Peter Molnar 79af56af9b - mastodon publish added besides "ordinary" (curiosity, for now)
- micropub moved to local from zapier - end of zapier-as-service for micropub experiment; it's too restricted for this purpose, mainly because timeouts on other remote services, such as bookmarks -> wallabag
- added unlinked worldmap view for of posts as early experiment
- added fediverse "stats"
- inlined JSON-LD - the sidecar json file is useless the way it was
- u-photo/u-featured is now out of e-content
- fixed accidentally swapp lon-lat to lat-lon
- added rel-licence to figures for encapsulated licence (future use)
- re-added twitter, added mastodon in footer
2019-10-25 09:43:50 +01:00

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