/dark theme, dark by default, but supports experimental prefers-color-scheme media query
- generates 3 special PHP files:
- search - uses and SQLite DB which is populated by Python on build
- fallback - 404 handler to do redirects/gones, gets populated with an array of both
- micropub - a micropub endpoint that accepts micropub content and puts the incoming payload into a json file, nothing else
## Deploy
### Requirements
For Debian based distributions, install the packages:
* python3
* python3-pip
* pandoc
`sudo apt install python3 python3-pip pandoc`
Install pipenv via pip:
`sudo pip3 install pipenv`
Install the pip dependency packages by using the Pipfile by running:
`pipenv install`
#### SSH (optional)
Once the build is done, NASG will attempt to sync the output folder to a remote server. It needs an entry in the `~/.ssh/config` file:
Host liveserver
HostName your.ssh.host
User your.ssh.user
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/your.ssh.identity.file
IdentitiesOnly yes
ServerAliveInterval 30
Note: if you don't have this, there will be no auto upload, but the build will still succeed.
### Prepare
Create a local base directory where your contents will be put into. Eg:
Create the following directories within your base directory directory: `www`, `nasg/templates`, `content/home`.
Copy the templates from the `templates` directory to the `~/MyWebsite/nasg/templates` directory.
Create a new file within the root directory called `keys.py` with the following content:
webmentionio = {
'domain': 'yourdomain.com',
'token': 'token',
'secret': 'secret'
telegraph = {
'token': 'token'
zapier = {
'zapier': 'secret'
Add an `index.md` file to the `~/MyWebsite/content/home` directory.
Finally, change the [settings.py](settings.py) file, like the `base` path and `syncserver` etc. to your needs.
### Run
Execute within the root folder:
For more info, see: `./run -h`.
## Functionalities based on file extensions/names
- **entry_name/index.md**: main entry (YAML + Multimarkdown)
- **entry_name/entry_name.jpg**: photo of photo posts, only for photo posts
- **entry_name/slufigiedtargeturl.ping**: outgoing webmentions
- **entry_name/slugifiedsourceurl.md**: comments and incoming webmentions
- **some_slug.del**: deleted slug, shall return 410
- **another_slug.url**: redirection, contains redirect URL, shall return 301 or 302